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*Rumor* New Leak From “NRS Employee”

We do know that KP3 is 100% happening because of the data mine.

A female guest character makes sense because one: it has not been done before, and two: MK lacks female characters. It also doesn't help that DLC is decided on characters who not only have never been dlc before, but were not part of the base roster in the previous game. So the "discussion" of Mileena possibly being added has a lot of validity to it.
MK doesn't lack female characters.

Evil Canadian

Premium Supporter
It's fake people, no NRS employee in his right mind would admit that on reddit. Then there's the number of characters, why would he say that? The Mileena part is just funny.
Yeah nobody would willingly jeopardize their job and then give evidence to a reddit mod or some bullshit for e-clout points. It'd be way too easy to figure out who did it in the end.

Even the mod said what they got isn't conclusive in anyway, just that they got something.

If you really wanted to leak something, you give proof to a third party and let them do it, not publicly HEY I WORK THERE ACTUALLY LOL HOPE THEY DON'T FIND ME BROS.


TYM's #1 L taker.
This "leak" feels like a lot of noninformation, like they're just saying what we want to hear. KP3 was already data mined, and IIRC Ed said they want to do a female guest awhile back, but i could be BS'ing like this leaker.

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
Be easier to tell if the mod gave more info on what was shared with them. Like what type of pic did they see? Some blurry off screen shot?


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
hope they find and fire this person. Leakers are scum.


If you type in “female action movie character” or “female video game character” in google, the amount of choices that would still be relevant in 2020 is incredibly slim. Add in the fact there is already a Sarah Conner and harley Quinn skin in the game and it becomes even slimmer.

Ripley? The bride from kill bill? Martha Stuart?


As much as I'm burnt out on gun characters, if I had to choose another gun character, Bayonetta would be pretty great. I know there was some speculation about that being a possibility.


Give all to another and save yourself
I honestly don't think NRS would ever make a female guest character. Also there are too many extra details that only a fanboy would include.

Also I think the Mileena bait is a bit on the nose too. Unless the image leaked to the mod gets out I am 100% not buying this nonsense.


Bruce Campbell 4 MK!!!
Said it in the other thread and I’ll say it again. In terms of female guests, only one sticks out to me, and it’s The Bride from Kill Bill. That’s definitely in my top 5 dream guests so I’d be happy.
Sarah Connor? Has a tribute skin. Harley? Same deal. Ripley? Maaaayyyybeeee I can see that happening but two guests from the same franchise twice in a row would be odd
Idk let me cut people’s heads off with Uma

Lt. Boxy Angelman

My guess: Trinity.

1. Next year, prior to COVID, was supposed to see John Wick 4 and The Matrix 4 drop on the same day. NRS and WB have almost never missed an opportunity to place a guest character in proximity to the release of their next big movie or independent game - the only major exception is Spawn, but he's been in the works since forever.

2. I've always believed it would only a matter of time until we saw Neo in Injustice, which that big Injustice 3 leak video said was going to happen, and was in all fairness a lot more elaborate and full of detail than this. Having Trinity as the MK precursor to that - and even if it's a great big lie, having her as the first iconic femme character to appear in an NRS game, would make a LOT of sense and sell a LOT of DLC. From a publicity perspective, it would go a long way in keeping people buttered up for the return to The Matrix that's now been put on hold because of the pandemic. From an "Oh shit, XxXxX is going to be in Mortal Kombat!" perspective, we've had nothing but big buff robots, monsters, serial killers, and Joker, and the formula feels like it's gotten stale now that Spawn is finally here and almost all the "dream characters" have been done. Adding the Matrix to the universes MK/NRS has included in its rotation would invite an entirely new fandom into the fold and freshen up the formula, and also get everyone excited for the appearance of The One whenever they DO go back to Injustice.

3. With the less than great reputation that their gun-based characters have had over the years, sticking ANOTHER ONE on top of RoboCop, Terminator, and in the event there's any validity to the rumors, John Rambo, would be overkill on top of overkill. I would love to see Slade Wilson in MK, but that's only my personal preference, and not a hill I would die on. And if I'm keeping it a Bean, I would pick the Adjudicator over John Wick every day of the week, because Asia Kate Dillon is glorious and John Wick is just Neo through a different lens, but that would never happen . Trinity is not that blueprint. She definitely had her Akimbo gunplay moments, but was mostly VERY well-versed in the acrobatics and hand-to-hand combat. If I were to compare her to anyone to give an idea of how I see her as a character build, it would be Black Canary in IJ2 without the scream. You could build her as a pure martial artist, and retain the There Is No Spoon badassery that Matrix combat entails with moves out of the playbook of a Flash with Trait on, or Nimble Reptile. If she had the means to evade and speed up like that, she wouldn't need guns to put up a respectable fight.

That's my guess and hope for the future.
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Bruce Campbell 4 MK!!!
So, someone somewhere has seen something that may or may not be legit.
Seems legit.
My guess, if we’re entertaining the idea this is real, is it might be their ID card or some evidence of them working there and not a picture of the roster or something. That would at least make it more real to me.