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Tom Brady: Past present future


Dojo Trainee
I love seeing and hearing from Tom. All streams are better when he's on them. All matches are more hype when he is in them. I could go on but I'll stop there.


Loses to uppercuts
Tom is the face of the community. I love hearing him commentate and love watchinghim fight. Much thanks to Tom "the bomb" Brady.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Tom Brady = the ultimate MK9 hero.

Whoever talk bad, mock and try to troll the dude, ends being an "natural born childish asshole" ... hehe :p

Leave Tom alone, the guy helps people here and gives golden value contribution to MK9 competitive communit, and even this way, funboys trolls still try to provoke and put him down, oh my .... :confused:

Tom = MK9 community face



I've always appreciated what he has done for the MK9 community and never had any negative feelings towards him.

He's an excellent player, knows EVERYTHING about the game, is one of the best commentators and creates lot of hype.

Keep it up Tom Brady!


I think it's ironic you make this thread when you have been a big part of the trolling.

No matter how many times he denies it he cares too much what random people think of him which is sad.

If it wasn't for him neither me nor this game would be as developed as is. His collaboration with S1lent1 shed the light on all the MK related websites for me.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

He is the hat-less Paul Heyman of MK.
He's nuts, he's outspoken, he drives people crazy, but he's probably THE most dedicated person MK has to its credit, a brilliant player, strategist and Kombative mind, one of most awesome people I've ever gotten to meet, hang and crash with at shows, and this community would be a lot less awesome/would never be the same without him.

He da besssss.

G4S Ermacio

Orbs... Orbs everywhere
dude tom brady is the reason me and my friends started playin mk9 this is now a big part of our lives and an oppurtunity to meet new friends. this is something that me and my friends have all thanks to tom :D <333

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I probably would have given up on Sub-Zero if we didn't have Tom Brady.

Instead, I have now made goals for myself as a Sub-Zero player that I am looking to achieve.


Kneel before me
We should all aim to baby every Tom Brady troll :mad: ...the dude deserves respect! I luv watching him on streams.. his living guide was what helped me progress till I found tym.. Tom Brady my hats off to you sir....respect


End Of Humanity
Well when I started to play mk9 my main was subby . I was searching on YT for mk9 sub zero videos and I found tom bradys subby :D Ive learned so much from him and ofc this videos brught me here on this site :D


Tom is a huge asset to the kommunity, and that's by far a grand understatement. I'm not sure what his arrangement with MLG is, but I'm really happy they picked him up.


cr. HP Master
I was searching around on youtube for MK videos awhile back and I stumbled across the video, "Tom Brady teaches you how to fight Kung Lao." I think this was pre patch so it helped out a bunch...those videos eventually led me here. EVERYONE wants Tom on the mic at tournaments because he is entertaining and informative. MLG picked him up for a reason...they know what they're doing.


Dude..... Tom is the man....
We all know Tom is the man......
The reason people hate is because they know Tom is the man.....

And after all the drama, saltstorms and shit talking..... guess what?

Tom is still the man.



PTH|RM Relaxedstate
I think I have discovered the truth behind the trolling wars.
REO is secretly jealous of Tom Brady!
Tom currently holds the greatest achievement in this game: He was so good with Sub-zero that he single handily got the character nerfed.

REO also desires this claim to fame so he has begun the Kabal renaissance. His continuous overhyping of Kabal, and full well knowing that the sheep on TYM will back his claims, he could effectivly have a real shot at this.

Either that or REO is just bored with the constant under-leveledness of the community and likes to stir the pot. Seeing how riled up he can get everyone. He feeds of the cry babies.

Conspiracy theory!?! Only time will tell lmao


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Tom is Jesus.

Only thing he needs is the long hair just like him.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Favorite player hands down. He even took the time to come to our humble casual gathering and help us with Raiden and Lao match ups and he played some vanilla mk with us. He ripped our lack of fundamentala apart in the process but we all learned from it. Could listen to this fools stories about Bo Rai Cho breaker/OTG combos all all day.

Sent from Cyberdyne Systems
Does anyone else think the trolling on tom brady has gotten old and out of hand?

We all want him in our cities

We all want to hang out with him, most of us

We all hate him sometimes

We all love him in the end.

I have a huge rivalry with tom but for us its always fun but i think in a lot of ways people try to purposely hurt him and make an example out of him.

He's a great player, smart fundamentals and huge asset for our community and a face for our community thats more appealing (not looks but ENERGY he brings) than any scene out there

30 years from now when we're not playing this game anymore and your kids are playing games, or grand kids.....you'll think of tom then and realize his true worth as a face to our community.

We all know he's completely nuts sometimes (ie: videos walking around neighborhood yelling and screaming at CITCO gas stations pumping premium) but the fact of the matter is we love it and without him we're half the community.

Also he needs to be on NFG list, there i said it.

Pig out

I agree man. Tom is the reason I got into competitive mk. Back when he was posting about everything on tym and the living guide. I've gone through the phases of lovin him to hatin him and back again. Myself and my teammates wouldn't be where we r without him. I really wish the trolling would at least lighten up. Yea he makes for a good laugh when "Tom Brady" comes out and bashes the game or other players but at the end of the day he admits to his trolling and joins in on the laughing. Mkc would be nothing if he wasn't a part of it, I don't care what anybody says.

Sent from my LG-US670 using Tapatalk 2


missiles are coming
I can't speak for any region outside the north east and mid Atlantic, but the only two people that by leaving would lessen the tournament experience would be 9.95 and NordicNinja.

Obviously we all have our personal friends that if they would leave, we would too; I plan on doing so if AC1984 moves and Kevo quits.

But outside Phil and Steve, no one person is that important to the community.