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Jaqui is cancer and needs to be banned

Jacqui is actually broken. 35% + with every touch if she has bar and most of it is unbreakable. DOT damage with the kind of pressure she has is ridiculous. She can litterally 2 touch you it’s insanity


AUS FGC represent!
Jacqui is actually broken. 35% + with every touch if she has bar and most of it is unbreakable. DOT damage with the kind of pressure she has is ridiculous. She can litterally 2 touch you it’s insanity
35% + 35% does not 100% damage make. Unless you were using literally as hyperbole? Because no, she cannot “literally 2 touch you” unless she hits you with 2 KBs (which you can break from) and that’s your fault for getting hit with 2 KBs.


what 50/50 does Jade have off of B3 or D4?
He is complaining about Jade being able to cancel into Delia's dance special which is a 50/50 in the same way that other characters like Noob and Baraka can do this and create mind games off of pokes and others can do this as well. Also doing down 4 into DD creates a flawless block gap. The move is good but other moves exist like it that are just as good or debatable could be better. Jade finally not a mass of unsafe stuff and that sent people off the deep end I guess.