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question regarding leaderboard trueskill rank

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
True that, Lumpy.
That is so weak. I can't even comprehend how much of a loser you have to be to do that. Does that person think we don't know? To me ZombieCage is a joke -- for that matter, so is ZepTrip. I'll respect any player that wants to learn the game, however I cannot stand idiots that refuse to learn anything and sit there and spam mindlessly. I honestly don't understand how people can win like that.

For example: I played ZepTrip the other day and he flat out said "I don't do combos" and proceeded to talk loads of crap. I don't hold back from those players. They're wasting my time and everybody elses by refusing to actually learn anything besides how to spam the same tactic over and over to see if they can beat up on newbies that want to learn.


Go to hell.
Alright, so quick off topic question, but I was horrible when this game first came out and for a couple moths afterward, like I couldn't do F214 type combos and I didn't understand things like JIPs or know about TYM.com, so my ranked true skill was jacked. I'd say I'm above average right now, but I stay away from ranked because of my horrible record and low 20s true skill. I went from a record in player matches of 40-140 to 720-200 in the last couple months, so do you guys think there would be any use in Ranked, or would my true skill be so wrecked I'd never catch up to players more my speed and level up? In ranked I think I'm about even or slightly above in wins/ losses (like 150-170/150) with mid-low 20 true skill....


"I'm the 12th best Sub-Zero player in the world."
Okay.....this thread got WWWWAAAAAYYYYYY off topic in a hurry.

Whos gets the disconnect/loss when you get to the player select screen and its frozen with no gamertags under Scorpion & SZ? It will sit there forever I think.

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
Honestly, I think better players play in 'Player Matches' -- you would do fine if you were to play ranked. I usually just use player matches though if I meet someone who's really, really good and feel I can learn something from them/vice versa.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Alright, so quick off topic question, but I was horrible when this game first came out and for a couple moths afterward, like I couldn't do F214 type combos and I didn't understand things like JIPs or know about TYM.com, so my ranked true skill was jacked. I'd say I'm above average right now, but I stay away from ranked because of my horrible record and low 20s true skill. I went from a record in player matches of 40-140 to 720-200 in the last couple months, so do you guys think there would be any use in Ranked, or would my true skill be so wrecked I'd never catch up to players more my speed and level up? In ranked I think I'm about even or slightly above in wins/ losses (like 150-170/150) with mid-low 20 true skill....
The topic creator of this thread went from 18-22 trueskill (he was trying to have the lowest TS in the leaderboard) to 34 in a manner of days. If you've leveled up since then, you're trueskill should skyrocket until you reach a fixed point. Might as well try ranked for fun. Quick opponents. Most kinda suck.


Quickest way to increase your TS is to bablity someone with a similar TS. Mine is consistantly 37, it can go down to 36 sometimes but if I baby someone with a 31-36 it usually shoots straight back up. It generally goes down when I lose to someone in the 20s (the shame!)

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
Quickest way to increase your TS is to bablity someone with a similar TS. Mine is consistantly 37, it can go down to 36 sometimes but if I baby someone with a 31-36 it usually shoots straight back up. It generally goes down when I lose to someone in the 20s (the shame!)
Did not know it had any baring on whether or not you do very well in a winning effort or not. It's a shame if the match is extremely close that it doesn't compensate for that, as well.


"I'm the 12th best Sub-Zero player in the world."
I looked it up and it turns out TrueSkill is a real thing that people use and not just something made up by NRS. It was developed Microsoft Research as an alternative to the Elo rating system. If you really want to know the details of it, you can check out these links:
That was some deep shit there bro. Really I cant real algorithms or anything of that nature. I just want a basic outline of the "rules" for ranked kombat. Is it true that if you baby someone your TS will shoot up?


That was some deep shit there bro. Really I cant real algorithms or anything of that nature. I just want a basic outline of the "rules" for ranked kombat. Is it true that if you baby someone your TS will shoot up?
It's easy to baby someone in ranked given that half of them got the game for christmas, you have to baby someone with a TS close to yours. Try it.


Robot Ninja
I didn't actually read much of what I linked, but as far as I can tell, the contents of a match don't have any sort of effect on your TrueSkill, just whether you win or lose and who you win or lose against.

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
I didn't actually read much of what I linked, but as far as I can tell, the contents of a match don't have any sort of effect on your TrueSkill, just whether you win or lose and who you win or lose against.
That's more of what I was lead to believe and seems true.


Has anyone noticed how remarkably accurate true skill is? I'm a 35, if I'm matched with a 33-37 I'm in for a real good match. 38 or higher, prob going to lose. 32 or under, I pick a secondary character.

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NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
lol... it should have an asterisks. True Skill for Online play. If your top character is Kung Lao, Raiden, Mileena... you get a lynch mob!!! :)

I want my true skill to be higher... just so I can play the better players. That is the ONLY reason i play ranked. But I'll be damned if I play 5 people in the 20's before I get a few in the lower 30's. I guess I'm going to have to baby more people huh?


1 2 3 drink
It's easy to baby someone in ranked given that half of them got the game for christmas, you have to baby someone with a TS close to yours. Try it.
lol from now off ill try that every match, wich will probably make me lose more and go down in rating :D

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Nay, babalities, flawless victories, what have you, have no bearing. Just your TS in relation to your opponents. Big fan of the TS system myself.


I had a set with someone in player tag a few months ago who was demanding rematches, I won about 20 straight in a row in an hour. His TS was mid 20s. After the games, despite not losing a single match, my TS had dropped by 2. TS = BS.


Nah man, match after match. Not saying it should go up but at least it should stay the same.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I think "true skill" is a crap shoot. Especially since the game is based off of just a simple... one match takes all.

Ranked should be first to 2. To me that would better the true skill... as 90% of skill is adaptation.
Player matches should have the option of like... first to 2 all the way up to 10.


"I'm the 12th best Sub-Zero player in the world."
lol... it should have an asterisks. True Skill for Online play. If your top character is Kung Lao, Raiden, Mileena... you get a lynch mob!!! :)

I want my true skill to be higher... just so I can play the better players. That is the ONLY reason i play ranked. But I'll be damned if I play 5 people in the 20's before I get a few in the lower 30's. I guess I'm going to have to baby more people huh?
I thought ranked just linked you up with whoever had requested to play 1v1 or tag. Its sets you up with people around you rank?


Online Punching Bag
I was originally under the impression that the TS system was garbage but now that I'm at a little higher rank I seem to be matched up with higher people a lot more often. So it does actually work to an extent. I still get those matches of people that are like 15/50 but fewer of those and more matches with people that are 30 trueskill or higher at least half my games now.


It's all the luck of the draw, depends what time you're online as to what players you get. It will literally match you with anyone. I get TS 15-low 20s all the time and mine's been 36/37 since Christmas.

I really do think your gameplay is taken into account….. for example Zeptrip’s W/L record is quite impressive but his gameplay is laughable. Some people have lower W/L ratio but much higher TS.