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Mileena General Discussion


I know it’s early but are there any characters giving you a hard time right now? Out of the characters ppl have been using against me, I have a lot of trouble against Rambo(haven’t labbed him) and Kabal..

My load out is stabyscotch, air sai, and playtime ... thinking of switching out air sai for something else, her regular sais are so good I don’t feel I need the air version... In fact her regular ground sai is so high it clips a lot of air moves and jumps


I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me
All of my loadouts consist of unique outfits, unique names, but ALL the same moves across all 5 lmao. Rolling Thunder, Sai Slide, Play Time.

My loadout names are all Megan Thee Stallion references.

"She's a Savage"
"Hot Girl Mil"
"Vibranium Knees"

Every match I play I keep singing "Body crazy, curvy, wavy, big tiddies, lil waist." I love Mileena.


I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me
Megan premium skin when?
I'd sell my soul
PLEASE with her voice ugh. Idc if her voice acting was bad I honestly wouldn't give af. In the little ad they had her in she says "Your flesh looks tempting." and she could serve a really sexy Mileena instead of a more vicious take. With Meg's bodyodyody? YUP. I would main that skin in seconds. $10? $15? $20?? YUP. I'd pay it all for the Thee Stallion.


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
Playing Towers of Time again has reminded me greatly about how much I loathe the modifier implementation in this game.

Also, playing practice Sets against the Hard AI has lead me to believe that NetherRealm Studios may have increased it's input reading. May have.

In general, for all of you, what are you using for your primary strings, and primary punish strings/Special Moves?

I almost made a thread about it but I'm not sure if it's worthy.


I stay in F2/F4 range generally or outside it and pop in and out to use projectiles.
F1 is an amazing check and turn stealer!
F1 at max range is +1 essentially being 0 since her fastest string is 8f. Because it resets neutral and puts her in D1/CMD Grab/B1 range opens up so many doors.
So you F1 into D1 you can hit confirm into 11/B11 which is also hit confirmable so safe 30+% if you get them to respect the F1 into D1 check that opens up B1, Throw/Tick and most importantly backdash.
So many players online and offline are turn stealing mofos and do everything in their power to mash out of everything especially characters with fast mids.

So F1 allows you to walk back and be safe or if they go for it, wiff punish their fast starter.

Anyways I stay past F2 range and always keep the F2xxSai a threat so they know I'm safe and can get easy 20% off invading my space and if I'm walking back I can F23 KB or use any wiff punishers. But I think she shines in neutral range but when she is forced to be close she has wave dash into CMD Grab, Throw KB, B1 even if it's after F1 check.

That's not even counting the load out. I use:
StabyScotch: up close game and combos as well as Armor break KB with big damage.
Play Time: for 11 mix, making F431+3 more safe and the F2 KB.
Sai Slide (for setups, Oki, Meaty check And Extra KB into big damage)
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Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
I have to say, I've really warmed up to her throw KB. The requirements sounded impractical at first, but ever since I realized that a standard grounded BnB could take anywhere from 5-7 seconds to complete + however many seconds spent zoning or playing neutral, it suddenly didn't seem all that impossible, and I've been landing it fairly regularly. So, now not only does the opponent need to worry about a B1 or Cmd Grab after a combo, but also a potential 30% grab on top of the ~30% they've already taken. Not bad, imo.

Zoning, F1, 112/111+3, B11, F4(by itself into sai), B34, Throw or
combos like
(B11/11xxBallRoll, D2, F1, F1xxCMDGrab) don't reset it. Even though there is a shit ton of moves that do reset it. It's possible to get the KB. More practical than I thought


I cleared Stage 5 and unlocked all of Mileena's items from those Stages. I never bother with the 6th Stage Character Towers, as I don't think it'd be possible for me to do them and there's no specific gear from them outside of Augments.
Mileena has some pretty cool mythic augments in stage 6 tho. I've maxed her damage, minimized her meter waste and ended up with this beauty:
Makes it so much easier to clear towers and get 56% off 1 bar (yes you get the same damage off just raw CG but I like to be flashy lol)

You can also get Kitana's square wave which feels damn good to use after all the sai stealing shenanigans ;)


XBL tag: South of Zero
Anyone got some videos for sai slide setups? After reading how yall are using it, i'm convinced it's the strongest option. It's kinda like Sindel's scream or Johnny's glasses KB where you get a free 40% combo, that's match altering potential


PSN: MaxKayX3
Did anyone find out why Mileena can't JIK OS? I haven't seen anyone on twitter mention it so am I taking crazy pills?

Shouldn't grounded specials only come out on JIK on hit?
Yeah you can‘t os with her role. I‘ve read that it‘s intentional but it really doesn‘t make sense since flawless blocking her jump kicks is useless because of it


XBL tag: South of Zero
Yeah you can‘t os with her role. I‘ve read that it‘s intentional but it really doesn‘t make sense since flawless blocking her jump kicks is useless because of it
This appllies to her sai too, I've tried it with only regular Sai equipped and the grounded Sai special comes out on a blocked JIK


Just found out the hard way that its possible to breakaway against Mileena and prevent her armor breaker. A Sub did it to me like every time :-/ She also seems to lose the turn after both land. His d1 beat my d1/b1/s1 every time.

Thought this was a bug... never happened to me before and against this dude it happened nonstop...

I labed it for a few minutes and it seems you can time the breaker to make a weird collision with amp ball.

She is something like 0/-1 after.... dont know exactly... In lab sub d1 really wins always out, Kanos s1 against Mileena s1 was about 50/50 w/l ratio. Hope its just me being too slow/unprecise cuz this would suck.

You can also break so the amp roll passes right under you.
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@Juxtapose does your controller have a "Mode" button or switch? Some 3rd part controllers let you swap your dpad to being detected as left or right analog stick. I do that with my Obsidian Hitbox. Just hokd block, then spam consumables. You can't walk or jump, but konsumables usually make it so that doesn't matter
It does, but Left Stick only, no Right Stick option. Correct me if I'm wrong, Konsumables are tied to Right Stick, no? I do have an Xbox One Controller, but I never use it for fighting games as the D-Pad doesn't do it for me.

As useful and as GOOD as the command grab is, I find myself personally not using it at ALL.
Yeah, me too. I know everyone is going on about it, and it sure looks insanely cool, but in actual application, it's by far my least used of her load out abilities.

@projectzero00 You got that Skin randomly as a reward in the 6th Set of Character Towers? That's the last skin available right now that I personally want.

And Square Wave, it's from an Augment?


Ask me about my Mileena agenda.
Man, I really wish they made F43 hit confirmable without needing to equip Play Time. I know that people enjoy the extended strings and the 11 1+3 gimmick (hell, I love the brutalities attached to it), but I've found myself using those strings less and less. Now, the only thing keeping Play Things in my loadout is F43. I'm trying to ween it out of my playstyle, but that string is just too good, and the damage is straight juicy.

I've got an experimental build running Staby, Rolling Thunder, and Sai Slide, and man, that's been pissing people OFF. Good luck jumping at me, lol.

I might play around with Vanish for the hell of it, but it's just unfortunate that nothing really changes her playstyle in any significant way. I'd kill for an expansion that added more varied custom moves to the cast.
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/\ I agree the playtime strings best use is to put f43 in after amped ball because I've been too lazy to properly lab the damn d2 f1 connection. f4 in neutral is just too slow for me -- if you're gonna whiff punish just dash-up f1 and take the frames or f1ball. not having playtime opens up a lot of room for the weird stuff.

if you're looking around for a 3rd ability, can't go wrong with rolling thunder, or even instant air sais which can be amped to get you a combo off ball roll: adds a decent amount of help to the lowsai zoning game but its a little awkward and obviously costs 2 bars to do properly. hitting it in a match is very swaggy ill admit. that said I'll probably go back to sliding sai once playtime is out of my system. mileena is kind of a meter hog.


Ask me about my Mileena agenda.
I'm traditionally using them for Enders.
Yeah, I've gotten a lot of enjoyment from comboing into her F43 brutal, but as far as optimization, now that I'm able to reliably end combos with her Cmd Grab, Play Time's enders just feel unnecessary to me. Not saying they're bad, but now that I'm getting more and more used to playing without it, it opens up the door for more varied builds. Really, as long as I run Staby, it feels like any combination will work for me, so I'm really experimenting now.

Of course, this wouldn't be an issue in the first place if her extensions were base, but I wanna give that dead horse a break for a bit.


This dream has a sad ending
Wut? She has mixups

B2, F2, 34, F43, they're really freaking good buttons.

And straight sai amps goes low so you can do that on blocked strings.
I didn't say she didn't have mixups I just said I don't want to use low sai for mixups, completely different


Dojo Trainee
I know it’s early but are there any characters giving you a hard time right now? Out of the characters ppl have been using against me, I have a lot of trouble against Rambo(haven’t labbed him) and Kabal..

My load out is stabyscotch, air sai, and playtime ... thinking of switching out air sai for something else, her regular sais are so good I don’t feel I need the air version... In fact her regular ground sai is so high it clips a lot of air moves and jumps
SubZero felt like a really tough matchup, maybe for the same reason you said Kabal. Any character that can stick out a disjointed hitbox making it that much harder to get in. By that logic I’d assume Joker too.