I really thought there was going to be a full morph in his move set... maybe make morphing into the Kameo Character to make it different from Shang Tsung, or something... I dunno.. I just thought that we were defiantly going to get a full morph of some type in his move set.
You should go watch Terminator 2, man. The movie is fantastic.
T2 is one of the most over-rated films of all time.... there is a LOT to like about it, but it can not escape the ewok factor.... "ewok factor" is when they take a film and insert a fucking obnoxious child into and then shoehorn in restrictions to hit a producer requirement to attain a certain age rating. Oh hey... you made that brutal cult action film about the killer robot? Lets make a sequel but make it for families and give it a pg rating for kids can go see it! Also, make a star a teenage boy, as that is who is most likely going to buy the merch... the entire film is a sellout. That wouldn't even be that bad, hey it is how things are done... but the kid in this film is just unbearable.
Making the terminator not kill people was fucking retarded, and that kid is unwatchable in every single scene he is in.
Should have just been Sara Conner as a badass and the terminator shooting people in the face from start to end. T2 is one of those films that the more you watch it the more you realise that most of it is utter shit.