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But if you guys wanna bring this back to gameplay, peep how slow Noob Saibot's portal is. There's no way that isn't an unblockable. AND its a launcher? Yeah, that character is gonna be toxic af, I cannot wait
Honestly, I'm absolutely here for Noob Saibot. He's my second favorite ninja next to Reptile.

In fact, here's my ninja tier list:

S Tier: Reptile, Noob Saibot, Ermac

A Tier: Scorpion, Sub Zero

B Tier: Rain

C Tier: Tremor, Smoke

D tier: Chameleon. Some people count him cause of Armageddon but w/e.

The list would be a little different if we counted Jade/Kitana/etc as lady ninjas, but that's where they stand for me.
I didn’t like cetrion’s powerset. Okay so she’s like mother earth I guess? She controls plants, but can also set them on fire and oh also throws rocks. Like that powerset was a little too all over the place (imo of course). I have been waiting for a strictly plant based character. I thought she’d be that, and she wasn’t.

Plus I’m not sure I like playable elder gods. I know Shinnok is a fallen elder god, but he’s fallen so it makes sense.

Then again the elder gods and the one being have now been made lesser than “Titans” and fucking everyone is a titan now so it’s all bullshit.

Shit on me all you like, but I’ll say it again. Dominic Ciancolo should not have a job after his handling of the past few games.
I didn’t like cetrion’s powerset. Okay so she’s like mother earth I guess? She controls plants, but can also set them on fire and oh also throws rocks. Like that powerset was a little too all over the place (imo of course). I have been waiting for a strictly plant based character. I thought she’d be that, and she wasn’t.

Plus I’m not sure I like playable elder gods. I know Shinnok is a fallen elder god, but he’s fallen so it makes sense.

Then again the elder gods and the one being have now been made lesser than “Titans” and fucking everyone is a titan now so it’s all bullshit.

Shit on me all you like, but I’ll say it again. Dominic Ciancolo should not have a job after his handling of the past few games.
Scorpion being killed by D'Vorah in MK11 instead of Noob Saibot is all you need to know about how terrible of a writer he is.

The posterboy of Mortal Kombat, killed by a character he has literally never talked to.
MK lives and dies by their ninjas. People are hype that MK1 has all the male ninjas for the first time since MK9. While people lamented how many Special Forces characters were in X.

The difference with Geras was he was created as a jobber. He was just an enforcer. Cetrion was our first ever playable (non-fallen) Elder God, that's a huge deal, this is one of the beings that Raiden begged and prayed for assistance in MK9. This is the person who was meant to fight Hell itself, and she got her ass mollywhopped by Jax.

I know powerlevels mean jackshit in MK, but they could have easily fixed Cetrion's situation by having her not fully agree with Kronika's plan. Have her hold back against the heroes.
I mean, Cetrion can only do what the story allowed her to do lol. She's just a different type of jobber that Gears was in the story. Baraka and Reptile type dudes were Infinity jobbers until MK1. Anyone can have a place if the story dictates it so I don't really buy "the story" arguments considering MK1 changed everything so much. Cassie was the literal GOAT at the end of MKX and look where that got her now.

For MK1 they could have easily repurposed Cetrion outright similar to how they did Gears and it could have worked. But I've made peace with her likely being gone forever. There's only so many slots that can be given out and she's probably on the farthest end of possible returns R.I.P. She died a legend, we were unworthy.

As far as the intro part though, screw all that. If people can get hype for Tremor or whatever low level ninja character then that's even more incentive to push for characters like Cassie/Jacqui who were made a lot more vital to the story and still haven't returned or been given spiritual successors. Takeda JUST arrived lol. Criticism for too many SF characters almost a decade ago in MKX has been overdone now with every single ninja imaginable in this sausagefest of a game to the point where they had to turn your main man Sektor into Sektorina to make up the ratio difference when actual Sektor is there to remind you what could have been as a Kameo. Your robots should have stayed as Kameos so literal world saving legendary dna characters like Cassie and Jacqui could have joined the roster and brought their unique characters and playstyles with them.
I didn’t like cetrion’s powerset. Okay so she’s like mother earth I guess? She controls plants, but can also set them on fire and oh also throws rocks. Like that powerset was a little too all over the place (imo of course). I have been waiting for a strictly plant based character. I thought she’d be that, and she wasn’t.

Plus I’m not sure I like playable elder gods. I know Shinnok is a fallen elder god, but he’s fallen so it makes sense.

Then again the elder gods and the one being have now been made lesser than “Titans” and fucking everyone is a titan now so it’s all bullshit.

Shit on me all you like, but I’ll say it again. Dominic Ciancolo should not have a job after his handling of the past few games.
I mean, Cetrion can only do what the story allowed her to do lol. She's just a different type of jobber that Gears was in the story. Baraka and Reptile type dudes were Infinity jobbers until MK1. Anyone can have a place if the story dictates it so I don't really buy "the story" arguments considering MK1 changed everything so much. Cassie was the literal GOAT at the end of MKX and look where that got her now.

For MK1 they could have easily repurposed Cetrion outright similar to how they did Gears and it could have worked. But I've made peace with her likely being gone forever. There's only so many slots that can be given out and she's probably on the farthest end of possible returns R.I.P. She died a legend, we were unworthy.

As far as the intro part though, screw all that. If people can get hype for Tremor or whatever low level ninja character then that's even more incentive to push for characters like Cassie/Jacqui who were made a lot more vital to the story and still haven't returned or been given spiritual successors. Takeda JUST arrived lol. Criticism for too many SF characters almost a decade ago in MKX has been overdone now with every single ninja imaginable in this sausagefest of a game to the point where they had to turn your main man Sektor into Sektorina to make up the ratio difference when actual Sektor is there to remind you what could have been as a Kameo. Your robots should have stayed as Kameos so literal world saving legendary dna characters like Cassie and Jacqui could have joined the roster and brought their unique characters and playstyles with them.
Maybe in Call of Duty. But people are sick of seeing the military in this martial arts tournament.

And it looks like they're doing it right in this timeline with the Special Forces Outworld Investigation team being more of a Men in Black organization instead of just boring ass real world military
Maybe in Call of Duty. But people are sick of seeing the military in this martial arts tournament.

And it looks like they're doing it right in this timeline with the Special Forces Outworld Investigation team being more of a Men in Black organization instead of just boring ass real world military
I'll remember this when the KP3 expansion, Special Forces Edition releases and we get the real stars of the show.
I don't have an issue with the Special Forces themselves, Sonya and Jax have always been staples of the franchise and Cassie was a good character in Story Mode (I did not like her multiplayer persona), but in Mortal Kombat XL they were definitely overshadowed by the much more interesting Outworld Civil War story line. I wish that had overall been the game's main story focus.

For Dom, we don't know how much creative control he actually has. Using my own industry as a parallel, he'd actually have very little. In TV, writers are often told the key beats/story objectives they're required to hit for a project (i.e.write a MCU-like, grand adventure that incorporates X and Y elements), and then after the script is complete, things change further to accommodate the realities of production and post.
I don't have an issue with the Special Forces themselves, Sonya and Jax have always been staples of the franchise and Cassie was a good character in Story Mode (I did not like her multiplayer persona), but in Mortal Kombat XL they were definitely overshadowed by the much more interesting Outworld Civil War story line. I wish that had overall been the game's main story focus.

For Dom, we don't know how much creative control he actually has. Using my own industry as a parallel, he'd actually have very little. In TV, writers are often told the key beats/story objectives they're required to hit for a project (i.e.write a MCU-like, grand adventure that incorporates X and Y elements), and then after the script is complete, things change further to accommodate the realities of production and post.
And the rambling whims of the producer.

In general I don't love when people try to blame a specific person in a MASSIVE org for one issue. Yes i get "well they joined at X time when Y started shitting the bed" logic, but seriously if you've ever worked at any large company you know what a shitshow projects are from top to bottom.

And as much as I give MK greif about it's writing, it's mostly because I feel it's close to being so much better. I don't actually expect it to be, because clearly it doesn't need to be. I may not like the directions they're going with things, but they sure as shit don't care with the sales figures they're getting, and why fuck with what's working? At the end of the day this site is an infinitesimally small portion of the community mostly going off anecdotes. Doesn't mean that the consulting firms with "hard" data aren't also full of shit, but I doubt we'll see much more in the way of changes to the writing until they have a reason to.
In general I don't love when people try to blame a specific person in a MASSIVE org for one issue.
Absolutely. The amount of control and influence people actually believe Boon, or even Stephanie has, as examples, is mind boggling.

Yes i get "well they joined at X time when Y started shitting the bed" logic, but seriously if you've ever worked at any large company you know what a shitshow projects are from top to bottom.
Yeah. It's more likely that the person was brought in to fulfill the project objective or mandate in the first place. They didn't cause it, but have a heavy hand in it because that's what they were hired to do.
The difference with Geras was he was created as a jobber. He was just an enforcer. Cetrion was our first ever playable (non-fallen) Elder God, that's a huge deal, this is one of the beings that Raiden begged and prayed for assistance in MK9. This is the person who was meant to fight Hell itself, and she got her ass mollywhopped by Jax.

I know powerlevels mean jackshit in MK, but they could have easily fixed Cetrion's situation by having her not fully agree with Kronika's plan. Have her hold back against the heroes.

I was genuinely surprised Cetrion never turned. It was the logical thing for her to do. All they had to do was make her say something like "Not this time, mother". And then Kronika could say "You always say that at the end" and absorb her.

And that's not even counting the potential of her being the mysterious woman Jade was having visions of, which seemed like an interesting storyline being set up in 9 and X, but was not used in the end. Cetrion secretly trying to sabotage Kronika's plan that way would've been interesting.
Here are the pre-order skins:

View attachment 21830
Bro you dont eve get these unless you pre order... They went maximum scumbag with mk1 and with this pack in particular.

This is just unacceptable,you cant be a full priced premium game and at the same time treat it as a f2p game fuck that shit.

Not to mention the unfinished state of the game.
You cant even select skin loudouts and choose them in character select for fucks sake,90% of kameos dotn even have an alt skin,90%of UOL and OOD skins look awfull,leaving you with only paid options(that started off for 10 dollars lmao).

The audacity to still charge 50€ for this is mind blowing.
You have to be some sort of clown to pay that DLC price on this game that is still unfinished and is still to this day garbage. NRS is so bad they somehow managed to ruin 3 badass returning characters. HOW DO YOU FUCK UP NOOB, CYRAX, AND SEKTOR???? LIKE HOOOOOWWW??? NRS finds a way.
Bro you dont eve get these unless you pre order... They went maximum scumbag with mk1 and with this pack in particular.

This is just unacceptable,you cant be a full priced premium game and at the same time treat it as a f2p game fuck that shit.
Is anybody surprised? They got away with it in MK11, so I was pretty sure it was gonna be worse in MK1, and well...here we are.
You have to be some sort of clown to pay that DLC price on this game that is still unfinished and is still to this day garbage. NRS is so bad they somehow managed to ruin 3 badass returning characters. HOW DO YOU FUCK UP NOOB, CYRAX, AND SEKTOR???? LIKE HOOOOOWWW??? NRS finds a way.
Game is dope af rn. Been dope for a while now. Give it another shot
Game is dope af rn. Been dope for a while now. Give it another shot
Oh did they get rid of kameos and make all characters feel complete again? Did they at least fix the gameplay so it doesn't feel like the most boring assist fighter to ever release and not play like baby's first assist fighter? How about changes so the gameplay doesn't feel clunky? Did they fix the god awful animations? How about the inconsistency in character design? Matchmaking while in training? What about the drop from 60fps to 30fps even on PC?

No? That's what I thought. I'll stick to the other fighting games around. Literally every single one I'm currently playing takes a massive dump on MK1.
What about the drop from 60fps to 30fps even on PC
Um, I think that's ... ok, now? They added a 60 fps mode in cutscenes (except Story Mode) and Invasions (finally), and I can't say I stumbled on any obvious glitches in the past few weeks. It DEFINITELY is more polished, technically, compared to the utterly broken mess it was on release.
Is anybody surprised? They got away with it in MK11, so I was pretty sure it was gonna be worse in MK1, and well...here we are.
Ohh trust me im not the one to defend or talk up mk11 but when it comes to unlocks and skins and microtransactions, well you could unlock everything,crystals were earnable(not a particularlly good or an abundent system but still earnable) and you didnt need to use them,they were just a way to get stuff from the rotation thats normally unlockable anyway.

The only crystal only skins were klassic rain and a few female ninja skins,but again you could get crystals and unlock those.

In the mk 11 kps each character release the owners of the kp would get a skin pack(3 skins each characters so 6×3)in addition to the chracters and content in the kps.

So even though you could argue prcing even back then, atleast you could unlock everything,even though mk11 desings are not really my cup of tea in terms of asthetics and mk feel, base skins actually looked decent and you wanted to unlock them(alot of cool classic insired skins),microtransactions were minimum and kps gave kp owners a bunch skins in addition.

Mk1 when it comes to those aspects and systems and content is worse by a mile in every way,and the pricing is even worse.
Ok. Weird considering this site isn't called "Tekken Zaibatsu" or "Shoryuken"
It's also not called MK1might. It's a Mortal Kombat forum, just because I think MK11 and MK1 are dog shit doesn't mean I should leave forums of a series I used to enjoy until recently, and still in the community I joined over a decade ago that I still enjoy chatting to.
Ohh trust me im not the one to defend or talk up mk11 but when it comes to unlocks and skins and microtransactions, well you could unlock everything,crystals were earnable(not a particularlly good or an abundent system but still earnable) and you didnt need to use them,they were just a way to get stuff from the rotation thats normally unlockable anyway.

The only crystal only skins were klassic rain and a few female ninja skins,but again you could get crystals and unlock those.

In the mk 11 kps each character release the owners of the kp would get a skin pack(3 skins each characters so 6×3)in addition to the chracters and content in the kps.

So even though you could argue prcing even back then, atleast you could unlock everything,even though mk11 desings are not really my cup of tea in terms of asthetics and mk feel, base skins actually looked decent and you wanted to unlock them(alot of cool classic insired skins),microtransactions were minimum and kps gave kp owners a bunch skins in addition.

Mk1 when it comes to those aspects and systems and content is worse by a mile in every way,and the pricing is even worse.

Oh, I know it was not as bad, but MK11 definitely started the whole game as a service thing for the franchise. It's unlock system felt like it belonged on a mobile or free to play game. But it went well, so of course they doubled down on it. I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes even worse by MK13. After all people are buying those riculously priced skins and fatalities.