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They don't need to 'train' them. They just needed to make games more inclusive, which they are.

There are already more women in the fighting game scene now than there were when I first found it, and in the MK scene as well. The Tekken scene is even ahead of us. If we learn to stop being weird about it, this trend will continue.
You are litterally describing what we are telling you guys...

Yeah tekken is ahead,cause it appeals to women more,its an anime,no blood,with tons comedic tone,happy go lucky side stories and characters(including female characters) etc.
And tekken has always been that.The way the characters are designed and behave,again anime like.i mean whats more likley to be liked by women,a panda wesring a heart shaped backpack or a fire demon that rips your head out with his spear... like what are we even talking about here lol

Nobody has a problem or is being wierd about women liking or wanting to participate in tournamets for mk. By all means if you like it for what it is, play and enjoy it,dont be like yeahh if you want me to play mk you gotta do his and this and this otherwise you sexist...lol

This notion that mk is supposed to have male to female ratio quotas,all women kps and whatever other demand i have seen here and on twitter is nonsensical.

Mk is an ultra violent ultra gory game and it is male centric,thats the reality and history of mk,from characters to story,you other like it or you dont.
Yeah tekken is ahead,cause it appeals to women more,its an anime,no blood,with tons comedic tone,happy go lucky side stories and characters
I don't know what women you know, but I know plenty that are into some pretty dark stuff and aren't at all afraid of something with blood in it. I think it's kinda infantilizing to reduce likes/dislikes this way, and none of the top female Tekken players are playing Panda.

We're living in the post-Game of Thrones/Handmaid's Tale era where both men and women can handle stuff that's not flowers and sunshine.

You can just look at our own community, which has a lot more women in it than it used to. People like what they like.
I don't know what women you know, but I know plenty that are into some pretty dark stuff and aren't at all afraid of something with blood in it. I think it's kinda infantilizing to reduce likes/dislikes this way, and none of the top female Tekken players are playing Panda.

You can just look at our own community, which has a lot more women in it than it used to. People like what they like.
I didnt say there is not a single women that likes games/movies etc. that have blood in then or focused on gore...

I simply said theres much less of them and thats a fact,im sorry but it is.

I am not in any way dictating what women can like or not,im not sure why you and others are even using this as an argument when i never stated it.

Again i am simply saying that men and women like different things at different rates and that its perfecrly normal for products to be centred on their main customer base
I didnt say there is not a single women that likes games/movies etc. that have blood in then or focused on gore...

I simply said theres much less of them and thats a fact,im sorry but it is.

I am not in any way dictating what women can like or not,im not sure why you and others are even using this as an argument when i never stated it.

Again i am simply saying that men and women like different things at different rates and that its perfecrly normal for products to be centred on their main customer base
The issue isn't that NRS needs to pander directly to men or women. The issue is that NRS pretends like men and women like different things.

They think women feel better about these butch faced, flat assed, covered up nuns. They don't. Women are perverts just like we are lmao. I've played MK with a bunch of women over the years, and ever since this became an issue with the start of MKX I always asked them about it. They love fat asses, big titties and thick thighs.

No human is out there thinking to themselves "Man I really would love to play video games, but I'm just waiting on them to add some ugly, average motherfuckers"
The issue isn't that NRS needs to pander directly to men or women. The issue is that NRS pretends like men and women like different things.

They think women feel better about these butch faced, flat assed, covered up nuns. They don't. Women are perverts just like we are lmao. I've played MK with a bunch of women over the years, and ever since this became an issue with the start of MKX I always asked them about it. They love fat asses, big titties and thick thighs.

No human is out there thinking to themselves "Man I really would love to play video games, but I'm just waiting on them to add some ugly, average motherfuckers"
And NRS did it to appease the "progressive" movment thinking it will make the game,as crimsonshadow would say, more inclusive and respectfull to women and as NRS said more realistic...
The issue isn't that NRS needs to pander directly to men or women. The issue is that NRS pretends like men and women like different things.

They think women feel better about these butch faced, flat assed, covered up nuns. They don't. Women are perverts just like we are lmao. I've played MK with a bunch of women over the years, and ever since this became an issue with the start of MKX I always asked them about it. They love fat asses, big titties and thick thighs.

No human is out there thinking to themselves "Man I really would love to play video games, but I'm just waiting on them to add some ugly, average motherfuckers"
MK11 and MK1 might be able to use a bit more sex appeal, but I think most people would prefer to have woman be even more covered up than to return to the idiocy that were the MK9 female costumes.
MK11 and MK1 might be able to use a bit more sex appeal, but I think most people would prefer to have woman be even more covered up than to return to the idiocy that were the MK9 female costumes.
Tbh they were pretty tasteless, but I just think its ridiculous for them to claim that bodies should be realistic, blah blah blah, but in 11 Jax is ripped out of his mind covered in baby oil, and Kano has maximum bear energy with a lovetrail that stretches down to his crotch.

Even in MK1 they made Reptile, slimeball "You been rollin in trash?" Reptile, an ultra handsome chiseled face greek god, and made Li Mei look like a 50 year old disgruntled post office worker. And its a BRUTAL fucking juxtaposition when her no makeup, scowling face is put in her sexy pirate Deception costume.

If NRS actually believed in what they said, that would be worth respecting. But they don't. Launch Mileena has pants on, her most recent dlc costume has booty shorts. They just want internet points. Points with the prudes in the beginning, and points with the perverts after the other crowd moves on.
The issue isn't that NRS needs to pander directly to men or women. The issue is that NRS pretends like men and women like different things.

They think women feel better about these butch faced, flat assed, covered up nuns. They don't. Women are perverts just like we are lmao. I've played MK with a bunch of women over the years, and ever since this became an issue with the start of MKX I always asked them about it. They love fat asses, big titties and thick thighs.

No human is out there thinking to themselves "Man I really would love to play video games, but I'm just waiting on them to add some ugly, average motherfuckers"
Who is an ugly, average mother fucker in modern MK?

I'm thinking about Cassie, Skarlet, Mileena, Kitana, Sindel, etc. They're all conventionally attractive.
Because they're boring as fuck. If I'm playing a game about a mystical martial arts tournament, I don't need a huge amount of the roster to be generic soldiers.

Cetrion was just one of the worst characters they've ever written. An Elder God with mommy issues, who is a jobber villain, no thanks
Uh huh, because having 87 ninjas on the roster and people still begging for "Tremor and Khameleon" to be playable over the years is peak originality right? Cetrion could easily have story advancement like every other character has had, including your main Geras who was the ultimate jobber of the same group you criticize, and none of the Kombat Kids play anything remotely alike.
The three ninja characters seem cool. I'm not really going to play them, but I'm interested to see what NRS does with them. Terminator also seems like he could have a lot of fun possibilities.

Conan I'm on the fence with. Could be cool, but I'm not sure how to make him interesting other than "big body guy with a sword". Fine on it's own, just not sure how to expand on it.

Only DLC I don't like is ghostface from Scream. Just doesn't seem like a fighting game character to me.
I don't know what women you know, but I know plenty that are into some pretty dark stuff and aren't at all afraid of something with blood in it. I think it's kinda infantilizing to reduce likes/dislikes this way, and none of the top female Tekken players are playing Panda.

We're living in the post-Game of Thrones/Handmaid's Tale era where both men and women can handle stuff that's not flowers and sunshine.

You can just look at our own community, which has a lot more women in it than it used to. People like what they like.
I think you're the one in a nerd culture bubble. Most people in my life don't even know I play video games. It's just one of my half dozen or so hobbies, and I'm not the type to talk about my hobbies much unless they come up. And most women are not into gore, and if they are, are definitely not into edgy ass "VENGEANCE!!' character tropes.

Stereotypes can be hurtful, but a lot of them exist for a reason. The vast majority of women are gonna pick the panda in this scenario, and it's fucking silly to say otherwise. The reason they'd pick the panda could be societal pressure, but it's very clear that most women prefer cute things.

You should meet people not terminally online.

A few of these points being made in both sides are so sad and out of touch that I don't really wanna involve myself, but you should both just stop talking about this.

Media shouldn't be all inclusive. The desire to please everyone and offend no one is killing ART

BUT, sexism and misogyny and all the other bullshit I've read through is also obviously bad, much worse, actually.

You guys sound like 2nd graders arguing Astronomy.

Acshuallly SJW woke Maga tips fedora mlady ass kids these days
I think you're the one in a nerd culture bubble. Most people in my life don't even know I play video games. It's just one of my half dozen or so hobbies, and I'm not the type to talk about my hobbies much unless they come up. And most women are not into gore, and if they are, are definitely not into edgy ass "VENGEANCE!!' character tropes.

Stereotypes can be hurtful, but a lot of them exist for a reason. The vast majority of women are gonna pick the panda in this scenario, and it's fucking silly to say otherwise. The reason they'd pick the panda could be societal pressure, but it's very clear that most women prefer cute things.

You should meet people not terminally online.

A few of these points being made in both sides are so sad and out of touch that I don't really wanna involve myself, but you should both just stop talking about this.

Media shouldn't be all inclusive. The desire to please everyone and offend no one is killing ART

BUT, sexism and misogyny and all the other bullshit I've read through is also obviously bad, much worse, actually.

You guys sound like 2nd graders arguing Astronomy.

Acshuallly SJW woke Maga tips fedora mlady ass kids these days
"Most women are not into gore."


We've arrived at the, "I can't personally jerk off to this video game character, so they're woke" level of discourse whenever women in video games comes up.

Happens every time.
Oh yeah great argument when Kano, Kuai Liang, and Reptile of all characters are in the spank bank of every woman and gay man who plays this game.

Nobody is asking for MK 9 levels of bad for the women. However when Skarlet is in a burka we might have an issue.

People have also finally just grown tired of the twitter crowd silencing them or telling them what they are and are not allowed to like. That’s going to keep growing as well.