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Coolest Guys in MK Communities


Head Cage
I love how I put a list...NOT A FULL LIST but a short list of cool people and end with "...basically everyone I talk to is cool" and yet i still get complaints.

People today are so unappreciative :tonyt


This guy looks kind of tuff...
All the cd brothers were cool as fuck at final round. And pig, lord, 16 bit was funny as hell. Tom was cool but didn't see him much. Detroit is cool since evo. Shoryuken marvaz and of course reo and Erik warda as well. So many cool ppl in the mk community to name. A lot talk trash to players but in the end everyone is cool in person and enjoys playing The game.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

OneBoxyRobot - Has a great sense of humour, created a PSN thread and still keeps it going.
CD jr - Never met him, but I'd say he's the face of MK.

There's many more, but I'm totally drawing a blank right now.

Aww :D.

Also: Every muhfuggin body I've met from VSM.
KT Smith and all his metalheaded wisdom, Paper Legend and all his epic time traveling power (BOXY DREAMER V PAPER SANDMAN, it would be amazing), Scoot and his magical ability to have water when I'm godlessly thirsty, J360 because he's the fucking MAN, Rapzilla for letting me be used as a Shadow Clone to attack him in full Reptile gear...
Our fearless TYM leader, Storms, Teef, MIKE FUCKING METROID, those guys who randomly appeared at our room at Winter Brawl and crashed in front of the door because that was hillarious, Peanuts, Blackula, Kakurot, Quantus for saving my show at NEC, Sabin, Snips...I'm still missing people.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Pretty much everyone I've met in the MK community. You guys all know who you are besides I'm too lazy to write out a long list lol.


I'm going by the people I have met at tournaments. These people are pretty cool to me. Ezail, mikemetroid, switfttom, rui48, maxter, cd, Noobe, xteefx, Boxy, J360, storms, pig, Phil, 9.95, thtb, reo. Sorry if u forgot anyone else.


Everyone who simply "gets it" and shares a love and passion for this community, and is willing to participate and get it done by hook or by crook. Thanks for the direct mentions guys. There are many people I could mention that most of you don't even know, and me listing cool people at this point would be so redundant! Thank you all.
STB Clan
Forever Clan
Most of the Yun9s
Pooping *insert animal here* guys
Tyler Lantern
Tom Brady
Ketchup and Mustard
Anyone in my sig thread (everyone has been very appreciative and kind)
Mr. Mileena

Generally anyone (aside from the randoms who spam chat like this is a FPS) have been great sports or just have unique sense of humor.


Anyone who doesn't mind or deals with my ranting/frustrations with this got damn game...I appreciate you and grateful to have met you. <3

There are two people that can go fuck themselves ha! They know who they are.

The MK community, although recently pisses me off, I find and acknowledge as the best group of folks one can encounter. :D

I suppose if I had to make a small list of people very close to me/respect exceptionally in this community it'd be:

catch22 - just like family
Tim Static - brought me to the mk community
AU_WANNA_DIE - my leader of clan and amazing friend
Jamesmk - father like figure in the community
@trepound380 - just like family
IKizzLE - <3 trolling this guy
FOREVER KING - sexiest man ever
S1LENT1 - helped me with streaming
Perfect Legend - gdlk friend for many years
Starcharger28 - talks hella shit lol
@krys9984 - way too nice
THTB - gdlk friend
Ashenar - talks a lot to haha
soonk - awesome rival
B W1zZ awesome as hell
Check - my inspiration to my favorite mk fighting games
colt - made the game i hate/love the most
GGA Jeremiah - fellow shokan
HAN - will sleep anywhere haha
MaceWind - the most down to earth guy ever
Riu48 - nicest guy
Tom Brady - the most entertaining
Pig Of The Hut - dedicated player
Maxter - pretty cool
Dizzy - it's dizzy, there is no other reason
@mo3 - hella chill
Osu 16 Bit - hypest guy, been a cool friend for years
McNasty - mentioned me :p
REYTHEGREAT - mentioned me :p
Blackula - well...someone has to play kenshi lol
Hitoshura - plays a character as dark as i am lol, and pretty chill
DanCock - not afraid to be himself, mad respect
Medina4life - awesome rival
REO - gdlk
MKK hanzo - gdlk
DetroitBalln313 - <3 me :p
ZAQ - haha it's Zaq, ZAQ is amazing
Dark_Rob - great person to talk to
9.95 - very humble and the most passionate for the MK community
STORMS - the boss
Shock - the legend, who i look up to from the old days
Krayzie - very relaxed and cool guy
Sabin - plays everything, the most informative, and pretty cool


Honestly? Pretty much everyone I've met. Yeah, even Hitoshura despite me not making his list (HOW COULD YOU?! HITO PLS!!!!). THTB get's a special shout out too just because like he said putting the three of us in one space is a recipe for something volatile if you "MIX THE FUCK OUT OF IT!"

Big shout out to WNBA as well, especially SwiftTomHanks who was nice enough to let me crash on his couch for a night after WB and who loves Game of Thrones. Honestly, the amount of people I can tag will not be allowed by this site. So VSM, WNBA, Arizona, Canada, Ohio...

Oh, and Maxter..... he's like our Malboro Cowboy.