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Strategy Ermac Key Strategy: Mix-ups


uppercut is 0 on block so feel free to pressure however you like after it.

not only is fireball bad on block, but this whiffs over the opponent for some reason. i tried using this in the past

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Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
I see. I figured that #2 would be a problem.

#1, however, seems to be interesting to me. Obviously you can use uppercut with any character up close.
I was just hoping that it would serve a better purpose for Ermac.

Like this blockstring: 121, uppercut


Low Tier Fanatic
Uppercut is 13 frames, too slow to be a part of block pressure, not mentioning that smart opponent will be always crouching against Mac (d2 whiffs badly as you should know).



Here is a combo that I was messing around with today that I believe more Ermac players should consider using. Since Ermac is all about space control... a good corner combo is this. Two notes: starting with a JIP is 1% more damage and a grab after makes this 48%.

Another thing, timing on this combo is strict... I effing love this corner combo but I see a lot of people drop (because the blast or "F1" doesn't connect) it, however to time this right the only way to do it is B1,2 - D1 - TKS - (wait for them to start to fall) B1,2,F1 - B1,2, F1 - F4 (16 hits, 37%) - Grab (48%).

Combo begins at :14


thats not the only way storms. you can do most combos into tks. what matters to land the b12f1 is the spacing and timing after tks. you can use 31 tks or 12 tks or even b21 tks, it really doesnt matter

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PSN: Skkra
Speaking of his uppercut, it's definitely not emphasized enough just how amazing it is. It's not really fast or anything, but my god, the hitbox on it! The thing practically reaches all the way behind you. This has now become my primary anti-air instead of D+1, particularly for crossups. The fact that you get TKS to a combo afterwards makes it a ridiculous tool. I think a lot of other people don't realize just how sick his uppercut is yet.


You will BOW to me!
Speaking of his uppercut, it's definitely not emphasized enough just how amazing it is. It's not really fast or anything, but my god, the hitbox on it! The thing practically reaches all the way behind you. This has now become my primary anti-air instead of D+1, particularly for crossups. The fact that you get TKS to a combo afterwards makes it a ridiculous tool. I think a lot of other people don't realize just how sick his uppercut is yet.
Its probably the best uppercut in the game in terms of hitbox.


Low Tier Fanatic
I think Sindel's or Cyrax's have even better hitboxes but still it's one of the best - the juggle after hurts the most.


not sure if anyone else has done this yet but the 31,TKS,JK to TeleP,F4 combo (reset)... you can easily add neutral 1, F4 for a measly 1% more damage. :(


PSN: Skkra
You can even add 3,1 before f+4 for more dmg, but timing&dashing is strict.
I try not to use anything that requires mega-strict timing as a bread and butter. I'd rather hit it 100% of the time.

It's weird, juggles and timing can feel very wonky in this game... I guess especially because of teleport combos and the way that you can hit people at the slightest different heights in the air and have it affect the combo. Like, in SF4, I can hit my 1-frame links every time!


You can even add 3,1 before f+4 for more dmg, but timing&dashing is strict.
Hmmm... one thing I have noticed with adding even the "1" in there though is that you may barely connect the F4 thus making an immediate grab much harder because there is more space between you and your opponent. So essentially... a raw F4 might be the best way to go.


I have a random question:

Why doesnt B1,2,F1 work always against the wall? It works flawlessly midscreen, but when it comes to the wall sometimes, it just wont work, the F1 doesnt flash green and the opponent drops straight the ground. I've seen this happen in some videos of STORMS as well.


I have a random question:

Why doesnt B1,2,F1 work always against the wall? It works flawlessly midscreen, but when it comes to the wall sometimes, it just wont work, the F1 doesnt flash green and the opponent drops straight the ground. I've seen this happen in some videos of STORMS as well.
It will work everytime, however the timing is very strict and is even more strict if you do it from a raw TKS.

Try this combo at :35 and let me know if that makes it easier for you.


Purple Belt in BJJ, White Belt in MK
Hey, I found something kind of useless but maybe someone on here can make some use of it.

If you use the B1,1 string and whiff the B1, the 1 will cause enough knockback to connect to the Force Port for Vortex opportunities.


Nothing really game changing but I was just messing around in training mode and noticed that if you do a NJP, followed by levitate to a teleport, it actually makes the dummy turn around. Whereas if you don't do the levitate at all, the dummy automatically auto corrects itself to face you after the teleport.

Like I said, nothing game changing, but I just found it to be interesting that you do not get an automatic auto correct unless they hold block.


Low Tier Fanatic
Training mode is really stupid - you can do a b3 OTG after u+4 (making his overhead basically a combo starter); set dummy to always crouch block, midscreen do a u+4, dash b3~TKS and if timed well, b3 will OTG for a standard TKS juggle. But of course, it doesn't work on living opponent holding block, whiffs on roll, gets beaten by wakeups. Even worse, b3 doesn't pick up enemies staying longer on the ground after knockdown (I hoped that it would at least pick them up like d3). It also doesn't work in b2b1, d3 otg wall juggle ender setup. I thought that maybe it'll give me something after untechable knd (Ex TKP, throws into wall) but nope.
Just a random piece of useless information :D


You will BOW to me!
Training mode is really stupid - you can do a b3 OTG after u+4 (making his overhead basically a combo starter); set dummy to always crouch block, midscreen do a u+4, dash b3~TKS and if timed well, b3 will OTG for a standard TKS juggle. But of course, it doesn't work on living opponent holding block, whiffs on roll, gets beaten by wakeups. Even worse, b3 doesn't pick up enemies staying longer on the ground after knockdown (I hoped that it would at least pick them up like d3). It also doesn't work in b2b1, d3 otg wall juggle ender setup. I thought that maybe it'll give me something after untechable knd (Ex TKP, throws into wall) but nope.
Just a random piece of useless information :D
Nothing is useless. Thnx for bringing that up Qjon.


Playing with bild-slash earlier today, I was doing the usual TKP, teleport whiff on knockdown into throw, and once he started catching on he would stay down, so I started using d3 into throw to pick him up, he caught onto that as well and started jumping after d3, that's when I started getting risky with d3xxLift and d3 AA uppercut. Seemed to create a good mix-up after TKP.


Nightwolf wannabe
i was messin with somethin recently. much as stryker can guncancel switchstance block, ermac can do the same out of his b2 charge. I can't seem to do it consistently because i use a stick and have to push 3and4 together so i get either input and not the switchstance. for all pad players who have a switchstance button i'd like for you to try usin this and let me know what you think. it allows ermac to block very quickly out of a canceled b2.