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What is Wrong With These People!? - The U.S. Politics Discussion Thread

Only super radical leftists say that the constitution is an evolving document? Seriously, count the amendments and see how full of shit you are. Many of those were added long after its final draft in 1787. Those are all changes that needed to be made to adapt with the times, thereby thoroughly invalidating your bogus assertion that it ever was anywhere near perfect.

No one said anything about the NDAA and Fast and Furious (at least the former of which, in its current form, is the death knell to nearly half of the constitution, as I have come to know). We were talking about the 2nd amendment. I was merely illustrating how vacuous your statement "I'm for the constitution" is.

Holder is an idiot (and a massive hypocrite, apparently), but he, like Obama, are both men of so many mixed principles that it's difficult to place them anywhere on the political spectrum, but even knowing that, the charge that either of them are radical left is laughable on its face. And if you seriously feel threatened by this campaign of his to de-glamorize gun culture, you clearly haven't been following this administration very well, nor do you seem to know anything about human behavior. Think back at all of the anti-drug PSA's that were floating around in the 80's and 90's. Watch Cartoon All Stars to the Rescue if you haven't already, it's so delightfully corny and terrible. Guess what? Even after all of that, people are STILL using drugs! Shocker!

And do you know what else? Even if this "brainwashing" campaign of Holder's gets past the GOP's pissing and moaning, that's going to be as effectual as a kitten fart. Know why? Because guns are fun as hell to shoot!


My blades will find your heart
It would be nice, but I`ll believe it when I actually see it happen.

""I will tell you that I don't believe in gay marriage, but I do think that people who are gay and lesbian should be treated with dignity and respect and that the state should not discriminate against them," said Obama on Sunday. "So, I believe in civil unions that allow a same-sex couple to visit each other in a hospital or transfer property to each other. I don't think it should be called marriage, but I think that it is a legal right that they should have that is recognized by the state. If people find that controversial then I would just refer them to the Sermon on the Mount, which I think is, in my mind, for my faith, more central than an obscure passage in Romans. That's my view.""
"I think it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think that same sex couples should be able to get married"

Word for word what he said. Fun fact, he said the same thing back in 1996, but became a little more moderate on the subject back when he was first running for office. And if you really blame him for that, then you have no idea how politics actually work.


Only super radical leftists say that the constitution is an evolving document? Seriously, count the amendments and see how full of shit you are. Many of those were added long after its final draft in 1787. Those are all changes that needed to be made to adapt with the times, thereby thoroughly invalidating your bogus assertion that it ever was anywhere near perfect.

No one said anything about the NDAA and Fast and Furious (at least the former of which, in its current form, is the death knell to nearly half of the constitution, as I have come to know). We were talking about the 2nd amendment. I was merely illustrating how vacuous your statement "I'm for the constitution" is.

Holder is an idiot (and a massive hypocrite, apparently), but he, like Obama, are both men of so many mixed principles that it's difficult to place them anywhere on the political spectrum, but even knowing that, the charge that either of them are radical left is laughable on its face. And if you seriously feel threatened by this campaign of his to de-glamorize gun culture, you clearly haven't been following this administration very well, nor do you seem to know anything about human behavior. Think back at all of the anti-drug PSA's that were floating around in the 80's and 90's. Watch Cartoon All Stars to the Rescue if you haven't already, it's so delightfully corny and terrible. Guess what? Even after all of that, people are STILL using drugs! Shocker!

And do you know what else? Even if this "brainwashing" campaign of Holder's gets past the GOP's pissing and moaning, that's going to be as effectual as a kitten fart. Know why? Because guns are fun as hell to shoot!

You claimed that there was no assault on the second amendment. The President of Mexico Felipe Calderón has the nerve to come to the United States and lecture our Congress about the assault weapons ban, blaming our second amendment for the violence in Mexico, and they give him a round of applause.

Operation Fast and Furious ties into this because our Department of Justice (DOJ) lead by Eric Holder was caught shipping thousands of guns (including hand grenades) into Mexico, deliberately into the hands of criminals in an attempt to demonize the second amendment of the United States. Some of these guns were used to kill cops. I don't watch mainstream news anymore I'm not sure if they go this far, wikipedia didn't. But it doesn't take much brain power to put 2 and 2 together.

Yeah, Eric Holder might be an "idiot," but now he's in power.

Another radical anti second amendment video. Former Obama administration Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel saying if he thinks "maybe you are a possible terrorist," your right to bare arms is canceled. No jury no trial. Thank god he's only mayor of Chicago now.

One more thing, if you don't think the second amendment is under assault, try buying a gun in California. The first amendment is under assault with all these internet censorship bills, when one gets shot down it gets reintroduced with another name. The fourth amendment is under assault with the TSA groping people including small children, don't make me post countless videos of this, cause they just don't look right and are hard for me to watch without blowing a fuse.
nwo: Your patience must have been bursting at the seams to put this together.

It's pointless for you to bring up the argument of the fourth amendment. I know it's not worth the paper it's printed on anymore. And the first is practically hanging by a thread, particularly the freedom of the press (because the NDAA basically says that journalists are consorting with the enemy when they're merely in contact with one of their sources who happens to be a member of a terrorist organization. You know, shoot the messenger, and all of that). My point still stands that your statement "I'm for the constitution" is vacuous and stupid, because who the fuck isn't? It's not a perfect, infallible document, and it could still use some reworking, but right now it's the best thing we have. And just because it's under attack by the powers that be, that doesn't mean you have the right to be an asshat and say that you're for the constitution in a way that suggests that no one else is.

I see you still exhibit smug pretense in that you enlightened me on what Fast and Furious was, even though I fully acknowledged what a hypocrite Holder is, so nice to know that hasn't changed.

Regarding Calderón's speech, put yourself in his shoes. If you were president of a country that was routinely plagued by roving drug cartels who flex their muscle in the form of arms smuggled in by a neighboring nation, wouldn't you want something to be done about it? Or can you not see beyond the insular, nuance-free bubble that you've created for yourself? The whole purpose of "2nd amendment champions" like the NRA is to protect gun manufacturers so they can sell any kind of gun to whoever they want, regardless of mental stability, criminal background, or affiliation. They don't give a shit about protecting the rights of gun owners. Without the assault weapons ban (not that I'm necessarily one to defend it, as I believe it's a step too far), it's only natural to assume that smuggling weapons into Mexico becomes even easier, because as I already stated gun manufacturers don't care who they sell to, it's all about the money. It's not easy to come up with a middle-ground that satisfies both parties here. How do you stop weapon smuggling without making it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to purchase the weapons they want?

Rahm Emanuel is a right-wing authoritarian piece of shit, anyway, so I would expect that kind of bullshit from him. You needn't worry your pretty little head, though. A lot of Emanuel's ideas may have been put into practice by this administration, but none of this amounts to anything, not even Fast and Furious. The NRA lobby is too strong. California, Illinois, DC, and Wisconsin may have the strictest gun laws in the country (which actually seems inconsistent with the liberal position because they're authoritarian as hell), but overall the US is still one of the most gun-friendly countries on the planet, and will likely continue to be so. Now quit your bitching and pass the ammo.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@Zoid, you say Christianity almost as if it's evil or something...lol

Let's face it, if that happens be fair and separate ALL religions Christianity, Muslim and Jewish religion etc.
The second amendment is a loose interpretation of it in the modern day, it has a totally different meaning now than it did when it was created.


My blades will find your heart
@Zoid, you say Christianity almost as if it's evil or something...lol

Let's face it, if that happens be fair and separate ALL religions Christianity, Muslim and Jewish religion etc.
Oh yes, I want ALL religion to be gone from politics. But in our society christianity is the biggest pain in the ass, at leats from my perspective.
Oh yes, I want ALL religion to be gone from politics. But in our society christianity is the biggest pain in the ass, at leats from my perspective.
It's frustrating just how many ways there are to misuse religion to justify people's petty prejudices. If there is a god out there who actually does give a shit about us, I'm sure he's been shaking his head in despair for many thousands of years now.

"I think it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think that same sex couples should be able to get married"

Word for word what he said. Fun fact, he said the same thing back in 1996, but became a little more moderate on the subject back when he was first running for office. And if you really blame him for that, then you have no idea how politics actually work.
"No good deed goes unpunished"

Here in the UK we have 'civil partnerships' for same-sex couples, which unfortunately somewhat acts against the campaign for same-sex marriage because loads of people say "We already have civil partnerships, therefore we don't need marriage" *sigh*


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@Zoid, I agree with you on religion and politics need to be separated, but not that christianity is the worst though. If anything it's the better one in a lot of ways because there hasn't been war over it like there has with muslim and jews on the other side for how many years now? lol It's crazy.

I think majority over the world may be Christian or some form of it but since the ancient Romans, there really hasn't been much violence around it. Which is always a good thing. I think society in general needs to respect others religions too but that's another story.


In AMERICA, Christianity has the biggest influence and is constantly trying to chip at our laws to make it the exclusive/dominant religion, and that's what he's referring to.

What does Christianity being the most popular religion have to do with anything?


Cock Master!!
@Zoid, I agree with you on religion and politics need to be separated, but not that christianity is the worst though. If anything it's the better one in a lot of ways because there hasn't been war over it like there has with muslim and jews on the other side for how many years now? lol It's crazy.

I think majority over the world may be Christian or some form of it but since the ancient Romans, there really hasn't been much violence around it. Which is always a good thing. I think society in general needs to respect others religions too but that's another story.

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk


This thread is called "What is wrong with these people?" I don't mean to change the discussion, but I came across this video and I almost thought it was a fake. Hillary Clinton adopts fake southern accent.



My blades will find your heart
Those Crusades were just a bit of angry finger pointing right MKF?
Great point hahaha

Not to mention the Reformations and Religious civil wars in europe. Or the Spanish Inquisition, or the St Bartholomews day massacre, or Bloody Mary. I mean come on, in the 1500s and 1600s christians persecuted and killed millions of other christians and religions. You cannot just ignore all of that.

Also that had nothing to do with what I was referring to, which is religion in AMERICA IN POLITICS. And in that Christiamity has prevented so much progress that is is truly saddening.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
@Zoid, I agree with you on religion and politics need to be separated, but not that christianity is the worst though. If anything it's the better one in a lot of ways because there hasn't been war over it like there has with muslim and jews on the other side for how many years now? lol It's crazy.

I think majority over the world may be Christian or some form of it but since the ancient Romans, there really hasn't been much violence around it. Which is always a good thing. I think society in general needs to respect others religions too but that's another story.
What is wrong with you? Seriously. You just spew ignorant garbage through your pores. Ever hear of the Crusades? Have you even gone to school? We learned this shit in elementary school.

Seriously man, what is your major malfunction? I have never read such unfiltered ignorant bullshit spewing forth from another human being in my entire life. Please avoid ANY adult conversations in the future.

Here, let me fucking google that for you.
http://lmgtfy.com/?q=christian crusades