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Tom Brady: Past present future

D-Que Beats

I have to say it was my first time actually hanging out with tom at a tourney and it was AMAZING lol so many laughs and truth from this man...stop trollin tom so much there is a thin line when too far is too far


Head Cage
Does anyone else think the trolling on tom brady has gotten old and out of hand?

We all want him in our cities

We all want to hang out with him, most of us

We all hate him sometimes

We all love him in the end.

I have a huge rivalry with tom but for us its always fun but i think in a lot of ways people try to purposely hurt him and make an example out of him.

He's a great player, smart fundamentals and huge asset for our community and a face for our community thats more appealing (not looks but ENERGY he brings) than any scene out there

30 years from now when we're not playing this game anymore and your kids are playing games, or grand kids.....you'll think of tom then and realize his true worth as a face to our community.

We all know he's completely nuts sometimes (ie: videos walking around neighborhood yelling and screaming at CITCO gas stations pumping premium) but the fact of the matter is we love it and without him we're half the community.

Also he needs to be on NFG list, there i said it.

Pig out

Just goes to show you how mature the MK9 community really is. They just troll, tease, and ridicule others to the point were that persons life is just damaged/destroyed. This community has A LOT of growing up to do especially since were a part of e-sports.


Just goes to show you how mature the MK9 community really is. They just troll, tease, and ridicule others to the point were that persons life is just damaged/destroyed. This community has A LOT of growing up to do especially since were a part of e-sports.
The same thing happened to tom when he was involved in the Dead or Alive community.. Tom just has a way of pissing people off i guess...

I wonder was fighting came community he will join next, I bet he will become a top player and end up pissing everyone off, then leave that community as well..

Tom Brady

The same thing happened to tom when he was involved in the Dead or Alive community.. Tom just has a way of pissing people off i guess...

I wonder was fighting came community he will join next, I bet he will become a top player and end up pissing everyone off, then leave that community as well..
do not ever put this community in that same sentence.

this community is very good to me, only thing that sucks is the ridiculous double standard. sometimes im literally ripped for being human. i make mistakes, bad reads, i get top but not win, almost top 8 but lose because i lost to another top player, etc etc etc... in my last 8 majors i have been top 4 twice, top 8 twice, top 16 at MLG, and 9th twice. only truely bad showing was FR. my ratio of 70%+ the time slipped to ONLY 50% of the time(like thats bad still) and thats a "slump". wow.. a slump is being top 8 in 50% of the majors you attended in the last year.. its very irritating at times to have any accomplishment downplayed and to be constantly viewed as someone who is not a top player. i wish some of the BS would stop, but thats unrealistic thinking LOL.

the doa community was the result of ONE man (master) trying to black ball me out of everything. keep me off anything televised/stream related then steal my lines, catch phrases, ideas, etc.. and promote them all while bashing me and holding the community hostage for his own benefit.

this post by Eternal shows the public perception of the MKC and myself. like many others, he sees this as the mkc pissed off at me hence it has turned on me. sees it as a situation where i am no longer welcome by the mkc so i'll just leave for another scene.

thanks to Pig Of The Hut for his support and to the support of all my supporters.

no matter what, i am grateful to this community. its me that would be nothing without all of you, not the other way around. I'm blessed to be as welcomed as I am/was, thank you all.. TBH, i've been very lucky and despite the trolling and double standard BS, all of you guys are the best!! I love MK and love the community that supports it!

I hope that at SOME POINT that we can get off the troll train and get back into what matters.. the game. then again, I also hope that Green Lantern has a breaker combo if NRS does a DC fighting game lmao..


Man, Tom can't leave, who would give us new phrases daily then? Honestly, I've met the guy and we didn't really talk (even though we crashed in the same room at Winter Brawl) so I didn't really have a good idea about him. After being on the Woolay show a week ago though, dude can't leave. I mean "Go ahead, baby me, It's a boy..." had me die laughing.

The only problem is that because of Tom being Tom he is in the community spotlight a lot and that makes him a bit of an easy target for trolls. Coupled by how he does tend to overreact sometimes, they just do it to get a rise.

Even so, it'd be sad to see Tom leave this community (though I don't think he will) because he is one of the strong personalities that is responsible for this scene being what it is.
tom and pl are the reason why I play mk seriously. powerup 2011 was the hypest thing i had ever seen. also tom brady helps the community a lot with all his videos. I hope to see more of tom as long as mk9 lives and even continue in mk10 if that ever comes out.

B W1zZ

Tom Brady is the ultimate mack daddy. Listening to him on bradycasts and S1LENT1 show before/around when MK9 first came out is what originally got me interested in offline tournaments.


24 Low Hat!
I hope that at SOME POINT that we can get off the troll train and get back into what matters.. the game.
This is the next step for the community. Going back and just goddamn playing the game for what it is. If we, as a community, dont stop whining for buffs and nerfs and OP characters and ridiculous crap like that, we are going to drive this game into the shitter. This game isnt going to change, no patch no hotfix no nothing so get used to it. Moaning about the current state of things isnt going to fix a damn thing, but practicing and actually learning new strategies and techniques will.

Also, wee need to stop getting so involved with drama. Who the fuck cares whether or not Altaire got a hooker or CDJr is playing Kabal. This website is about competitive MK, not about competitive MK players.

Play to win. <- should be the motto of everyone on this site.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

This is the next step for the community. Going back and just goddamn playing the game for what it is. If we, as a community, dont stop whining for buffs and nerfs and OP characters and ridiculous crap like that, we are going to drive this game into the shitter. This game isnt going to change, no patch no hotfix no nothing so get used to it. Moaning about the current state of things isnt going to fix a damn thing, but practicing and actually learning new strategies and techniques will.

Also, wee need to stop getting so involved with drama. Who the fuck cares whether or not Altaire got a hooker or CDJr is playing Kabal. This website is about competitive MK, not about competitive MK players.

Play to win. <- should be the motto of everyone on this site.
Epic post $.

I love that occasional occasion where hope for the future gleams in through a partly-frozen window crack.
If it wasn't for Tom, I wouldn't have picked up Subzero. I saw him using him at powerup and CEO, and just loved using the character ever since. Plus, he has the most epic catch phrases in this community.

Tom, thanks for everything :D


Xbl: Johnny2Die
We all know he's completely nuts sometimes (ie: videos walking around neighborhood yelling and screaming at CITCO gas stations pumping premium) but the fact of the matter is we love it and without him we're half the community.
A lot of things on this site make me smile or laugh, but this seriously warmed my heart. I love Tom and am glad he is doing well in tourneys and on commentary.

Tom is one of the only commentators that I turn the volume 'UP' for, most others get turned down real quick.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Man, some people should just grow up, that's it

It's not the results in tourneys that count as standards , but, the overall contribution to a fighting game community, that really matters.

People think that it's possible to win all the time, in a super competitive fg as MK9 ?

wow, as Jonnhy Cages says : get out !! Who is fool enough to discredit someone so cool and nice as Tom, for not placing 1st in tourneys, cannot be someone to be heard, in serious tone.

Some guy can place 1st place in a week, in a serious tourney, but, next week, this same guy, can be destroyed in casuals matches, in online matches, or whatever, because there are a lot of good players, that are able to win , even against the best of the best in this game .... but it's hard to some chickenshit scrubs to figure out the logic behind this, so, the mass of ignorance regarding some pseudo pro gamers, just increase .... that is shit, man !

If MK9 some day , might deserve a hall of fame, for the best contributors of this game, and for MK9 game community, no doubt that Tom Brady deserves a high place into that.

Favorite player hands down. He even took the time to come to our humble casual gathering and help us with Raiden and Lao match ups and he played some vanilla mk with us. He ripped our lack of fundamentala apart in the process but we all learned from it. Could listen to this fools stories about Bo Rai Cho breaker/OTG combos all all day.

Sent from Cyberdyne Systems
^This! His reaction to us accidentally playing vanilla mk was fucking hilarious. "Wait wait wait... *picks Kung Lao, does a spin and gets pushed back* MAAAAANNNNNNN"

Tom you kick ass, man. Can't wait to play you again. I'll try to resist fishing for babies trololol ;)