Raiden's doing 45% with no kameo. Mileena is doing 35% with no bar, no kameo. Kenshi is doing 50% with no kameo. Geras is doing 43% with no kameo. Li Mei has 1 braindead combo for 35% no kameo 1 bar. Pathetic.
Also, sento is not a kameo and even if it was, Kenshi would be able to use 2 kameos
Completely ridiculous claim.
Again, looking at Li Mei without kameo is kinda stupid. Which kameo are you using where you can’t get decent damage? Because if she’s getting good damage with 6+ different Kameos, it’s a moot point that she can’t get damage without using resources (which by the way also isn’t true; f43, dash~b2~db2, db2, ji134~bf1(ex), ji13~db4 is well over 40% midscreen, and her corner damage is similar/better)
For my own knowledge, which combo is raiden doing without kameo that is reaching 45%?
The downplay here is absolutely ridiculous. Li mei has things you could complain about, her damage is not one.
b2 doesnt beat any pokes except off b34 if i remember correctly and d1 gets backdash whiff punished. My friend backdashes after 12 a lot so ive had to blind confirm 124bf1 and on reaction scorpion kameo to catch him disrespecting the last hit.
Fair enough, need to use iadb4 more, do you use it on OKI mostly? I find trying to get it out in neutral except after a d4 on hit very dicey.
What scenarios do you not use scorpion?
im guna try ram more 50/50s out and use b2 ex bf1 more as a blind check.
How do you generally approach a character like kitana?
much appreciated for advice anyways man.
I actually prefer to use khameleon. I feel she works much better. Certainly works better against kitana.
Jade glow forces an approach, glaive toss gives you a mid option.
Kitana disguise fan prevents use of armour or poking in gaps. This allows you to establish a better stagger game.
If kitana is back dashing during your pressure then you need to complete your strings more, or chase her down. Or you can jump back iadb4.