some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
The combo system in MK1 is extremely fluid. Even an old muggle like myself was able to do awesome meterless combos and hit confirms into crazy stuff... and this is only the beginning. Once we have all the other moves available (kameos) there will be a really astounding amount of combo potential and more importantly fluidity.
I see a lot of people asking for movement speed increases of some kind. Something I personally think is not needed at all, but still lets just say they do chaneg this.
Any movement increases will make all those combos that are currently doing 30-40+ suddenly be able to link into even larger combos. I mean think about all those combos that just aren't quit linking.. and then you go.. man I wish the dash was faster or w/e... but what I think people are not thinking about is that this will mean the combo abilities will be so insane, and so over powered that there will be no way it can be balanced or even fun beyond one touch death.
I have a feeling the movement speed is actually by design to LIMIT the player from busting out 88% combos that carry from corner to corner, and I worry that the pressure to make the game "faster" will actually make the game a broken mess.
I see a lot of people asking for movement speed increases of some kind. Something I personally think is not needed at all, but still lets just say they do chaneg this.
Any movement increases will make all those combos that are currently doing 30-40+ suddenly be able to link into even larger combos. I mean think about all those combos that just aren't quit linking.. and then you go.. man I wish the dash was faster or w/e... but what I think people are not thinking about is that this will mean the combo abilities will be so insane, and so over powered that there will be no way it can be balanced or even fun beyond one touch death.
I have a feeling the movement speed is actually by design to LIMIT the player from busting out 88% combos that carry from corner to corner, and I worry that the pressure to make the game "faster" will actually make the game a broken mess.