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DAYYYYUM: Confessions of a Disgruntled MK9 Kommunity Member

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16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Nice signature.

BTW, where do you stand on the Original vs. Super debate?


Alternative-Fact Checker
OH you're talking about Punch-Out. Okay, I'll go in depth and off topic for a sec. So OG Punch-Out!!, while one of the definitive games of the NES era, is clearly not as advanced foward a game as Super Punch-Out!! is. Super Punch-Out!! has the stamina bar which was a great invention overall to the scheme of Punch-Out!!, rather than just going on feel. I felt it was a little too easy to get a full super bar and just abuse it, but overall the game is more polished and advanced then the OG Punch-Out!! Now where Super Punch-Out!! fails is that it's visual design and music are just not nearly as appealing. Whereas in OG Punch-Out!! you could go in on boxing fools like Glass Joe and the incomparable Von Kaiser, in Super Punch-Out!! we have to deal with Gabby Jay (ugh) and OG Aran Ryan (Double ugh) who aren't nearly as interesting. Also special shoutouts to Mad Clown for being the exact same as Bear Hugger (One of the few good new Super Punch-Out!! additions). The music is also boring whereas OG Punch-Out!! had an intense soundtrack no matter the scenario and Super just has that kinda meh heavy guitar during rounds. Just not as interesting. No Mario ref also hurts. I think Wii Punch-Out!! was able to take the best of both worlds (Clever actions getting star punches, stamina bar, memorable fighters and music) and mesh it all into a great package that also had a challenge mode where you had to be on your toes and look for the right openings. It's my opinion that Wii Punch-Out!! is probably the best, but the series has also been in a steady stream of ascending greatness. On topic: where are the boxers in MK!?


Bone and Metal
I always kinda liked Super the most, since it was more arcady and had the versus mode. The only detracting part for me was trying to figure out Hoy Quarlow.

Hate that bastard.

On-Topic: I can't really post anything that was already said, like how we need a good play-by-play person and a color commentator to play the Jerry Lawler or Bobby Heenan role. I just wanted to post my thoughts on Super Punch-Out.

And yeah, it's super annoying with the "DAYYYUMs" and other meme talk, it gets super old.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
First off, Dawn loves you!

What I love about is the amount fun we have online and offline. Everyone is so nice and respectful. If we try to be too serious, we will end up like the Soul Calibur community. We will end up killing our own game if try to act like uptight FG players. We got to develop a swag guys. So, I suggest you start showing off all the tech you found. There is no point of hiding it. I keep finding no shit with Jax everytime I boot up the game.


Getting better with age
KingHippo said:
On topic: where are the boxers in MK!?
- NRS wont pony up enough fight money for Balrog
- TJ Combo shot the rest of the competition and has been evading police in a white bronco ever since


I am your god
Alright, one more addendum: Community leaders gotta act like community leaders. VSM, I'm talking to you.

We get it, you guys have the most exposure, have the best results and are arguably some of the best players in the country. When you guys start falling prey to the typical plebeian crap like making topics about broken tech and just blatant dumb troll topics you guys are no longer top players, you're just like everyone else. No more drooling over yourselves in commentary either; you're not Eric Bischoff circa 1997 drooling over the NWO, so don't act like it.

You guys have a thing and that's being a little bit less serious, which is fine and dandy, but don't be like the rest of the community and fall prey to their typical shenanigans. C'mon now.
Well said!


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
I agree with most of what has been said in this thread. I think a hint of an articulate vocabulary and class would be nice to see/hear. I could listen to Under the Mayo every day all day. Lol, and I always roll my eyes whenever the commentators say "that's so gay" or "how gay is that"....lol, wtf is this....the 90's?

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Has anyone heard Michelangelos commentary during the super mini polycon tourney? There are flashes of greatness there for sure. He gets a little liberal with the "oh my god" here and there and occasionally distracted. But hits a couple of really good strides on play by play. I think anyone interested in doing commentary should check it out. Very engaging, snappy, with out being too dry. Keep in mind....FLASHES of greatness lol. :p
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
While I do agree the Dayum meme is dumb my gripes with the community is how boring it is. Talking about frame data and all that other technical bull is boring You don't hear pro sports commentators get into that much depth they just talk about whats going on, add their opinion and add flare. Whenever I go to a tournament I go to see myself, my friends, and other people get humiliated in real life instead of just getting humiliated"online." I always go for the babality or atleast the fatality. No Blood is retarded and takes away from what makes MK. whenever Me and my boys go to a mk tournament we just see playing and an occasional golf clap. While When we go to a street fighter tournament. You hear screaming, see people fighting, insults, people fucking in the middle of the crowd etc. But when me and my friends are screaming while playing We get called weird even though we're just trying to make the game atleast alil more interesting than just watching 2 people play a videogame. trying to make the Mortal Kombat a bit more intense. Hell In CoD tournies showboating is the best as you humiliate your opponent doing 360 quickscopes and teabagging. Mk on the other hand is full of Circlejerks crybabies and yesmen. Everyone got up in arms when Detroitballin called out CDJr in NEC. We just need to be more interesting thats all. Tho It was hilarious seeing 16bit red and flustered, trying to find out who skullsmasher was at frosty faustings because of the trolling that he recieved.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Tho It was hilarious seeing 16bit red and flustered, trying to find out who skullsmasher was at frosty faustings because of the trolling that he recieved.

That would have been hilarious had it happened. What actually happened was I simply asked who Skullsmasher was and what the deal was. You guys froze up and had nothing to say.


Alternative-Fact Checker
While I do agree the Dayum meme is dumb my gripes with the community is how boring it is. Talking about frame data and all that other technical bull is boring You don't hear pro sports commentators get into that much depth they just talk about whats going on, add their opinion and add flare. Whenever I go to a tournament I go to see myself, my friends, and other people get humiliated in real life instead of just getting humiliated"online." I always go for the babality or atleast the fatality. No Blood is retarded and takes away from what makes MK. whenever Me and my boys go to a mk tournament we just see playing and an occasional golf clap. While When we go to a street fighter tournament. You hear screaming, see people fighting, insults, people fucking in the middle of the crowd etc. But when me and my friends are screaming while playing We get called weird even though we're just trying to make the game atleast alil more interesting than just watching 2 people play a videogame. trying to make the Mortal Kombat a bit more intense. Hell In CoD tournies showboating is the best as you humiliate your opponent doing 360 quickscopes and teabagging. Mk on the other hand is full of Circlejerks crybabies and yesmen. Everyone got up in arms when Detroitballin called out CDJr in NEC. We just need to be more interesting thats all. Tho It was hilarious seeing 16bit red and flustered, trying to find out who skullsmasher was at frosty faustings because of the trolling that he recieved.
Yes, learning the game and knowing what is good is boring, and just yelling and screaming and having sex in the middle of the crowd (wtf madam?) is just the norm.

Lemme ask, when you typed that out, did you think this was a good point? Just genuinely curious.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Yes, learning the game and knowing what is good is boring, and just yelling and screaming and having sex in the middle of the crowd (wtf madam?) is just the norm.

Lemme ask, when you typed that out, did you think this was a good point? Just genuinely curious.
Lol, dont feed the troll bro :D
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk


Alternative-Fact Checker
No, I do need to feed them back the piles of shit that they put on the forums because they stink.


Master of Quanculations
I agree with most of what has been said in this thread. I think a hint of an articulate vocabulary and class would be nice to see/hear. I could listen to Under the Mayo every day all day. Lol, and I always roll my eyes whenever the commentators say "that's so gay" or "how gay is that"....lol, wtf is this....the 90's?
Keep it up guys... If people keep saying stuff about my voice, I really am going to start making videos where I just talk about my opinions of stuff that isn`t even MK related. I could totally read a story from my Mexican Legends book... Though I don`t know if I want to cross that line and set a precedent. Who knows. If enough people are amused by it, I`ll fuckin do it. I don`t think there`s much else I can do for Quan and Kenshi after my next video drops. And I do want to stay busy.


Talking about frame data and all that other technical bull is boring You don't hear pro sports commentators get into that much depth they just talk about whats going on, add their opinion and add flare.
This is completely wrong. Sports commentators and journalists do nothing but point out the most obscure stats and use it as proof for their argument of an aspect of a player. "Lebron James is 25% from the field when the Heat are losing with 5 seconds left in the game". "CP3 is without a doubt the best point guard in the game because his assist:turnover ratio is 3:1". "The Raptors are a great example of how much they need a great defensive center. They allow their opponents to score 60% from inside the paint and they're bottom 5 in points allowed per 100 possessions.
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