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I think I really need to say this...


nice advice gdf, at least your comments are positive and you say the truth, kung lao is a good match against smoke, i used lao before and cd jr couldnt touch me with smoke, i just have to random jump and could land a dive kick on reaction to bombs from the air, and also teleports destroy him,at least you are one of those players that look for answers and not just complaints about some broken techs, i assure you smoke is not broken at all, and people are just making of this a big deal,
time will tell and if people think he is broken, they should pick him up and try to do the same cd jr does with him


I am your god
detroit went to nec with a tech that no one from new york knew about.the soul steal glitch,and i didnt hear no one bitch about that.i dont give a fuck what anyone thinks im not gonna reveal how you do the reset and yes i am going to abuse that shit.detroit,pig,and morty didnt want to play me or my bros before nec so we dont figure out how they play and now im doing kinda the same thing by not revealing my tech.now im going to do worst,if is not a tournament everytime i get on stream im not going to play my main characters anymore and REO you shouldnt either and im going to tell you why in person.im not trying to disrespect any body,im really not but i have learned alot from nec.just like daigo.tokido,mago and all japanese players dont like to be recorded playing unless is on a tourney or a mm im going to do the same thing.yay
finally, CDjr entered the building

Vulcan Hades

Alright Imma make this quick. But what some people need to realize is that FIXING A GLITCH AIN'T NERFING YOUR FUCKING CHARACTER.

Increasing recovery on Kano's knife toss is a nerf (a dumb one, yes). Giving characters armor is a buff. Getting rid of the projectile invincibility or Kabal's block infinite wasn't a nerf on Freddy or Kabal. And getting rid of Reptile's invisible EX force ball wasn't a nerf on Reptile either. If anyone really believes that is nerfing a character they're dumb. It was fixing a stupid glitch.

Hiding tech is one thing. Hiding an important glitch when NRS are spending a lot of time, money and effort trying to get this game right for Komplete Edition who might be the final version we're all stuck with until MK10, is another.

SwiftTomHanks said:
In my opinion there should be a way to report something like this to NRS behind doors so it can just be taken out before it's exploited. You can't really ban something like this in a tournament.
This I very much agree with. Better to report/reveal problems then have to ban them later on.

I guess I'm just kinda worried about what the final version of this game will be like. It could turn out great or it could turn out like a huge fucking mess...


too smart to play MKX
However much I agree with THTB that this community could benefit to an almost incomprehensible degree by practicing the long lost art of shutting their ignorant and insolent face-anuses right the fuck up, I don't see the point of playing a game with this level of bullshit (i.e. the glitch factor, and the reality that only the squeakiest and dumbest wheels in this community ever got greased so the game went to shit long before the glitches became particularly pervasive) at this point in gaming history.

EDIT: There was a good deal of angry ranting here, but I'm going to save it for later.


Gaming4Satan Founder
You played Lao early on in the game, so you already know how it plays out.

Me personally, I have played the Lao vs Smoke matchup many times against my twin brother subzerosmokerai, and to be honest the only time I ever lose is if the other player genuinely outplays me.

From the beginning of the game, Smoke was never an instant win character, even with the reset. And blocking high against Smoke is ideal condition for Kung Lao. If people start choosing Smoke after CDjr's next tournament, if people want battles that are easier than others vs Smoke, choose Lao.
Blasphemy! I've never played KL lol.

But you're absolutely right, KL v Smoke is 6-4 KL, even with the high damage out put. As long as you don't fall for any spin baits, there isn't much Smoke can do.

"my little league coach once told me, 'no one gives a shit how fast you can run if you can't hit the ball.'"

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
Reo helps those who help themselves.
Quote of the thread. Seriously, guys...listen.

They don't have to share this stuff. You should be glad they do so you know what to expect when the time comes and someone drops some of this sh*t on you. For real, guys. Man up, accept your losses, learn something from it and adapt. It's that simple. There's nothing in this game that cannot be stopped; otherwise it wouldn't be in the game.

I mean I could argue for days about how I think they should change Kabal's ability to be able to cancel his Nomad Dash just so you can't cancel it too quickly into the start-up animation but honestly; how would you feel if they did that to your beloved character who you spent countless hours mastering? It'd be quite the waste. Especially for REO, xBallin, Kevo Da Man and guys like Superi0rMagik who are all excellent Kabal players and have built unstoppable machines with their Kabals. Honestly, it's a double-edged sword. If you can't find a way to beat the character you're struggling against -- keep trying. With enough time and effort, I bet you'll be able to overcome even the toughest match-ups and while I may not be the best MK9 player out there, I do have my moments where I truly shine above where I think I should and am amongst some of these excellent players.

If I can overcome the Kabal and Kitana match-ups with Rain -- so can you!

Sorry for sounding like a d-----bag but c'mon now, guys! Stop whining about it and just adapt to it. It's not that hard, really!

dude i think this my last post on this website lol im tired of the bullshit.yeah dude do the same man dont reveal any of your shit they wanna talk shit about our character ok fine let them do it we just not gonna show anyhing we find,unless is people from new york or players from philly like STH and teef.i dont know what the fuck i did that everyone now is talking shit about me but is all good.the smoke reset is bs and i have been saying since waaaayyyyyyyyyyyy back the major fucking reason that i havent revealed it yet is because you gonna start seeing a bunch of fucking scrubs winning with smoke because of it not because i want to win a major or anyhting like that.you guys really wanna start seeing a bunch of random smoke fucking you up online with a reset? i dont think so.i have the right to use it if i fucking want to cause I FOUND IT! im helping the community by not revealing this shit and at the same time im helping myself because i know how to do it and i can use it at a tournament.my first big tourney was wcg and i lost to a kabal player 3-0. my 3rd major i lost to a fucking glitch and i fucking took the L yea i complained but then after talking to detroit and learning the matchup i was like ok i see why is ok for him to have it.and now people are giving me shit for something i havent even used yet? can ya understand how fucking mad i am at that?people that know me in person know how i am and im always trying to help people better up their game.if i reveal this tech there is no way you gonna be able to learn how to fight against it TRUST ME! whats going to happen is at future tournaments you gonna see players using smoke that never even liked the character and you know what?im not gonna be the one making that shit happen.so to everyone that is mad about me not revealing the tech this is for you,STAY SALTY and take it personal yay.goodbye testyourmight i will be back in a few months.
CD jr.,
While I may not know you or have even ever spoken to you -- I respect you and I mean that in the most sincere way. What you've done for the MK9 community and the Rain community has inspired hope in a lot of us to one day be where you're at; that said, don't let someone try to tell you what is or is not good for this game -- ultimately, bro...it's your call whether to show something you found or not. You're the one going to majors, you're the one competing against very high-level players and honestly, does Smoke need any more scandelous bulls*** to make him even more broken?

As a Smoke/Rain mainer...I say no, he doesn't need anymore than he has. Especially if it's as serious as you lead everyone to believe. To me, you're doing not only the MK9 community a favor (offline and online) but you're doing everyone who wants to challenge some of these top players a favor by not feeding them some bullcrap "cheesy" combo for an already fairly over-powered character. It might just be my opinion, but I don't think Smoke needs anything more than he has already. Sure, he hasn't won a major tournament anywhere (correct me if I'm wrong) but if we're to learn anything from you or the majority of top players -- it's that skill and experience will go way farther than anyone who "...just wants to learn the exploits."

All I really want to say to you, CD jr. is THANK YOU!
...Thank you for not throwing out this information just because you found it and you want the recognition for finding it. Thank you for caring about not only yourself, but the other players who play MK9 and don't have any interest in exploiting things that weren't meant to be included in the game.

I do feel for some of my fellow Smoke players, but Hell; we really don't seem to be struggling all that much unless you consider their lack of a major tournament win (once again, correct me if I'm wrong). I think the MK9 community and the Smoke community is probably better off in the long-run if this really is some game-breaking exploit that you claim it to be -- and believe me, I trust you know what you're talking about.

Just my $0.02! Sorry if this adds onto the already hate filled topic that this has created.


nice advice gdf, at least your comments are positive and you say the truth, kung lao is a good match against smoke, i used lao before and cd jr couldnt touch me with smoke, i just have to random jump and could land a dive kick on reaction to bombs from the air, and also teleports destroy him,at least you are one of those players that look for answers and not just complaints about some broken techs, i assure you smoke is not broken at all, and people are just making of this a big deal,
time will tell and if people think he is broken, they should pick him up and try to do the same cd jr does with him
I'm going to have to be offensive here. I don't support hidden tech, I think it is counter-productive regardless of where it originates from, which may very well put us at odds. And I am not saying that the players who don't support hidden tech are not trying to learn the game. I am not saying that people who have hidden tech don't have that right to leave it hidden.

I'm merely stating that against the right character, a reset can be near useless by how much of an uphill battle it would be in certain matchups to pull off said reset. However, I don't know anything about the reset itself, I only know that Smoke has vulnerabilities.

To be honest, I don't want to have to take sides here. But if I have to I will. I don't want high level players making me feel like an idiot, or like I'm an antagonist. If I wanted that sort treatment, I would have joined the Street Fighter community.

The community is losing touch with the very thing that brought me into it in the first place. Despite how different everyone was, and who lost and who won, we treated each other like a happily weird family and with an unspoken respect.


I think I'm done revealing Kabal tech to the public. I mean, what's the point? Everytime I find a piece of Kabal tech every other week, I post it up just to have people go "OMG KABAL IS BROKEN AND #1, SHUDNT HAVE DAT, NERF IT". So fucking dumb. I'm only gonna tell the people I play with in person and my Kabal brothers from now on.
...So ignore the whiners and do what you do man.... I don't play kabal but any Mk player without the insecurity issues would be happy to have new techs brought to their attention...

People bitch out of jealousy at other players innovation.... Ignore them... and take pride in the fact that your helping other players out!

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game

I never saw the thread regarding me and j360. I assure you I didn't have any part in it and our matches were great. I didn't e en see it in the cyrax forum, was it deleted?


Gaming4Satan Founder
This "hidden tech" thing is blown so far out of preportion its obscene.

What's the big deal about playing close to the chest? How does that hurt the community? That doesn't make any sense. Is anyone seriously worried that no one will ever learn/figure out this Smoke tech, which is nothing more than a slightly more consistent way to land the f4 reset?

Everyone is asking CD Jr (and every other top player because I guarantee they all have unique tech and set ups they personally use) to throw away a competitive edge. Why would they do that?

And why has CD Jr been singled out? Wheres the lynch mob for Perfect legend? Dude has been in hiding since evo scheming and developing tech and hasn't said a god damn word. And you know what, good for him.

So the community at large will be in the dark about CD Jr's tech until Winter Brawl or FR. How does that hurt the community or the long term life of the game? It doesn't.

And this idea about the game "looking bad" to the rest of the FGC because of huge combos makes no sense either. MvC has an entire cast with massive combos and NO BREAKER.

What looks bad is when the community gets down on its own game.


Zoning Master
No offense to THTB, but I honestly do not even understand the point of this thread. This community did certainly not start bitching yesterday. Did everyone forget about Kung Lao's old low hat and Kano's fast knife toss and safe up ball? The community has had its period of relentless and uncontrollable bitching, and the past couple of months do not even compare to what we have seen in the past. There was a time, for instance, when the Kung Lao and Kano subforums were unbrowsable as every thread would turn into the same damn argument.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
This "hidden tech" thing is blown so far out of preportion its obscene.

What's the big deal about playing close to the chest? How does that hurt the community? That doesn't make any sense. Is anyone seriously worried that no one will ever learn/figure out this Smoke tech, which is nothing more than a slightly more consistent way to land the f4 reset?

Everyone is asking CD Jr (and every other top player because I guarantee they all have unique tech and set ups they personally use) to throw away a competitive edge. Why would they do that?

And why has CD Jr been singled out? Wheres the lynch mob for Perfect legend? Dude has been in hiding since evo scheming and developing tech and hasn't said a god damn word. And you know what, good for him.

So the community at large will be in the dark about CD Jr's tech until Winter Brawl or FR. How does that hurt the community or the long term life of the game? It doesn't.

And this idea about the game "looking bad" to the rest of the FGC because of huge combos makes no sense either. MvC has an entire cast with massive combos and NO BREAKER.

What looks bad is when the community gets down on its own game.

I don't care that much either way but let's stop pretending it's hard to understand why people are pissed. You know why. Because of the constant teasing and bragging. No one likes to hear "I know something you don't know!!".

And PL has been getting grief non-stop since Evo lol


Alternative-Fact Checker
Who HASN'T given PL grief!? It's not that, trust us. It's because the amount of times "hidden tech" has just proven to be asinine and overblown because no one bothered to discuss it is appalling and it just makes everyone involved look foolish.

And even worse, claiming that the tech that you know is saving the game from going down the toilet. It's just dumb.


(S)teel (V)alley (K)ombat
You know, I've heard this "secret tech=the devil incarnate" argument long enough. I mean, seriously? All of a sudden hidden tech guarantees you the victory now? What about when CD had that Kitana tech? Is he taking majors left and right? No, though I continue to respect him as one of the premiere Kitana players this side of the United States, if not the world. How about all of the tech that has been revealed? Remember Lord of the Fly? Used for Glue? These guys are busting out tech left and right, but I don't see it being used all like that to take tournaments. Tech isn't the deciding factor, it's the player plain and simple. You know what wins tournies? Good fundamentals, experience in match-ups and overall knowledge about the game. Tech is a blessing, but it isn't all there is to it.



I never saw the thread regarding me and j360. I assure you I didn't have any part in it and our matches were great. I didn't e en see it in the cyrax forum, was it deleted?
it wasnt you who opened it it was "test your might" it was closed right away, seems to be he was affected by a cyrax or something and blame the loss on whatever cyrax did to him, no worries bro much respect for you


Zoning Master
lol, I remember that.

Ahh, the good ol' days.
I know, right?

But people are acting like the final straw came when people recently started bitching about the resets. Yet there was a 40+ page thread in the Kung Lao subforum where people did nothing but bitch about the old low hat. LOL.


I don't care that much either way but let's stop pretending it's hard to understand why people are pissed. You know why. Because of the constant teasing and bragging. No one likes to hear "I know something you don't know!!".

And PL has been getting grief non-stop since Evo lol
only curious kids get pissed at the " i know something that you dont know" we are all grown up man here, this quote says something about you too