This threads purpose is to list the players who I consider are elite level at MK2 thru my 11 years EXP at playing the game online
and having some people tell me im the best mk2 player in the world before we get started ill give some context to that heres
TYMs own mk2 mod calling MIKECALDWELL the best player in the world 8 years ago heres the thread link
Fast forward some years and I have surpassed MIKECALDWELL in mk2 as ive beaten him in all sets we have played since 2015
heres our latest set we played.
Now unto the list of players who i consider top tier best in the world at Mortal Kombat 2 in no particular order
Rocky Rose-
and thats about it for the elites that list is the BEST OF THE BEST mk2 players of alltime
maybe here in a week or so ill do a ALL time mk2 scrubs list with explanations
it should be fun but ill hold off for now
and having some people tell me im the best mk2 player in the world before we get started ill give some context to that heres
TYMs own mk2 mod calling MIKECALDWELL the best player in the world 8 years ago heres the thread link
Question - Who owns MKAK on XBOX? I want to learn how to play MK2
Title sums it all up. I have MKAK sitting on my XBOX hard drive, but I don't ever get to play it because no one is online. I love MK2. I always wanted to learn how to play It deeper then just on a causal level, but I need people to play with. Even if just one person responds to this I know one...

Fast forward some years and I have surpassed MIKECALDWELL in mk2 as ive beaten him in all sets we have played since 2015
heres our latest set we played.
Now unto the list of players who i consider top tier best in the world at Mortal Kombat 2 in no particular order
Rocky Rose-
and thats about it for the elites that list is the BEST OF THE BEST mk2 players of alltime
maybe here in a week or so ill do a ALL time mk2 scrubs list with explanations
it should be fun but ill hold off for now