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The Official: Show off your new Signature/Wallpaper thread


where was you Saturday? you m2/MKF'd out on us, man :(
lol "MKF'd out on us". Well the reason I couldn't actually come was because I didn't have any money to enter with. Would have came if I wasn't broke. Next time I'll be there. I do plan on going to the offline casuals for SSFIV Cleveland WSMS that held every thursdays. All I need to do is get my hands on a Xbox 360 controller lol.

I do plan on making it to the next one like that and promise I will come.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
lol "MKF'd out on us". Well the reason I couldn't actually come was because I didn't have any money to enter with. Would have came if I wasn't broke. Next time I'll be there. I do plan on going to the offline casuals for SSFIV Cleveland WSMS that held every thursdays. All I need to do is get my hands on a Xbox 360 controller lol.

I do plan on making it to the next one like that and promise I will come.
ahh man, dont let that factor in to not coming. come to watch, play casuals, hell, i would have payed for you!!!

but yes, next time and you should definitely come down to SB5 in October here in C-Bus :)


ahh man, dont let that factor in to not coming. come to watch, play casuals, hell, i would have payed for you!!!

but yes, next time and you should definitely come down to SB5 in October here in C-Bus :)
I'll definitely be there next time. Should had asked you if you would pay for me lol didn't know you would do that.

Next one will have UMK3 and SSFIV correct?


Captain America. Anyone who likes it, can have it.


Good shit, Emerio.

where was you Saturday? you m2/MKF'd out on us, man :(

lol "MKF'd out on us". Well the reason I couldn't actually come was because I didn't have any money to enter with. Would have came if I wasn't broke. Next time I'll be there. I do plan on going to the offline casuals for SSFIV Cleveland WSMS that held every thursdays. All I need to do is get my hands on a Xbox 360 controller lol.

I do plan on making it to the next one like that and promise I will come.
Yeah dude, if you want to make it out to an event, don't hesitate. I would have also payed for you, Mike.

This is one of the reasons MKE was created. To give MK players the opportunity to be a part of something bigger, and thats the tourney scene.

Good luck next time man! And good shit for making an effort. :top:

ahh man, dont let that factor in to not coming. come to watch, play casuals, hell, i would have payed for you!!!

but yes, next time and you should definitely come down to SB5 in October here in C-Bus :)
Tims the man! :top:


This is one of the reasons MKE was created. To give MK players the opportunity to be a part of something bigger, and thats the tourney scene.
Fuckin' A.

Our ideas & my ECT2 experience (my first offline tournament)... = MKE.

Anyway, back to topic. :)


that is seriously the hottest Kitana I've ever seen...

Also, here is my wifes new sig she made last night. Keep in mind, she is faily new to PS abd doesnt know too much. This sig took her about 4 hours roughly....she was proud of it.