I love the Fatal Blows, they’re hilarious. Smashing someone’s skull in, exploding their testes, pulling their arms out of their sockets, biting chunks out of them, etc, and then them getting back up as if it never happened will always put a smile on my face. This absurdity style is what MK was built on. Like in the classic MK’s, where after doing a fatality and then they explode, and then there’s like 5 leg bones, 2 skulls, 8 arms, 3 rib cages, etc etc was always so ridiculous and funny. This is apart of Mortal Kombat’s charm. Yes, it’s extremely brutal, but also extremely goofy. It’s both serious and unserious. Same goes for modern day Fatals. They COULD just do the first thing they do during the Fatality and that’d do the trick, but that’s not absurd enough. They have to cut your hands and feet off, juggle them, then punt your head off your shoulders. It’s gory but also super silly, it’s great, it’s… MORTAL KOMBAT!