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The official Tom Brady new main speculation


Bone and Metal
Kano is more likely than Raiden or KL tbh (considering the 2 clues).

A lot of people have Kano on their bottom 5 list but if I remember correctly, Tom has always believed he was top 10 or near it. I remember him saying how he only had like 1-2 bad matchups.
Kano's not top ten, but I do share a thought that he doesn't get blown up by anyone in particular. The reason he can't be top ten is because he doesn't really excel in any area, he's just good at most things and nothing else. He used to have one of the best projectiles in the game, but of course that no longer applies. >.>


Zoning Master
Dave would murder Tom if Freddy is Tom's idea of a character without a face.
True. I would.

Seriously, I haven't talked to Tom in a while, but I am fairly sure he is either using Kabal, Kung Lao, or Raiden. Kano is not bottom 5, but he is definitely not top 10 either, so I doubt Tom would use him.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Hmm. "Used to have a face."
Maybe he's going Jim Carrey Riddler on us and means it literally.

That winds it down to:
-Scorpion (became a Spectre),
-Ermac (several faces at once, not sure if he can take his mask off),
-Cyrax, Sektor, Cyber Sub-Zero (once had faces, were turned into robots),

Everyone else either has a relatively normal/plain-to-see face, or a mask hiding said already-established face.

Just a thought...


Head Cage
I have a gut feeling to say Reptile, just because, he's just not being represented in Tournaments, only when Sabin decides to play, but he's gone full Kenshi lately. Reptile still has a face, but, it's more of a 'used to be' face. Ionno.
pretty sure I can read thanks bro and your wrong bc the 4 people I listed still represent reptile at mk tournaments. maybe you should get your fact straight b4 posting here hmm?


I will bet on Lao, I know he has been developing some stuff. Through little hints here and there, from August.
pretty sure I can read thanks bro and your wrong bc the 4 people I listed still represent reptile at mk tournaments. maybe you should get your fact straight b4 posting here hmm?

Lol, WTF's with the hostility. Trying to pick fights or something?

I said, my gut tells me because he's not being used as often, but he's still being used sparsely. THTB enters locals, ChrisG plays MK but, doesn't even practice Reptile as much, and Sabin has favors Kenshi more now.

And like I said, if we're going to be very detail oriented on character faces, every character has a face. BRO! -.-.


Hmm. "Used to have a face."
Maybe he's going Jim Carrey Riddler on us and means it literally.

That winds it down to:
-Scorpion (became a Spectre),
-Ermac (several faces at once, not sure if he can take his mask off),
-Cyrax, Sektor, Cyber Sub-Zero (once had faces, were turned into robots),

Everyone else either has a relatively normal/plain-to-see face, or a mask hiding said already-established face.

Just a thought...
kabals face got burnt off dude


Head Cage
Lol, WTF's with the hostility. Trying to pick fights or something?

I said, my gut tells me because he's not being used as often, but he's still being used sparsely. THTB enters locals, ChrisG plays MK but, doesn't even practice Reptile as much, and Sabin has favors Kenshi more now.

And like I said, if we're going to be very detail oriented on character faces, every character has a face. BRO! -.-.
THTB plays locals currently due to finacial problems. Yet he still plays reptile at majors. Chris G still plays mk and made it into top 8 during Apex with reptile. Sabin uses both kenshi and reptile and reps both at tournaments and majors. You also forgot @citezensnips whos an amazing , yet very underated reptile player who is also up their in skill with the rest of the players I listed.

Not picking any fights your just retarded. Simple stop using the internet please


The writing is already on the wall, Tom Brady has already posted new information for Kung Lao sharing new combos and stuff. If someone had to realistically guess Tom's new main it would be Raiden because for a number of reasons:

1. Jop returning to MK9 (already implied in one of the Bradycast's where Tom tests stuff with SZ and Sektor), and Jop used to main Raiden. Simply learn from one of the best Raiden players.

2. The character was to be super high-tier according to Tom Brady, and well in his Tier discussions Raiden was in his top 5 list.

3. Tom Brady is a natural born turtler and plays ultra-lame (See MKvsDC Green Lantern videos for reference). Who turtles better than a runaway Raiden?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

kabals face got burnt off dude
I was gonna say that he got flame-broiled like a Whopper by Kintaro, but if you damage his face enough, you can still see a slightly-crispier version of the face he had when he came into Story Mode, so Idk if it counts.
I still wish there was a way for him to have his cop suit without the helmet. It seems silly to me.
But such is the price of the Gas Blast.
THTB plays locals currently due to finacial problems. Yet he still plays reptile at majors. Chris G still plays mk and made it into top 8 during Apex with reptile. Sabin uses both kenshi and reptile and reps both at tournaments and majors. You also forgot @citezensnips whos an amazing , yet very underated reptile player who is also up their in skill with the rest of the players I listed.

Not picking any fights your just retarded. Simple stop using the internet please

Lol, if you're getting mad at me for saying Reptile because I'm just getting a hunch, you've got problems. Realistically, I'm saying it's not Reptile, but I wouldn't be surprised it it was, because I have a hunch it might be?

And, like I said, if you want to get heated for not naming a face for a character (Reptile), you should get mad at everyone else in this thread that's named a character because every character has a face, known and underrated players.

You're getting mad for no reason. Insulting too. Lol.

Go take a bath or something, you might calm down.
My money's on Smoke and Lao.

Aris doesn't play MK9 anymore, and he was the "face" of smoke. Sure we have CDjr and KT Smith now, but neither of them are really the "face" of smoke you know? He is pretty super top-tier, and is a very methodical fighter akin to sub-zero. A thinking man's fighter marred by 100% resets.

Lao because he also doesn't much have a face anymore.

My backup choice would be Raiden... just because Raiden screams "TOM BRADY" to me for some reason.


Lose without excuses
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THTB plays locals currently due to finacial problems. Yet he still plays reptile at majors. Chris G still plays mk and made it into top 8 during Apex with reptile. Sabin uses both kenshi and reptile and reps both at tournaments and majors. You also forgot @citezensnips whos an amazing , yet very underated reptile player who is also up their in skill with the rest of the players I listed.

Not picking any fights your just retarded. Simple stop using the internet please
Chill out Hito, no need for personal attacks. There's seriously no reason you guys should be getting heated in this thread of all threads. If you have an issue with each other take it to PM's. Any more personal attacks or flaming in this thread by anyone will be met with my back hand.


Supposedly it's "The lamest character in the game?" I was going to guess Kenshi, but he specifically denies it in the updated video.

So my money's on Freddy, Smoke or Raiden. Not that any of these characters are lame by nature, but they certainly can be played that way.
When people generally refer to lame, I think or the overall understading of "lame" is a heavy projectile/zoning character. But than a character can be lame for a lot of reasons.


EX smash solves all
Tom Brady loves taking down the Bradycasts eh? And I got my money on Stryker and Kung Lao
Vulcan Hades there is hope for Strykers out there man, there is hope