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What're considered the top 5 x-rays in the game?


Cage and Kung Lao should definitely be in there because of the damage you can do afterwards as well as Lui Kang.

Cyber Sub Zero deserves a mention because of the uniqueness of it, plus it scales very well into some combos and you can get 50-60% combos with it.

Why the Hell do people keep saying Reptile? You might as well include Jade as it practically functions the same way.

Spirit Guide

Friend Gang
Cage and Kung Lao should definitely be in there because of the damage you can do afterwards as well as Lui Kang.

Cyber Sub Zero deserves a mention because of the uniqueness of it, plus it scales very well into some combos and you can get 50-60% combos with it.

Why the Hell do people keep saying Reptile? You might as well include Jade as it practically functions the same way.
Cause his has a higher probability of catching the opponent off guard. Oh yeah, Jade's can be ducked without blocking (or blocked) but Reptile's cannot.


24 Low Hat!
5. Shao Kahn - 53% damage just off his xray. Get raped brah.
Shao Kahn's xray actually does about 65%. If you look at your health you'll notice that the hammer slam he does to initiate the xray...doesnt actually combo. It does about 10-15% bringing the total damae to the mid/high 60's.

Get raped brah.

Anyways, i think alot of xrays are super good and alot of the arguments given can apply to many characters. Kitana, Kenshi and Sektor xray are very similar, so are Reptile and Sub. Not many are unique enough to put them above the rest like Cage's or Liu Kang's.

Liu Kang, Cage, Sub, Rain and Kung Lao are my top five


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
When i think of the best X-Rays I thikn the X-Rays that benefit that character the most.

1. Sub Zero -His biggest weakness of getting zoned is now solved.
2. Kano - With the only real decentEX move being his knife, saving for X-Ray gives him great offensive and defensive options.
3. Noob Saibot - Can actually punish extremely hard mid-screen finally.

Reptile, Kitana, Sheeva, Kung Lao, Liu Kang all have great X-Rays too, but they also have great enhanced moves that are usually burned or are for better use imo.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
1. Kung Lao
2. Sub Zero
3. Kano (Deer in the headlights...)
4. Noob Saibot
5. Sindel (A lot of damn range, plus it hits low. You'd be surprised...)

No honorable mentions to Cage's X. His frame traps are too good for a parry X-ray. :)


A living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat
well, in my opinion:

cyrax (excellent AA, anti crossup)
reptile & subzero (full screen anti zoning)
kano (very tricky and the damage!)
cyber sub ( great using it with small jumps)

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
When i think of the best X-Rays I thikn the X-Rays that benefit that character the most.

1. Sub Zero -His biggest weakness of getting zoned is now solved.
2. Kano - With the only real decentEX move being his knife, saving for X-Ray gives him great offensive and defensive options.
3. Noob Saibot - Can actually punish extremely hard mid-screen finally.

Reptile, Kitana, Sheeva, Kung Lao, Liu Kang all have great X-Rays too, but they also have great enhanced moves that are usually burned or are for better use imo.
I was starting to think about that... I kompletely agree. Reptile can also use his to get through those match ups where he gets zoned out. Characters without armor get that new ability to interrupt things that they previously kouldn't.


Thou shalt be slain!
a lot of you are saying Noob, but his x-ray is hella buggy. i've seen him get randomly hit out of it and ex-air ball with kano will null the x-ray 100% of the time.


Top 5:
Sub Zero: amazing start-up and as Slips pointed out, blows through any zoning attempts.
Johnny Cage: as long as you use it effectively and unpredictably, the opponent has lost half his health and is re-setted with nut punch.
Jax/Kano: 41% damage for both of them (highest in the game for playable characters). Has armour and you can find nice set-ups for almost guaranteed damage. Cannot be blocked but easily punished if you whiff.
Kung Lao: amazing anti-air, safe and can be followed up for more damage.
Liu Kang: basically what Altaire said. B3 blocking position then BAM! I even think it is advantage on block?


Dojo Trainee
Kitana- Once the opponent has 2% health or lower, you automatically win.
Yeah, this is usually such a huge issue when you don't have a Kitana X-ray. Doing 2% damage to your opponent is always the biggest obstacle you have to overcome in order to succeed in this game.

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
These are all good for different reasons. I kan't decide on a top 5 though.
Smoke: Very fast so use on reaction, kan be kancelled.
Sub Zero: Very fast as well, Safe on Block.
Liu Kang: Plus on Block. Wiffs up close against crouching opponents though.
Jade/Reptile: Fast Dash to wiff punish, AA and counter projectiles. Baraka's works somewhat the same although a bit weaker. Kabal's is the same but less damage.
Ermac: Works as a parry with auto correct.
Johnny Cage: Situationally good. Parries anything up close.
Cyrax: Very good Anti Air. Don't jump on him when he has xray.
Jax/Kano: Grabs. Gimmicky though.
Cyber Sub: Kan counter Anti Airs.
Rain: Kan counter projectiles from full screen.
Freddy: Fast, High hitbox.
Mine would be:

Kung Lao: Obvious anti-air plus the added bonus you get a combo afterwards. 50-57% damage if I'm not mistaken if used in the right set-up/combo.

Liu Kang: It's plus on block for one; in addition to that it can be used as an anti-air and like Kung Lao you can get off something extra at the end. Very useful to LK.

Reptile: So quick it seems almost unstoppable at times. Can be used to surprise your opponents quite often.

Ermac: Since it's his only armored move it's almost essential to Ermac's repertoire and it has a huge hit-box from what I can tell.

Mileena: Same with Ermac in that it's her only true armored move therefore making it essential to Mileena as well.

Kano and Jax have good X-Rays but their meter can and should be used on better stuff. If I had to list anyone else's it would likely be Johnny Cage since it's a parry and can be used to get 42%-50% I believe but it can also scare opponents from rushing you down which is an obvious game-changer.

I also really believe that Sonya's and Cyber Sub Zero have pretty decent ones, too.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
I think Kung lao's Xray is the best but Sub-Zero's Xray is undoubtedly the second best. Sonya has a brilliant Xray, Cage also. Cyrax also has a really good anti-crossup Xray.


I'm a bit partial but reptile goes full screen through projectiles, and can punish jumps etc. I rarely have the Meyer for one but as soon as reptile has one you have to play him a lot different.

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Mr. Mileena

Yeah, this is usually such a huge issue when you don't have a Kitana X-ray. Doing 2% damage to your opponent is always the biggest obstacle you have to overcome in order to succeed in this game.
I've won with it multiple times, and instead of talking out of your ass, can you stop acting like you created the game?
Nobody likes your attitude, so if you have nothing constructive to add, then don't say anything.


Bone and Metal
I'm surprised so many people believe that Kano's X-Ray is among the best. Honestly, if you're fighting a seasoned player they're going to jump straight out of it on reaction at least 80% of the time. Train them not to jump with upballs all you want, but they can always see it coming.

A solid 42% is good, but many characters get more than that with their's in combos. That's not even mentioning that they can actually hit-confirm before they use their X-Ray, Kano can't use his in combos.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Suprised nobodys mentioned Sonyas - 0 on block, builds back quite a bit of meter, can be used on short combos for 40%+, can be linked from alot of moves including Msf1 which jails them into the Xray.

Leaves them at perfect distance for 114/divekick/d4 footsie games. And its safe, sometimes even if you miss it you can take a hit using the armour and escape depending on the speed of the move the opponent used.


Dude i mentioned Sonya. Hers is incredible but soooo many ppl say Y U WASTE 3 BARS OF METER WHEN U HAVE EX CARTWHEEL LOL


"Strength isn't everything"
1. Kung Lao - Leads to 50% + Damage on its own, has armour, is quite safe on block -7, it is an incredible Anti Air, can combo into and out of, and allows Kung Lao to be a bit more carefree with his rush down on block, and completely opens him up, a complete game changer.

2. Johnny Cage - Has all the exact same properties as Kung Lao's :x, but you can't combo into it, and its obviously a parry. Slows down the opponents counter poke game, and opens up his rush down.

3. Sonya Blade - Safe on block, Travels, carries armour with it during the whole animation, Allows a knockdown on hit for a MS, does mega chip after a reset MS F1 (Jailed into :x after MS F1)

4. Sub Zero - Changes his footsie game dramatically, and allows him to advance allot more carefree than usual. Game changer for Sub

5. Reptile - Start up armour, Travels fullscreen, Anti Airs, Can be combo'd into, allows massive frame advantage on hit, and slows down the opponents counter projectile game.

6. Cyrax - His only armoured move & that makes the character a complete character while he has it, leads to 50% + combos ending with a bomb on its own, anti airs, combos into and out out, has decent scaling.

7. Raiden - Armoured, Safe on block, Combo-able, changes his footsie game dramatically, and slows down the opponents counter poke game, allowing Raiden to rush down more carefree, leads to 50% midscreen combos from a JIP.

I am making my decisions on how the :x effects the characters gameplay options once he has it.


I see what you did there... But Skarlet's x-ray is a better version of Liu Kang's, I think it hits crouchers up close and is a better anti-air. The only bad thing is its damage, but for a guaranteed win is the best there is.


Why are you listing x-ray properties on block? X-ray's work is to get the hit, not be blocked and be + or safe on block.


Dojo Trainee
I've won with it multiple times, and instead of talking out of your ass, can you stop acting like you created the game?
Nobody likes your attitude, so if you have nothing constructive to add, then don't say anything.
That's funny, I can say the same about you from all that I've been hearing lately. My favorite part is when you had the gall to blow up PL for not traveling, when your last major (and only major, for that matter) was in October. I've had multiple people tell me you've gotten absolutely unbearable as of late. I'd honestly have to agree.

Taking 2% chip off your opponent isn't too hard for most characters that see regular tournament play. That's not me "acting like I created the game", that's making an objective assessment about the game mechanics. Any idiot could put two and two together to arrive to the same conclusion, so I'm not exactly patting myself on the back for figuring that much out. If you have any remotely decent mid-hitting special, you can pretty much throw it out unless it's going to get completely blown up on whiff (Sub's slide, Scorpion's hellfire/takedown). This is seriously the worst argument you could make to sell an X-ray, and even then, there's always the possibility you can miss due to your opponent being airborne or teleporting. This isn't exactly Ermac's push or Raiden's superman (both of those can still miss when it comes down to the magic pixel, by the way).


Dojo Trainee
I'm surprised so many people believe that Kano's X-Ray is among the best. Honestly, if you're fighting a seasoned player they're going to jump straight out of it on reaction at least 80% of the time. Train them not to jump with upballs all you want, but they can always see it coming.

A solid 42% is good, but many characters get more than that with their's in combos. That's not even mentioning that they can actually hit-confirm before they use their X-Ray, Kano can't use his in combos.
This is kind of true, but the idea is to use it at a point where you feel you can interrupt pressure with it. There's really nothing your opponent can do about that if you guess right.