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11/6/20 KK - Confirmed System / Balance Changes Coming

Short hops are also buffed by the fact that knockdowns are more important with meaties being possible now. Oki will actually be a thing in this game. This also buffs 50/50 characters like terminator... I’m scared.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
Did yall get the option to decline WIFI on KL that was one of bigger complaints I have seen around twittter and here.


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
  1. Custom variations are being added to Kombat League / Ranked and Tournaments
  2. Some moves are banned from competitive play despite customs. Example given was Terminator's "Terminate" move
Do we know what moves are excluded/banned? Will it end up being custom but no custom for some characters?

  1. Most characters have had their D1s and D3s adjusted, including more recovery on block
  2. Hop attacks are now entirely immune to D1s until you're in the recovery frames
Basically D1's are drastically nerfed hmm


Seeing how the D1/D3 difference really plays out is probably of most interest because the basic gameplay needs a real overhaul. As it is it is terrible, and doesn't hold up online anyhow. But it's...just, bleh.

I hope they are doing something more with hitboxes/hurtboxes since even the most basic of those have problems that make the game look/feel clunky and ridiculous.

The custom variations is a good thing...to use the moves you want, but it will increase the cheese factor of what is already a cheesy game. So core gameplay gotta try to balance I guess.
Game has a long way to go to be more than a mashy cheesy party game really.


It will be nice that everyone's best buttons won't be d1 or do or d4 that has been beyond boring and annoying.


Well if they just gave the taunt moves armor just for the move, it would stop other characters from insta-comboing from across the screen or something heh


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
- Hop attacks are now entirely immune to D1s until you're in the recovery frames

- Getup animations are a few frames faster so you're on the ground for less time no matter what option you choose

- Delay wakeup is now just 1 middle timing. Also has an animation. No longer a short or long delay

Huge game changers