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The Official Kabal Crybaby Thread


Go to hell.
I remember when we thought Smoke sucked and CSZ was S tier. I'm not convinced Kabal will still be the best character in a couple of months.

If he is still so dominant, oh well, Halo 4 is coming out.


You know, Ive known REO for a long time, longer than 99% of you have. 3 years ago 9.95 and I brought him into the tournament scene. Long before he was an MK9 megastar, before he was even known in UMK3 Phil,Shock,Summoning and I knew he was going to be big. Everything hes done hasnt been a surprise to us at all because we knew way back then what he was gonna do. How did we know? Well of course he had amazing talent, but there are alot of people who have amazing talent in our community, they havent all done what REO has. So what sets him apart? What sets CD jr apart? Are they really that much better than everyone else?
Well, yes they are. But not because they do things that other players cannot. The biggest reason is the mental state they operate in. The biggest reason they win is because that is exactly whats most important to them, winning.
How many of us go into a tournament saying to ourselves, "Hey Il be happy if I dont go two and out." or "If I can get into top 8 Il feel like Ive accomplished something." Alot of us have, including myself. When I played the game competitively I always made at least top 20 and thought I gave a decent account of myself. We set these goals for ourselves and are pleasantly surprised when we surpass them.
But with a player like REO, its totally different. REO wouldnt even understand the above two lines of thought. He wouldnt even be able to compute them, they would make no sense to him whatsoever. He would scratch his head and say "Whats the point of entering a tournament if your goal isnt to win the whole thing?" Because winning is hardwired into him.
Players like REO whos only concern is winning do everything they can to increase their chances of winning. Every edge is sought, every advantage is exploited. Kabal is the best character in the game, REO agrees with this as well as nearly every top player. Why wouldnt he use him? Because the stream wants some variety? Nonsense. REO's job isnt to entertain the stream, his job is to win. And not just win, but win at all costs.
CD jr has almost the same kind of thought process as REO. As perhaps the best player in the country it would be negligent of him NOT to at least have a high level of understanding of Kabal if not main him. CD jr wants to win and being able to use Kabal at a high level along with the inate talents in the game he already possesses will surely help him continue his winning ways.
People may not like seeing Kabal,Kabal,Kabal all the time but that can hardly be said to be REO or CD jr's fault. They are just using the best tools available to them to win. If you want to point your finger at anyone, point it at NRS. It is they who made the character as good as he is.


I don't understand how people don't get excited when they see Kabal. When I pull off a bunch of crazy pressure, and am doing real well I feel accomplished with that character because I know it's frustrating to get an input bug with this bullshit. I think some more players would care, others not.. I'm just saying it would be an exciting sight for a one time and only.. Not going to happen though.
Its just opinion. Personally, Kabal and Nightwolf are very boring to me. I didn't like them in mk3, and I dont like them now. Theyre who cares characters for me, and I'd not miss them if they were gone.


Cold day in hell...
You know, Ive known REO for a long time, longer than 99% of you have. 3 years ago 9.95 and I brought him into the tournament scene. Long before he was an MK9 megastar, before he was even known in UMK3 Phil,Shock,Summoning and I knew he was going to be big. Everything hes done hasnt been a surprise to us at all because we knew way back then what he was gonna do. How did we know? Well of course he had amazing talent, but there are alot of people who have amazing talent in our community, they havent all done what REO has. So what sets him apart? What sets CD jr apart? Are they really that much better than everyone else?
Well, yes they are. But not because they do things that other players cannot. The biggest reason is the mental state they operate in. The biggest reason they win is because that is exactly whats most important to them, winning.
How many of us go into a tournament saying to ourselves, "Hey Il be happy if I dont go two and out." or "If I can get into top 8 Il feel like Ive accomplished something." Alot of us have, including myself. When I played the game competitively I always made at least top 20 and thought I gave a decent account of myself. We set these goals far ourselves and our pleasantly surprised when we surpass them.
But with a player like REO, its totally different. REO wouldnt even understand the above two lines of thought. He wouldnt even be able to compute them, they would make no sense to him whatsoever. He would scratch his head and say "Whats the point of entering a tournament if your goal isnt to win the whole thing?" Because winning is hardwired into him.
Players like REO whos only concern is winning do everything they can to increase their chances of winning. Every edge is sought, every advantage is exploited. Kabal is the best character in the game, REO agrees with this as well as nearly every top player. Why wouldnt he use him? Because the stream wants some variety? Nonsense. REO's job isnt to entertain the stream, his job is to win. And not just win, but win at all costs.
CD jr has almost the same kind of thought process as REO. As perhaps the best player in the country it would be negligent of him NOT to at least have a high level of understanding of Kabal if not main him. CD jr wants to win and being able to use Kabal at a high level along with the inate talents in the game he already possesses will surely help him continue his winning ways.
People may not like seeing Kabal,Kabal,Kabal all the time but that can hardly be said to be REO or CD jr's fault. They are just using the best tools available to them to win. If you want to point your finger at anyone, point it at NRS. It is they who made the character as good as he is.
Then they actually do need to nerf him. You are exactly right. A top player will do what gives him the best chance to win. As bad as I hate to say it because I don't like the crybaby nerf this nerf that mentality I agree with it if it helps the future of the game in the competitive scene. If nobody wants to play it because their options are Kabal or pray for a miracle then our numbers decline further. If people don't want to watch because all they will see is Kabal that isn't the fault of the tournament players that they chose to pick up the biggest gun when they went to the fight. If somehow we could have one final update to this game, I don't care if it's post EVO since I know if they updated now people would have a fit, it doesn't need to be earthshaking changes. Just a couple small things to bring Kabal down to the tier below him making a top tier that consists of more than one character, and some buffs to the worst characters in the game to give them a shot at being more viable...

All of this being said I haven't given up the hope that someone can dethrone the monster and find at least one matchup he definitely loses.


You know, Ive known REO for a long time, longer than 99% of you have. 3 years ago 9.95 and I brought him into the tournament scene. Long before he was an MK9 megastar, before he was even known in UMK3 Phil,Shock,Summoning and I knew he was going to be big. Everything hes done hasnt been a surprise to us at all because we knew way back then what he was gonna do. How did we know? Well of course he had amazing talent, but there are alot of people who have amazing talent in our community, they havent all done what REO has. So what sets him apart? What sets CD jr apart? Are they really that much better than everyone else?
Well, yes they are. But not because they do things that other players cannot. The biggest reason is the mental state they operate in. The biggest reason they win is because that is exactly whats most important to them, winning.
How many of us go into a tournament saying to ourselves, "Hey Il be happy if I dont go two and out." or "If I can get into top 8 Il feel like Ive accomplished something." Alot of us have, including myself. When I played the game competitively I always made at least top 20 and thought I gave a decent account of myself. We set these goals far ourselves and our pleasantly surprised when we surpass them.
But with a player like REO, its totally different. REO wouldnt even understand the above two lines of thought. He wouldnt even be able to compute them, they would make no sense to him whatsoever. He would scratch his head and say "Whats the point of entering a tournament if your goal isnt to win the whole thing?" Because winning is hardwired into him.
Players like REO whos only concern is winning do everything they can to increase their chances of winning. Every edge is sought, every advantage is exploited. Kabal is the best character in the game, REO agrees with this as well as nearly every top player. Why wouldnt he use him? Because the stream wants some variety? Nonsense. REO's job isnt to entertain the stream, his job is to win. And not just win, but win at all costs.
CD jr has almost the same kind of thought process as REO. As perhaps the best player in the country it would be negligent of him NOT to at least have a high level of understanding of Kabal if not main him. CD jr wants to win and being able to use Kabal at a high level along with the inate talents in the game he already possesses will surely help him continue his winning ways.
People may not like seeing Kabal,Kabal,Kabal all the time but that can hardly be said to be REO or CD jr's fault. They are just using the best tools available to them to win. If you want to point your finger at anyone, point it at NRS. It is they who made the character as good as he is.
This man should be poster of the year. Brilliant read as always, Rob.

Most of these people think I play this game for fame, money, or other reason that couldn't be more wrong. I've been playing with this mentality BEFORE MK ever had a huge tournament scene. I was playing MK:A 5 years ago with the same thought process, abusing the hell out of Sareena with no worry of what others thought. Same with MKDC and MK games after that.

MK becoming extremely popular or dying isn't going to change the way I play their games. I'm a fan of the series and will always be. Hate, cry, complain, or whatever. I could care less and so should players like Jr who want to win. I break and expose characters. It's usually me who is the first one to find the best character in an MK game. It's what I do and will continue to do with MK games as it's what I enjoy most.


Hey look, another hollow thread by reo that will undoubtedly get 7,000 replies.

I'm sick of seeing these threads from reo every two days about how he is getting respect, nobody understands anything but him and his pals, stfu and play Kabal, blah blah. If I made this thread it would have been shut down in mins.

Reo, Bro. You cry on these boards more than anyone. I mean fucking anyone. You get all hurt anytime some says something about Kabal, vsm, or anything that you can somehow trace back to yourself. I legit think you have a social or emotional disorder.

This a competitive mk site that deals with the game and its players. Don't be surprised when us lowly peasants offer our opinions. Maybe you should make your own web site like elitistpricks.org.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2


You know, Ive known REO for a long time, longer than 99% of you have. 3 years ago 9.95 and I brought him into the tournament scene. Long before he was an MK9 megastar, before he was even known in UMK3 Phil,Shock,Summoning and I knew he was going to be big. Everything hes done hasnt been a surprise to us at all because we knew way back then what he was gonna do. How did we know? Well of course he had amazing talent, but there are alot of people who have amazing talent in our community, they havent all done what REO has. So what sets him apart? What sets CD jr apart? Are they really that much better than everyone else?
Well, yes they are. But not because they do things that other players cannot. The biggest reason is the mental state they operate in. The biggest reason they win is because that is exactly whats most important to them, winning.
How many of us go into a tournament saying to ourselves, "Hey Il be happy if I dont go two and out." or "If I can get into top 8 Il feel like Ive accomplished something." Alot of us have, including myself. When I played the game competitively I always made at least top 20 and thought I gave a decent account of myself. We set these goals for ourselves and are pleasantly surprised when we surpass them.
But with a player like REO, its totally different. REO wouldnt even understand the above two lines of thought. He wouldnt even be able to compute them, they would make no sense to him whatsoever. He would scratch his head and say "Whats the point of entering a tournament if your goal isnt to win the whole thing?" Because winning is hardwired into him.
Players like REO whos only concern is winning do everything they can to increase their chances of winning. Every edge is sought, every advantage is exploited. Kabal is the best character in the game, REO agrees with this as well as nearly every top player. Why wouldnt he use him? Because the stream wants some variety? Nonsense. REO's job isnt to entertain the stream, his job is to win. And not just win, but win at all costs.
CD jr has almost the same kind of thought process as REO. As perhaps the best player in the country it would be negligent of him NOT to at least have a high level of understanding of Kabal if not main him. CD jr wants to win and being able to use Kabal at a high level along with the inate talents in the game he already possesses will surely help him continue his winning ways.
People may not like seeing Kabal,Kabal,Kabal all the time but that can hardly be said to be REO or CD jr's fault. They are just using the best tools available to them to win. If you want to point your finger at anyone, point it at NRS. It is they who made the character as good as he is.
No one is faulting his mindset. I'm just wondering, does he want to win $35k, or $100?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
My suggestion: All balance changes go back to v1.04 but keep the glitches out.Tom Brady will be very happy and stop the character roller coaster , I'll be happy with my awesome elbow dash and awesome Raiden teleport and PL will have a chance to win tournaments again.
With that patch back, Skarlet would have her Slide/Slash glich back, and she would be broken as fuck


Hey look, another hollow thread by reo that will undoubtedly get 7,000 replies.

I'm sick of seeing these threads from reo every two days about how he is getting respect, nobody understands anything but him and his pals, stfu and play Kabal, blah blah. If I made this thread it would have been shut down in mins.

Reo, Bro. You cry on these boards more than anyone. I mean fucking anyone. You get all hurt anytime some says something about Kabal, vsm, or anything that you can somehow trace back to yourself. I legit think you have a social or emotional disorder.

This a competitive mk site that deals with the game and its players. Don't be surprised when us lowly peasants offer our opinions. Maybe you should make your own web site like elitistpricks.org.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2
Oh, look. It's another post bashing me from this lovely user named Treadmill. This is what? The 8th time you posted something along these lines in one of my threads?

Continue doing so as I enjoy reading them.


The bigger money is more a result of the scene growing. But REO was still playing like REO back when we had 20 man UMK3 tourneys for $5 a pop. REO would still be breaking games in his room for no money. Thats just how he plays.
Thats fine, he loves the game. So do I. But if you want a bigger scene, a broken game doesn't help, and neither does shitting on fans.