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question regarding leaderboard trueskill rank


It's all the luck of the draw, depends what time you're online as to what players you get. It will literally match you with anyone. I get TS 15-low 20s all the time and mine's been 36/37 since Christmas.

I really do think your gameplay is taken into account….. for example Zeptrip’s W/L record is quite impressive but his gameplay is laughable. Some people have lower W/L ratio but much higher TS.
Your right. I play afternoons a lot and I tend to get a lot more low true skill ranked ppl. Later at night I get matched up with better competition.

But that's why I like true skill...you aren't really rewarded for stomping someone well under you. But if you beat someone at or above your level it is reflected in your score.

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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
maybe he just enters the match, presses quit from xbox 2 (or account #2) well might just be as fast to beat them up quickly too though and just press rematch than resetting up the match again. But if someone's not fighting back you can probably win a round in 10-15 seconds. So that could make alot of wins pretty fast, the question is, why would you waste your time doing it. It's like this guy back from MK vs DC, DACninja, all he did was a broken glitch of superman ground pound infinite for thousands of games, how exactly would that be any fun?
Oh god lol I remember that Dacninja guy, probably the same guy as Zombie Cage haha. But yeah, you can probably get leveled up faster by boosting on a dummy account...pretty lame I agree, I have no idea if they test it via time beat though, like 10-15 seconds? But you do raise a good point if they consider that factor. Yeah, if only that Superman and Flash infinite were patched before midway died. I think it's like some others said, and myself earlier it depends on how consistent you are as well as people with your TS or higher as well that will raise it faster. I've definitely noticed people around mine or higher, if I win gets raised then if I'm playing people with lesser TS. Or so it seems anyway.


Go to hell.
The topic creator of this thread went from 18-22 trueskill (he was trying to have the lowest TS in the leaderboard) to 34 in a manner of days. If you've leveled up since then, you're trueskill should skyrocket until you reach a fixed point. Might as well try ranked for fun. Quick opponents. Most kinda suck.
I've definitely leveled up since then, no doubt. Not saying much, but I actually feel kinda confident in this game now. Unless I had to fight someone like you, lol. I guess I'll try it. I do like saying no to people with less than 100 games or with a losing record, etc. That's the other thing.


"I'm the 12th best Sub-Zero player in the world."
So through out this entire thread I've come to one conclusion. Nobody knows SHIT about the "rules" of ranked online kombat.

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
I'm not so sure about TS sometimes. It should honestly take less. I beat players above my skill level all the time and it really doesn't reward me a whole lot. Sometimes it won't at all.

Maybe it's because I was really bad when I first played ranked and since then win about 75%-85% of my matches now but still c'mon...I used to barely have a positive record. Suddenly, I'm almost positive 2,500+. I think if you really lose a lot at the beginning, it can screw you over in the long run which really kind of sucks but at the same time is cool, I guess because people will underestimate you. But I still get blown up by some of those "WOW!" players.


Online Punching Bag
the system is a little wonky definitely and really punishes you for losing to lower level players, I had this really weird all over the place scorpion I fought today that was a low TS, I lost to them because they were just so all over the place and amazingly everything I was trying they were magically avoiding with random hits. I'm currently 33 now, I lost a couple here and there to people in the high 30's TS, but today I beat 2 people TS 38, a TS 35, 3 TS 34 matches and basically won about 16 out of 20 matches and still didn't gain a point. Then when I lost that one match to that wacky playing Scorpion I lost a point.


Revenant Jade
I think if you really lose a lot at the beginning, it can screw you over in the long run which really kind of sucks but at the same time is cool, I guess because people will underestimate you. But I still get blown up by some of those "WOW!" players.
This I believe is actually true, think of it as your career in Ranked Match. My record on Ranked Match is 200/150 mainly because I was trying to get those pesky Ranked Match achievements (No Jumping, Turtle, 10% Health Comeback, 10 Win Streak, 8 Grabs). My TS is currently sitting at 33 on there - this applies to XBL. Back to the career comparison, it's the cumulation of wins/losses/TS players matched with that affects your current TS in the long run. One thing I do want to point out, if you get paired with a beginner and during the middle of the match it was disconnected, you automatically lose 1 TS point. It's unfair because now you have to do more matches to bring it up again and what are your chances running into higher TS players? If you just keep winning match after match and losing little as possible from low TS players to high TS players, the points will gradually increase. If you want a completely immaculate record and high TS, just win no matter what.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
One thing I do want to point out, if you get paired with a beginner and during the middle of the match it was disconnected, you automatically lose 1 TS point.
This happened to me, yet again, yesterday. Now I'm at TS 38 after finally having reached my TS 40 goal a week ago. My connection isn't cut out for Ranked. This **** just gives me OCD. I quit. lol.


Nightwolf wannabe
i thought only xbox used trueskill ps3 uses points right, or does ps3 have trueskill i just didn't notice when i used to play on ps3?


Revenant Jade
PS3 goes by Points (I'm still not sure how it works when I play MK there), XBL goes by TrueSkill (TS) points.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Disagree, I have both versions and always opt to play on XBOX. PS3 servers seem like they're being hosted in Atlantis. I got a fairly good connection, but every match on PS3 seems lagorific. Credence is lent to this hypothesis by the fact that half of the KOTH's rooms are nearly impossible to get in to. AU_Digimon's $100 challenge room is like breaking the DaVinci Code. Only got in once out of 60 tries. To make matters more bleh, PS3 is riddled with clans devoid of individual identity. I can't be arsed to remember AlphaDogB vs AlphaDogC, use a damn normal screen name and rep your clan via profile if need be. Furthermore, the social aspect on PS3 is as minimal as one can find. On xbox, I can see if you're playing versus, koth, training, in online combat, what have ye. On PS3, all it shows is a friend playing mk. Total ass, as is the Kratos stage, which peeps love playing on more than the street. This may just be me, but the overall mentality of people seems to be far more juvenile as well. It's like I stepped foot in to Knott's Berry Farm.

There's other gripes I personally hold. Ala xbox is hooked up to 30 inch Crt, whilst PS3 is hooked up to 23.6 ASUS, but that's just moi.

:Sits back and waits for all the "likes":

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
This happened to me, yet again, yesterday. Now I'm at TS 38 after finally having reached my TS 40 goal a week ago. My connection isn't cut out for Ranked. This **** just gives me OCD. I quit. lol.
Honestly, I've never had this problem. Most of the time it disconnects it gives me a win for some reason. I've even tested it to make sure it does and it really works. It won't make my TS go up at all if they disconnect however I've barely ever seen it credit me with a loss.

Even if they pick a character the same time I pick Rain causing a disconnect/desync; it gives me a win. It's pretty crazy.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Disagree, I have both versions and always opt to play on XBOX. PS3 servers seem like they're being hosted in Atlantis. I got a fairly good connection, but every match on PS3 seems lagorific. Credence is lent to this hypothesis by the fact that half of the KOTH's rooms are nearly impossible to get in to. AU_Digimon's $100 challenge room is like breaking the DaVinci Code. Only got in once out of 60 tries. To make matters more bleh, PS3 is riddled with clans devoid of individual identity. I can't be arsed to remember AlphaDogB vs AlphaDogC, use a damn normal screen name and rep your clan via profile if need be. Furthermore, the social aspect on PS3 is as minimal as one can find. On xbox, I can see if you're playing versus, koth, training, in online combat, what have ye. On PS3, all it shows is a friend playing mk. Total ass, as is the Kratos stage, which peeps love playing on more than the street. This may just be me, but the overall mentality of people seems to be far more juvenile as well. It's like I stepped foot in to Knott's Berry Farm.

There's other gripes I personally hold. Ala xbox is hooked up to 30 inch Crt, whilst PS3 is hooked up to 23.6 ASUS, but that's just moi.

:Sits back and waits for all the "likes":
Interesting. I would love to try out the PS3 version just to goof around, but I don't have a PS3. There are some people in that version that I'd love to play. lol.

Honestly, I've never had this problem. Most of the time it disconnects it gives me a win for some reason. I've even tested it to make sure it does and it really works. It won't make my TS go up at all if they disconnect however I've barely ever seen it credit me with a loss.

Even if they pick a character the same time I pick Rain causing a disconnect/desync; it gives me a win. It's pretty crazy.
Well, it's not the system or game. It's varies from connection to connection. And mine sucks, so I usually always get the loss. ;__;

gdlk connection: http://www.speedtest.net/result/1756467277.png


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I've played PS3 at my friends place online, and I have xbox live myself. I definitely think Xbox >>>PS3 overall.


Disagree, I have both versions and always opt to play on XBOX. PS3 servers seem like they're being hosted in Atlantis. I got a fairly good connection, but every match on PS3 seems lagorific. Credence is lent to this hypothesis by the fact that half of the KOTH's rooms are nearly impossible to get in to. AU_Digimon's $100 challenge room is like breaking the DaVinci Code. Only got in once out of 60 tries. To make matters more bleh, PS3 is riddled with clans devoid of individual identity. I can't be arsed to remember AlphaDogB vs AlphaDogC, use a damn normal screen name and rep your clan via profile if need be. Furthermore, the social aspect on PS3 is as minimal as one can find. On xbox, I can see if you're playing versus, koth, training, in online combat, what have ye. On PS3, all it shows is a friend playing mk. Total ass, as is the Kratos stage, which peeps love playing on more than the street. This may just be me, but the overall mentality of people seems to be far more juvenile as well. It's like I stepped foot in to Knott's Berry Farm.

There's other gripes I personally hold. Ala xbox is hooked up to 30 inch Crt, whilst PS3 is hooked up to 23.6 ASUS, but that's just moi.

:Sits back and waits for all the "likes":
Consider this a one man standing ovation.

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Eh SnOwY

i used to have TS of 35 for like reaaaaly long time, then i raised it to 36, now that i lost like 5 games, i dropped to 34 :confused:

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
lol @ this thread.


If this was actually like SF4 and the trueskill wasn't 100% random, then okay, but it is.


Oh, my days !
I love true skill. But I also kind of hate it as well... Playing ranked matches against tough, experienced opponents makes my heart beat like the "Painkiller" intro-drum solo and my face look like Dr Emmett Brown from Back to the future! And when I say tough experienced opponents, I mean EVERYBODY. I give the 2250-4800, 24 trueskill guy the same respect as the 700-200 34 trueskill dude. Even if the 2nd guy has a better w/l ratio, the 1st guy is far more experienced.
Ranked is not a casual "learn from your defeat" match like player matches. It's "go for it" 100%.
And another thing that I'd love to hear your opinions: How do you explain someone's record being 6500-520 and yet he has True Skill Rank of 29-30 tops? What do you call that person? Especially if at least 15-20 of his losses were against you and every time you enter a room, you see announces of him beating a 60-240 poor guy?.. I'm not saying names... :/