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Strategy Sindel ~ General Strategies/INFO/Questions


Cock Master!!
My favorite Sindel player from Japan is back! :D
DanCock & Mr. Mileena I hope you like him as much as I.
He makes the Kabal vs. Sindel MU seem like 5-5 lol

um not to be a jerk but that kabal makes the sindel match up with kabal look like 7-3 sindel.. watch reos kabal, balln, kevothe man etc i played all the best kabals and this one in the video is not good at all. i stopped watching when the kabal player was actually scared of sindels zoning vs kabals zoning.. kabal out zones her its so annoying.


This one's for you
He's at -6 afterward so you can get some chip damage or a throw, but if you read the tele ahead of time you could jump forward low fireball


Scrub Sindel Player
You guys may laugh but...

I play online (only - no one in real life to play), so I have to deal with a lot of Scorpions and Noob Saibots and Smokes.

At first I got destroyed by their teleports, but now I've consistently expected and successfully blocked them. I usually Jump-Kick Noob Saibot's because I don't think you can block it.

The issue I have is that once I block their teleport, what is the best combo to initiate to punish (I think I'm using that term correctly).

What is the best way to punish Scoprion's teleport (once you've blocked it)?

What is the best way to punish Smoke's teleport (once you've blocked it)?

Also, any tips for Sektor and Mileena teleports? Mileena's destroy me and and Sektor's is pretty fast.



You guys may laugh but...

I play online (only - no one in real life to play), so I have to deal with a lot of Scorpions and Noob Saibots and Smokes.

At first I got destroyed by their teleports, but now I've consistently expected and successfully blocked them. I usually Jump-Kick Noob Saibot's because I don't think you can block it.

The issue I have is that once I block their teleport, what is the best combo to initiate to punish (I think I'm using that term correctly).

What is the best way to punish Scoprion's teleport (once you've blocked it)?

What is the best way to punish Smoke's teleport (once you've blocked it)?

Also, any tips for Sektor and Mileena teleports? Mileena's destroy me and and Sektor's is pretty fast.

The next time you think Noob Saibot is going to teleport, duck without blocking. I promise you, it wont hit, and you can full punish.

Smoke is hard because of shake which kills Sindels projectile onslaught. You can punish Smokes blocked teleport with a regular scream or 31 scream, F12 hair whip and I "think" you can even go B2F3, scream into a full combo.


Scrub Sindel Player
I will try that, Flagg.

It's funny, cuz you have the players who spam teles and players who seem to forget they have them x)

My game has improved so much since I started lurking these forums. Thanks again.


Let's see how long this lasts...
1) You can block Noob's teleportslam.

2) For all teleports or any special move (Except Mileena) that results in your opponent being a big ball in the air after being blocked can be punished with which ever B3, F2 combo you normally do. What I do is B3F2, Scream, JiP, B3F2, dash, B12, dash, 111, Hairwhip/Step up. If that is too hard start off with doing F12, Hairwhip/Step up at the end instead of B12, 111, Hairwhip/Step up. If doing B3F2, Scream from the start of the combo is too hard just do everything after that until you get it down.

3) Sektor's normal teleport punch is like all the other specials mentioned in 2). His EnTeleport Punch is much safer and I honestly can't punish it.

4) For Mileena after a blocked normal teleport kick, I try to do 1, Scream, JiP, [Insert the rest of the combo you do from 2)]. Problem with this is that it's not always the same timing on the 1 since she can do her sais after the telekick. Her EnTeleport Kick is a different beast all together. You have to block low on the second hit and I presume you can punish it with d1, EnScream. I'm unsure of this since I'm ass at this game and fail to punish her EnTeleport Kick all the time haha xD.

Note: I'm not the best Sindel player in the world so, while this could be helpful I'm sure better players will appear with better info but, I do what I can haha :p


You guys may laugh but...

I play online (only - no one in real life to play), so I have to deal with a lot of Scorpions and Noob Saibots and Smokes.

At first I got destroyed by their teleports, but now I've consistently expected and successfully blocked them. I usually Jump-Kick Noob Saibot's because I don't think you can block it.

The issue I have is that once I block their teleport, what is the best combo to initiate to punish (I think I'm using that term correctly).

What is the best way to punish Scoprion's teleport (once you've blocked it)?

What is the best way to punish Smoke's teleport (once you've blocked it)?

Also, any tips for Sektor and Mileena teleports? Mileena's destroy me and and Sektor's is pretty fast.

You can do a full combo punish on pretty much every teleport (unless it's an enhanced one that's generally safe). If the character rolls into a ball you have more than enough time to get the most damage possible.

b3f2, db2, jip, b3f2, dash, f12, df2 - 37%
This combo makes it impossible for the opponent to roll due to the properties of the hairwhip. It has its uses. You still have to deal with wakeup attacks. This one is very easy to do, even online.

If you're doing this combo and you happen to land your opponent near the corner, you can do this:
b3f2, db2, jip, b3f2, 311 ddu (levitate cancel) df3. This does 35% damage AND forces the opponent restand. This means you don't have to deal with a wakeup move. If your opponent is already in the corner then you have to sacrifice the jip. That only takes away 3% damage from the combo though.

If you want to sacrifice a bit more damage but remove the opponent's wakeup game, you can do the following:

b3f2, db2, jip, 311 ddu (levitate cancel) df1. This does 28% damage, pushes the opponent full screen, and forces them to restand.

There are other punishes but I would say those are the best ones (there is a slightly more damaging combo but you risk dropping it more). You CAN try to do some mixups as well, which may or may not work in your favor. I think that's a bit advanced for you at this point though. I would try to learn the best damaging punishes first before we jump into that realm.

All of the above works for Raiden superman, Scorp tele, Noob tele (yes, you can block this!), Smoke tele, Sektor tele, Quan Chi tele, Kano ball, etc. Basically, if the opponent rolls up, you can do this punish.

It won't work fully against Mileena's roll though. Just do a 1~db2 and follow up from there. Mileena's teleport in general is trickier to punish since it can be delayed. B12 combos work depending on the situation. B12, 1, scream, jip, 21 cartwheel works. You can end the 21 into anything you want. You can levi cancel it into a mixup if you know how to do that. Standing 1~db2 works against a blocked tele as well, but again, it depends on how you catch Mileena after she delays the tele with a sai. The EX teleport is a bit different. I wouldn't even try punishing it online. But you can do a d1 into an ex db2 or just a df2. The timing is difficult when there's a delay.


Revenant Jade
how do you punish Sektor's EX tele? d1 or d4 scream/hair works?
I've heard from 16Bit that IF you predict that Sektor will do his Ex Teleport Uppercut ahead of time, you can jump up straight then njp combo punish Sektor. I haven't tested it out yet in Practice Mode but if it works consistently then he will be easy like you can njp combo punish Sonya's Ex Cartwheel.

I usually just D3~Cartwheel/Low Fireball with Sindel on Sektor's Teleport Uppercut if I blocked it, I find that her D1 short range poke miss a lot and D4 is slower because of the animation.

What is the best njp combo for Sindel? I usually do njp, 3,1, Scream, jip, F1,2,4, Levitate~Fireball.


Scrub Sindel Player
Thank you CanadianBaconX & Delriah for that... that combo looks overwhelming, but I've got to learn how to do it. I always flop when it comes to the dash... I can never time dashes right.

Also, Flagg ducking(just holding down) when Noob teleports makes him miss his grab. Very good!


Thank you CanadianBaconX & Delriah for that... that combo looks overwhelming, but I've got to learn how to do it. I always flop when it comes to the dash... I can never time dashes right.

Also, Flagg ducking(just holding down) when Noob teleports makes him miss his grab. Very good!
Yep I found this out awhile back, more by accident and tbh I think a lot of people that fight Noob don't realise you can do this. I find it a bit strange you can duck without blocking but hey, we're not Noob Saibot players ;)


Let's see how long this lasts...
Yep I found this out awhile back, more by accident and tbh I think a lot of people that fight Noob don't realise you can do this. I find it a bit strange you can duck without blocking but hey, we're not Noob Saibot players ;)
But if we low fireball we get grabbed... Dat Mortal Kombat sense ;)


But if we low fireball we get grabbed... Dat Mortal Kombat sense ;)
I remember the Noob matchup being slightly different before one of those patches last year. I remember teleports missing at times if you did a low fireball. I don't think it was every time, but I do recall it happening before. And the whole overhead shadow thing made the zoning matchup a bit of a pain.


Something wicked this way comes.
This may sound stupid, but I'm seriously at a loss when it comes to fighting Baraka as Sindel. I understand that she can zone the hell out of him when he's meterless, so that's not the problem, but when a Baraka blade charges through all your fireballs and you only get chip it becomes a problem. Then, if the blade charge hits you're just forced that much more into the corner, and we all know how much Sindel loves being cornered.

Also, in the hands of someone who knows the character, a Baraka isn't going to play unsafe against Sindel. Any missed combo or AtA potentially leads to a standing 50/50 reset for Baraka, and with B+3 throwing you into another combo, or F+2 resulting in safe chip damage and the building of 3/4 of a bar of meter (to, once again, blade charge through your fireballs) he becomes even a terror to fight up close. Once again, Sindel having armor would really help in the matchup, but NRS hates us Sindel players so of course that isn't happening.

I personally feel that Baraka is HIGHLY underrated in this particular matchup, and to win, you have to play cautiously and deliberately as someone would fighting Sub-Zero as Sonya. I'm sure people will read this and go, "haha, just zone" but there's far more to the matchup than that. I have a lot of experience with this particular MU, and feel people need to take Baraka a little more seriously.


This one's for you
I don't know if this is already known, but anytime that you knock someone down with a fireball you can OTG them with another instant air fireball. You can OTG after anti air fireballs, ex fireballs, 44~lfb, etc. It stops all wakeups and it's basically the same idea as when you do 311~(levi fb).

Another thing I've noticed is that you can end combos with any string into levi fb and it will OTG. For example... 2~scream, jip b3f2, b12, 111~levi lfb. Not sure how useful this is but it could potentially lead to better combos. Food for thought

Mr. Mileena

This may sound stupid, but I'm seriously at a loss when it comes to fighting Baraka as Sindel. I understand that she can zone the hell out of him when he's meterless, so that's not the problem, but when a Baraka blade charges through all your fireballs and you only get chip it becomes a problem. Then, if the blade charge hits you're just forced that much more into the corner, and we all know how much Sindel loves being cornered.

Also, in the hands of someone who knows the character, a Baraka isn't going to play unsafe against Sindel. Any missed combo or AtA potentially leads to a standing 50/50 reset for Baraka, and with B+3 throwing you into another combo, or F+2 resulting in safe chip damage and the building of 3/4 of a bar of meter (to, once again, blade charge through your fireballs) he becomes even a terror to fight up close. Once again, Sindel having armor would really help in the matchup, but NRS hates us Sindel players so of course that isn't happening.

I personally feel that Baraka is HIGHLY underrated in this particular matchup, and to win, you have to play cautiously and deliberately as someone would fighting Sub-Zero as Sonya. I'm sure people will read this and go, "haha, just zone" but there's far more to the matchup than that. I have a lot of experience with this particular MU, and feel people need to take Baraka a little more seriously.
You can zone him out, punish his blade charge from max range (when he does it from far away) with 4 into combo

His close blade charges are -10, so you can still do 44 into lowfire ball for a 5% chip damage

You can zone him out, then just play footsies until you can get him far away again


All in a day's work
i found out that after a forward throw in the corner if they stay grounded...an up+4 will otg them like kitanas 2 after a forward throw...obv its blockable but w.e stumbled across it lol

on a side note..i was wondering if theres any purpose on dash canceling scream on wakeup...would the inv frames carry over to her next attack or is this not useful?? been messing around with it for alittle and it doesnt seem bad


Something wicked this way comes.
i found out that after a forward throw in the corner if they stay grounded...an up+4 will otg them like kitanas 2 after a forward throw...obv its blockable but w.e stumbled across it lol

on a side note..i was wondering if theres any purpose on dash canceling scream on wakeup...would the inv frames carry over to her next attack or is this not useful?? been messing around with it for alittle and it doesnt seem bad
I've actually been wondering about that too, lately. The only thing I can think is that it may help relieve pressure on Sindel because they'd fear the scream and go to block, then she could dash cancel it, and mix them up. The downside is that she'd be burning a bar of meter for potentially nothing, but when you seem out of options... :-/


Nightwolf wannabe
This may sound stupid, but I'm seriously at a loss when it comes to fighting Baraka as Sindel. I understand that she can zone the hell out of him when he's meterless, so that's not the problem, but when a Baraka blade charges through all your fireballs and you only get chip it becomes a problem. Then, if the blade charge hits you're just forced that much more into the corner, and we all know how much Sindel loves being cornered.

Also, in the hands of someone who knows the character, a Baraka isn't going to play unsafe against Sindel. Any missed combo or AtA potentially leads to a standing 50/50 reset for Baraka, and with B+3 throwing you into another combo, or F+2 resulting in safe chip damage and the building of 3/4 of a bar of meter (to, once again, blade charge through your fireballs) he becomes even a terror to fight up close. Once again, Sindel having armor would really help in the matchup, but NRS hates us Sindel players so of course that isn't happening.

I personally feel that Baraka is HIGHLY underrated in this particular matchup, and to win, you have to play cautiously and deliberately as someone would fighting Sub-Zero as Sonya. I'm sure people will read this and go, "haha, just zone" but there's far more to the matchup than that. I have a lot of experience with this particular MU, and feel people need to take Baraka a little more seriously.
You should just be able to zone baraka out. Obviously you don't want to mindlessly spam fbs while he has meter. Try to bait bad ex blade charge in order to start levicancel pressure. also from jump distance you can nail normal blade charges all day with jump back close fireballs. once you get the life lead it forces baraka to come in so you don't have to do anything except play it safe and wait for bad charges or sparks. ex blade charge can be annoying but it costs meter, so if the baraka player wants to waste all his meter to get in where hes still not really at an advantage than so be it hit him with a combo and end with 311levidf1 to put yourself back at fullscreen. once he starts getting hit with combos he'll stop wasting meter and save for breaker.


Revenant Jade
Is Sindel's hitbox really huge? I was playing Sindel last night online and did a random combo with her D3. Like I tried to dash 3~Cartwheel in a juggle and online made it D3~Cartwheel instead, I didn't know she can use her D3 in a combo whereas most of the other characters can't do it. So I started practicing her D4 in simple juggles ending D3~Hair Whip, 4,4,D3~Cartwheel etc. I assume that Sindel is free for cross ups and jump in punches/kicks... slow Uppercut, D3 makes her duck huge, D1 short of range, Up4 slow high risk of whiffs... damn she really could've use the failed promise armor on Ex Cartwheel for this.