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Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
TerryxMasters, a member on CMK.com, posted this video yesterday basically about the download time on both consoles compared to each other.

XBL is clearly faster in downloading, updating, installing, and basically everything.

Please post in here why you think the PS3/PSN or the 360/XBL is better. However, I only want cold hard facts. No pointless opinions that have no actual influence on anyone other than yourself.

Also, no flaming. This is just for fun, so don't take anything personal.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
PSN does cap download speeds, as XBL does not.

However, the only time i actually timed any kind of comparisons was for the first patch/update for King of Fighters 12. I didnt even know there was an update, but i noticed the 360 update took just over 4 minutes, which seemed VERY long imo. So i decided to see if the update/patch was also on PSN. It was.........and took just over 56 minutes to download.

I rest my case! lol

But in all seriousness, PSN always seems to take longer for downloads, updates, patches, etc while XBL also seems to be quick. Sure a dl size of a gig or more will take a while but that with all the shit i've downloaded on both PSN and XBL, i have a very good idea and a well educated opinion on this matter. :)



Thus PSN>Xbox. :p

For my actual opinion, I haven't had too many issues with using PSN besides the lag. Xbox I hear has better performance and I don't think you have to pay a considerable amount to get it, but I just go with getting for free.


Blue Blurs for Life!
On one hand, as the usage of the Playstation Network comes for free - aside from the purchases made at the PSN Store - and Xbox Live does require paying for it to be used, one would easily say that PSN surpasses Xbox360.

On the other hand, though, I've been hearing that Xbox360 carries better performance for online games. I kinda have considered getting an Xbox360 just so I can play Mortal Kombat 2011 on both it and the PS3 and make more accurate comparisons in regards to downloading and gameplay.

Even so, I personally will stick with PSN. As I'm rather patient, the long downloading periods don't prove to be a bother to me, and the free activity does spare us some financial stress.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11

Thus PSN>Xbox. :p

For my actual opinion, I haven't had too many issues with using PSN besides the lag. Xbox I hear has better performance and I don't think you have to pay a considerable amount to get it, but I just go with getting for free.
True, PSN is free...but you also get what you pay for ;) therefore Xbox>>PSN

I'm not a fan of the 60 bucks now for live(I got a discount for being a member for 6 years) but you do get a lot more then PSN and the online play is superior overall then PSN is...

DL time generally means nothing to me unless it takes a half hour lol but I'm more concerned with netplay in which Xbox out of the 3 is the best in that department.


Cock Master!!

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hmm i cant comment honstesly on xbox360 vs PS3.

i however was on both lastgen systems PS2 and Xbox. for me it was the players i faced not the actual online that was causing the lag i had. like id fight ez2beat on XBOX and it was a great connection, id fight Moe81 on PS2 and it was a great connection. then i would fight some one like PhatGurl on PS2 and it was just god awful, Quest2Be1 was a bad xbox connection.

Krazyboner and i had matches on ps2 ALOT and we tried playing on xbox one time, IMO i cant speak for him but the connection for us on xbox was alot shitter then on the PS2 side. i even have video of this on youtube.

i plan on getting 360 this april when MK9 comes out, ill share my thoughts on the PS3 vs 360 then.

this thread will just turn into one mans opinion. its another PS vs Xbox, SNES vs Genises, Iphone vs Droid, god vs no god...etc etc


I was actually considering getting a 360 until today when one of my friends who has 360 said, "make sure you get the one that has a hdmi port"....
Really? I thought 360 always had hdmi and wifi. Wow.

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I'm just talking shit, I am indeed buying a 360 in the next few weeks.

Also, I am currently running wirelessly with a 60 meg dl speed and my conn is excellent. I always yd to be strictly against wireless, but its not bad at all. Running pc, 2 ps3s & phones off wifi.

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My votes for ps3.... poor folks like me can't afford xbl.... and I have yet to have any issues with ps3 online....

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I've heard xbl is better online but im not into xbox...at all

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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Ok, here's the deal lol

Xbox #1 in terms of online play

Wii #1 in terms of creativity and fun

PSN #1 in terms of 3D and blu ray

The end lol


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
lol well wii is also free, but I was judging more so on gameplay online/connection. But the free is always a plus in general.

I do hope Xbox cuts their prices(instead of raising them) I hate greed...


lol well wii is also free, but I was judging more so on gameplay online/connection. But the free is always a plus in general.

I do hope Xbox cuts their prices(instead of raising them) I hate greed...
It's not like the online on PSN is generally horrible. I'd give that award to Wii, lol. And it is kinda free, some of its online capabilities you've had to pay for in the past, like the internet channel.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Actually both wii and PSN are about the same roughly, I play Tetris, Dr. Mario and SSB on wii online all the time...on PSN MK2 plays good overall(for PS) but the 3D MK's were garbage online, the cam was shifting and I kept getting disconnected FAR more then wii and xbox games. Just saying...

It's all good though, what wii lacks DS/DSi makes up for BIGTIME...but then Nintendo has nothing to worry about since they're owning still lol


Actually both wii and PSN are about the same roughly, I play Tetris, Dr. Mario and SSB on wii online all the time...on PSN MK2 plays good overall(for PS) but the 3D MK's were garbage online, the cam was shifting and I kept getting disconnected FAR more then wii and xbox games. Just saying...
Well, that was just the GameSpy crappy netcode on the 3D Mks (and you played the 3D Mks online on PSN?) Of the games i've played Online: LBP, MKvsDC, Ghostbusters, Tekken 6, etc. The worst of them all was MKvsDC even Ghostbusters lasted longer online than MKvsDC. That being said, it relies on the individual's online capability. SSBB disconnected for me constantly while Dr. Mario for me worked as perfectly as MK2 online. I'm not downing on the Wii, it's still a pretty powerful machine, but better than PSN it is not.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I did temporarily when my friend lent me the PS2 adapter and at his place. We both have high speed internet btw for the record. We also tried burnout 3 which was horrendous on PS2...pretty much at the time I played/tested out the games I had/have for Xbox and 360.

I never played MKDC on PSN so I can't judge, from what I heard Xbox is better but PSN is an improvement over PS2 online. I have played MK2 on PSN, I think it's alright not as good as UMK3 on xbox or DS IMO, but good enough to play. Dr. Mario I rarely if ever get disconnected unless I'm playing someone from Japan from time to time and SSBB I've only had minor issues such as occassional freezing during gameplay/some lag which happens with all online games sometimes.

I've never got disconnected on SSBB, but lag and/or rare freezing then it plays again. That being said, my SSB experience and same for Mario Kart wii has been better then my 3D MK experience on PSN, but MK2 I have few if any complaints about.

I'm not saying horsepower wise wii is better, because it's not but online to me is roughly the same IMO....both are free, both aren't monitored and both offer a few names online, unlike Xbox which monitors better, has more options online and you pay for it obviously. My best friend has all 3 consoles also so I'm also judging from that, he has fios the fastest option out right now also.