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I think I really need to say this...


If we didn't bitch about everything, there would be like %50 less discussion on TYM. Plus, some of it's interesting to hear the reasoning behind.
And this is a bad thing because.....

ontopic: I see it as a very simple issue. Even with today's ability to patch games, it's still not that much different from yesteryear from the player's viewpoint because even with patches, this is the game we are given to play. What needs to happen is people playing the game, learning about it, levelling up, make your comments and then go back to playing. An educated discussion is always welcome. Whining about techs you can't find an answer for is lame. Instead of "Jax's corner pressure is OP, it should be nerfed" how about "What can I do to keep Jax from getting me into the corner?"

Hiding tech is BS. Always has been, always will be. In my mind, it marks you as a coward. If you aren't willing to share, it means that you are afraid that you won't be able to come up with a counter to others' counter to your "GDLK tech".
hiding or sharing techs is not BS at all, cd jr is a tournament combatant, at least you all know that he has this tech , which is the guaranteed reset with en smoke bomb, we dont go to war and expect our enemies to to show what they have, that will warn us and we will be prepared to counter attack.

If i was a tournament player i wouldn't reveal my techs or gameplay style to anyone, at least these guys show a lot of their skills on stream others come to tournament with techs and style of their own and surprise many, If cd jr hadn't said he could do smoke reset guaranteed you wouldn't even know what tech he would be hiding.

Cd jr is an exceptional mk player and he has the right to share or not what he has, anyway after final round we will all know how this is done, i agree that we have to share tricks techs and whatever we find, but as a tournament player you guys must understand that some things must be reserved if you wanna win, don't be curious of how this is done, curiosity killed the cat.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
whatever .... since FR gonna be streamed, and everyone gonna see the matches, this Smoke reset will be "dissecated" to death, analyzed and so, exposed public, this way, will not be anymore an exclusive secret. So, the only opportunity to be used as "secret weapon" will be in Final Round.


I do think the hiding tech thing is stupid.

At some point you will use it and people will see it. What then? You will never use it again afterwards? This hiding tech thing is like people saying "i have this awesome stuff, so awesome that i'll only be able to use it once because everyone can counter afterwards".

Like no one will be able to adapt on the fly. Good grief.


I was gonna reveal the tech, but since i see so much curiosity i wont, and my brother asked me not too, this is one of those tech people gonna see on stream and they will never know how he does it, triggering a smoke reset 100% of the time is not something people have not tried to do before, even though people sees cd jr doing this 100% of the time people wont know how to do it unless we give the information how to, sorry guys but i cant share this information, at least you all know what this tech is about.
I do think the hiding tech thing is stupid.

At some point you will use it and people will see it. What then? You will never use it again afterwards? This hiding tech thing is like people saying "i have this awesome stuff, so awesome that i'll only be able to use it once because everyone can counter afterwards".

Like no one will be able to adapt on the fly. Good grief.
because when you use it for the first time at a tourney, people dont know how to counter it and cant use it against u. u need to remember that these people play this game competitvely. they came up with the tech, let them actually get the rewrd for coming up with a tech. BTW its much more hype when u use it at a tourney and nobody knew about it. everybody will be like: daaaamnnn


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
It's not the staying on topic part...

I was gonna reveal the tech, but since i see so much curiosity i wont, and my brother asked me not too, this is one of those tech people gonna see on stream and they will never know how he does it, triggering a smoke reset 100% of the time is not something people have not tried to do before, even though people sees cd jr doing this 100% of the time people wont know how to do it unless we give the information how to, sorry guys but i cant share this information, at least you all know what this tech is about.
This bugs me a lot.

When you have topics like this: http://testyourmight.com/threads/the-kabal-master-is-back.13238/


I am your god
Quite simply, pro tournament players adapt to the situation, while all tries may not work. The end result is his trial and errors will lead to resolve. Asking people at NRS to fix something because it aint beatable is not the route to take. Buck up and learn. Thats how we did it old skoll. If all else fails "When in doubt, punch the other player out!!" Old skool tech :)


Thou shalt be slain!
tech hoarding is absolutely unhelpful in any way to anyone but yourself. you have some dazzling new technology, congrats! how do you know if it's sound? how do you know if it's really all that great? you and your 3 pals tinkered with it, maybe someone else could find a way out of it? exploit its weaknesses?

i'd rather discover some new tech, show EVERYONE, and then say "okay, you know, now come fuck with me" rather than hoard the shit like my fucking halloween candy. sound tech that no one knows about is only sound for that one event, or that one match, or even that one round that you do it on a person. after your secret is exposed (as long as it is isn't something truly OP), people WILL dissect it and study it and figure out how to combat it. top players should be revealing their tech, not because the community needs to be "pampered," but because they're pampering themselves by keeping secrets from other people that may be able to take apart said tech.


hiding or sharing techs is not BS at all, cd jr is a tournament combatant, at least you all know that he has this tech , which is the guaranteed reset with en smoke bomb, we dont go to war and expect our enemies to to show what they have, that will warn us and we will be prepared to counter attack.

If i was a tournament player i wouldn't reveal my techs or gameplay style to anyone, at least these guys show a lot of their skills on stream others come to tournament with techs and style of their own and surprise many, If cd jr hadn't said he could do smoke reset guaranteed you wouldn't even know what tech he would be hiding.

Cd jr is an exceptional mk player and he has the right to share or not what he has, anyway after final round we will all know how this is done, i agree that we have to share tricks techs and whatever we find, but as a tournament player you guys must understand that some things must be reserved if you wanna win, don't be curious of how this is done, curiosity killed the cat.
1. This isn't war. It's video games.

2. I'm damned sure that if Saddam Hussein had a nuke to end all nukes, he'd put it on world-wide television and say "Nya nya! Come fuck with me now!"

3. Hiding tech is the creator's right and priviledge. Just as it's my right to call him a chicken-shit for doing so.

THTB: I totally agree with you dood. This world needs more REOs, Riu48s and many others that that understand that they have to support the scene today for there to even BE a scene tomorrow.
The thing with this community is, that they like to fight within each other and with each other, even top players.

I browse the other FG forums, and everyone is usually just giving out advice or trying to improve the game by finding techs, or discussing the game instead of bickering and bitching like women.
And I still stand by this point.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
It's not going to be a secret eventually so whats the point.
Look, I think I need to bottom-line this, since it's a 50/50 deal. Basically, if CDjr found the shit he is at liberty to do what he pleases with it, no one can make him do anything, however, it does hurt the community in a way because this DOES prevent people from learning it and leveling-up as a result. The faster game-breaking strategies are shared, the faster we as a community can learn and adapt to it, leaving more opportunities to learn and find OTHER new shit.

Basically in a nutshell, Smoke's new tech surfacing earlier could have been over and done with by now and we could have been moved on to something ELSE new and gamebreaking instead.

Basically in a nutshell, CDjr found it,put in the time and work to discover it and if he wants to use it to win, that's fine. It just means people are gonna have to just do the work for themselves instead of being copy-cats like alot of the players these days have become. Take the initiative to be creative instead of being the lazy gamers many of us have become. Fuck easy-mode, you wanna win, WORK FOR IT.

See how I am totally 50/50 on the matter and I see both sides, AS WELL as feel very strongly that they are BOTH correct?

Just some food for thought.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
CD Jr matches will be a lot hyped due this ..... whenever he gonna play Smoke there, people will keep attention in everything he will be doing, and "why and how" he is doing ....

hehe :D


Raiden Practitioner
Look, I think I need to bottom-line this, since it's a 50/50 deal. Basically, if CDjr found the shit he is at liberty to do what he pleases with it, no one can make him do anything, however, it does hurt the community in a way because this DOES prevent people from learning it and leveling-up as a result. The faster game-breaking strategies are shared, the faster we as a community can learn and adapt to it, leaving more opportunities to learn and find OTHER new shit.

Basically in a nutshell, Smoke's new tech surfacing earlier could have been over and done with by now and we could have been moved on to something ELSE new and gamebreaking instead.

Basically in a nutshell, CDjr found it,put in the time and work to discover it and if he wants to use it to win, that's fine. It just means people are gonna have to just do the work for themselves instead of being copy-cats like alot of the players these days have become. Take the initiative to be creative instead of being the lazy gamers many of us have become. Fuck easy-mode, you wanna win, WORK FOR IT.

See how I am totally 50/50 on the matter and I see both sides, AS WELL as feel very strongly that they are BOTH correct?

Just some food for thought.

Also, this is some really disrespectful garbage I was ashamed to read...I expect more out of you than trolling ignorance. Dontay DOES love this Kommunity, has done alot for it and HAS MET probably HUNDREDS of members as have I, myself.

What have YOU done for the Kommunity, what events have YOU attended and how many people have YOU met in person? Some of us actually contribute instead of being Armchair-warriors and playing ONLINE ONLY.

yea, you are right. I deleted my post.


Raiden Practitioner
naw man, I don't drink during the week lol. Just frustration (at people who would rather complain than put in the effort to discover what the game has to offer) directed at the wrong person.


I think I'm done revealing Kabal tech to the public. I mean, what's the point? Everytime I find a piece of Kabal tech every other week, I post it up just to have people go "OMG KABAL IS BROKEN AND #1, SHUDNT HAVE DAT, NERF IT". So fucking dumb. I'm only gonna tell the people I play with in person and my Kabal brothers from now on.


missiles are coming
I think I'm done revealing Kabal tech to the public. I mean, what's the point? Everytime I find a piece of Kabal tech every other week, I post it up just to have people go "OMG KABAL IS BROKEN AND #1, SHUDNT HAVE DAT, NERF IT". So fucking dumb. I'm only gonna tell the people I play with in person and my Kabal brothers from now on.
Reo helps those who help themselves.

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
Best way to deal with it: Level up and adjust your game. Read the frame data if you're struggling against a certain character...chances are the answers you need are in there...or if that doesn't help -- find someone to spare with that uses that character. It's not hard. Ranked matches, player matches...the game isn't exactly dead.

That said, I need some serious help against Sonya's and Sub Zero's. (Yeah, I laugh a little when I say that, too)


Alternative-Fact Checker
I think I'm done revealing Kabal tech to the public. I mean, what's the point? Everytime I find a piece of Kabal tech every other week, I post it up just to have people go "OMG KABAL IS BROKEN AND #1, SHUDNT HAVE DAT, NERF IT". So fucking dumb. I'm only gonna tell the people I play with in person and my Kabal brothers from now on.
Okay now see, WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!

If people say that, why does it bother you even in the slightest? What's wrong with playing a powerful character? Seriously, I wanna know because this is holding everybody back and it's very very strange.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Okay now see, WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!

If people say that, why does it bother you even in the slightest? What's wrong with playing a powerful character? Seriously, I wanna know because this is holding everybody back and it's very very strange.
People aren't aware that it doesn't matter who you use if you can't compete at that level.