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What're considered the top 5 x-rays in the game?

Spirit Guide

Friend Gang
I'm surprised so many people believe that Kano's X-Ray is among the best. Honestly, if you're fighting a seasoned player they're going to jump straight out of it on reaction at least 80% of the time. Train them not to jump with upballs all you want, but they can always see it coming.

A solid 42% is good, but many characters get more than that with their's in combos. That's not even mentioning that they can actually hit-confirm before they use their X-Ray, Kano can't use his in combos.
Difference between Kung Lao, Johnny Cage and Liu Kangs x-rays compared to Kano's is that Kano's is 41% unbreakable damage. And you'd be surprised at how many seasoned players would get caught in it. Most characters don't want to exchange projectiles with Kano because his knives are strong and fast so that motivates them to move in closer. Kano should only use meter for ex-knives (at the end of the match) and breaker/x-ray in my opinion.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
I see what you did there... But Skarlet's x-ray is a better version of Liu Kang's, I think it hits crouchers up close and is a better anti-air. The only bad thing is its damage, but for a guaranteed win is the best there is.
Skarlet's Xray jumps over up close, just like Liu Kang's Xray..

Liu Kang's Xray as AA has better range.

Mr. Mileena

That's funny, I can say the same about you from all that I've been hearing lately. My favorite part is when you had the gall to blow up PL for not traveling, when your last major (and only major, for that matter) was in October. I've had multiple people tell me you've gotten absolutely unbearable as of late. I'd honestly have to agree.

Taking 2% chip off your opponent isn't too hard for most characters that see regular tournament play. That's not me "acting like I created the game", that's making an objective assessment about the game mechanics. Any idiot could put two and two together to arrive to the same conclusion, so I'm not exactly patting myself on the back for figuring that much out. If you have any remotely decent mid-hitting special, you can pretty much throw it out unless it's going to get completely blown up on whiff (Sub's slide, Scorpion's hellfire/takedown). This is seriously the worst argument you could make to sell an X-ray, and even then, there's always the possibility you can miss due to your opponent being airborne or teleporting. This isn't exactly Ermac's push or Raiden's superman (both of those can still miss when it comes down to the magic pixel, by the way).
kay, yay


Revenant Jade
There are several very good X-Rays in this game so I can't exactly list Top 5, each are unique for various reasons.

Kano's/Jax X-Ray - it's armored, it's a Grab with incredible reach, it has the dizzy effect because it happens when least expected.

Kitana's X-Ray - she builds meter so fast that she can throw away 3 bars for her X-Ray, it hits duck, it travels full screen, it goes through projectiles, it has armor so Kitana can use it as AA and prevent cross-ups. 31% guaranteed damage, why not use it? Kitana builds meter fast so she can afford it like the royal Princess she is.

Sonya's X-Ray - It travels very far, it guarantees 33% damage if the first hit touches you and I believe 29% if the last hit touches you. Once you let go of block during her animation, you will get X-Ray'd and there is no escape. Even if you block it, it's safe for Sonya because it puts her at an advantage. Like Kitana, Sonya builds meter very fast so this Lt. can afford it. Scaling sucks if you do a long combo so the best way to get the best damage scaling on her X-Ray is Dive Kick,2,1/4~X-Ray 44% guaranteed.

Johnny Cage's X-Ray - Parry that can get him 50% and he can land it when you least expect it.

Kung Lao's X-Ray - If you even touch him, poke him, jump at him, cross over, this X-Ray is incredible because he can combo after it. Kung Lao builds meter very, very fast so he can burn his entire meter for this.

Liu Kang's X-Ray - Armor, he can combo immediately right after he lands the X-Ray.

Sindel's X-Ray - She has armor for once LOL! The most trickiest and deceiving X-Ray in the game, it hits low.

Reptile/Jade's X-Ray - It travels through projectiles from full screen, good against zoners 35% guaranteed damage.
Why are you listing x-ray properties on block? X-ray's work is to get the hit, not be blocked and be + or safe on block.
Nah, I'll do Liu Kang's :x just to get in. If I'm fighting a zoning character and I'm at 3/4th screen I'm just going to hammer those trigger buttons. You can block it if you want, I don't give a fuck. I'm in there.


Nah, I'll do Liu Kang's :x just to get in. If I'm fighting a zoning character and I'm at 3/4th screen I'm just going to hammer those trigger buttons. You can block it if you want, I don't give a fuck. I'm in there.
lol You're the man, you know better :)

Spirit Guide

Friend Gang
cant really end the round because u can duck both of them which forces raiden to jump or superman which isnt that good
Yeah. You can also avoid every attack in the game but that doesn't stop people from getting hit by attacks. Point is, it's a nice round ender. I've witnessed this myself from a pro Raiden player I know irl. Not necessarily to hit them, but you are able to perform many options via teleport, jumping, dashing etc. without the fear of them hitting you while the 2 projectiles fly through the air.