I wanted to share some thoughts and feelings with everyone about my personal FR. I started writing about everyone I met taking you through my weekend blow by blow but I decided to scrap it when it was a page long and I was not even through Thursday. lol So here is a quicker and dirtier version of my weekend and shout outs to boot.
Thursday - Red Djinn came into town and we kicked off the ATLMK stream at my store. I had a ton of fun meeting lots of people that came from all over the place. I got a few games in and worked on some match ups with
Walker but mostly chilled and had a few beers to relax. I would have loved to get some more matches in but with 20+ people attending and only 3 setups it was kind of hard to play for too long without hogging the setup, which is a pet peeve of mine.
Friday - I was so tired after streaming to 1 AM and getting up at 7 am (Married with a 3 year old so I am always up early). Went to work for a little while and got some stuff done. Around 11 Red Djinn calls me up and tells me he is headed to the FR hotel to get his badge before meeting up with the rest of the STB crew. I decided no more work and headed off to the hotel. Picked up the badge got some food and headed to room 505 with Static Jack. Setup the stream and got it going. Before you know it there was 6 setups and tons of people playing. I got a few games in but not nearly as many as I would have liked. I headed home around 9:30 after finally eating (Thanks again Static Jack and Walker). There were a bunch of tornadoes and wind damage close to my house and store so I had to make sure everyone was alright at home.
Saturday - No MK what so ever. I was kind of mad about it but I had to attend a Beer, Bourbon and BBQ festival that the store was serving some beer at in conjunction with one of the restaurants that was serving food. Still I had a really good time and drank a lot. Shout outs to 23 year old Pappy Van Winkle.
Sunday - Woke up about 8am (yeah for sleeping in) and headed to the hotel. Not even at the hotel when Pig of the Hut calls me about the stream. Not to worry I would be there with plenty of time to meetup with Medina and help out with the stream. I got a few casuals in with SmokeSubZeroRain early on but spent most of my time on the stream. I went 1-2 for the tournament, not as bad as I expected so I was pretty happy about it.
I spent most of my day helping out with the stream, commentating, and helping update the brackets. Now I normally do not like to commentate or even talk on the stream but since with was ATL's baby I felt I had to commentate on the stream to make sure that the stream was as entertaining as the matches were in real life. I really hate watching some tournament streams and listening to commentators talk about or answer questions from twitter or the chat while matches were going on. At any rate I ended enjoying myself and the tournament a lot more than I thought I would by commentating, which was probably the most fun I had the entire tournament.
I was so humbled by all of the comments that I received during the stream of people enjoying the commentary and the stream. All of the posts about how hype and great people thought the stream was, were really appreciated. I can not express how happy I was to be a part of FR, Medina4life's stream and the MK kommunity on Sunday.
Walker - Thanks for the match up help on Thursday night. It kept me from being bodied on stream.
Red Djinn - It was so good to hang out with you again. Nice job representing sektor during the tournament.
Pig of the Hut - Great job with your playing, tournament organizing, and everything else this weekend. You were on point with everything.
L0rd of the Fly - I have no idea how you were able to be ready for Sunday just flying back from Spain the day before. Great matches though, some of the closest in the tournament.
Shujinkydink - It was great to meet you. Played great at the tournament. I thought you had a chance to win it after watching your take on all comer MM on Friday.
gr8one - Thanks for the help with my kitana on Thursday night. You played great in the tournament. Next time I think you could take Death.
Death - Great to see you again. You continue to improve which is really scary. Great job on Sunday.
StaticJack - Thank you so much for letting everyone use your room and play casuals and stream. Too bad everyone, myself included, was so tired Sunday night or else it would have been on. Drinking that is!
Medina4life - Thank you so much for streaming everything on your channel on Saturday and Sunday. I learned so much about how to make the ATLMK stream better in the future. You were really fun to hang with on the mic and did a fantastic job with everything.
gdf, Vip3r, Smokesubzerorain, and the rest of the ATL Crew. As always it was good to see and play some MK with you. We will be meeting again soon.
To everyone else that I may have left out, please no hard feelings. It was awesome to meet and or see you again this weekend. I know I am leaving out a lot of people, thoughts and comments, but my ADHD is in over drive and I must end this post NOW!