Anyway, to change the mood a bit, what have y’all be doing/playing while in isolation? When I’m not at work or at the store getting essentials, I’ve been gaming and watching YouTube/Netflix. The games I’ve been playing so far is Dark Souls 3, CoD MW: Warzone (the BR), Duel Links (on my phone), been playing in daily online poker tournaments for money (just won last nights game, I was super hype), and been dabbling in other games too like DMC5.
Really jonesing for a new souls like game. Was really looking forward to Elden Ring, but I’m almost positive that this virus is going to delay its release. Which is super unfortunate.
Great mood change post!
Since I'm laid off and the weather hasn't developed enough yet for me to do Spring Cleaning outside the house, I've been playing far,
far too many video games (and enjoying every second of it)! I've been playing the following, in no particular order:
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Game of the Year Edition on my PC. I've been playing this game on and off since 2006, first on my original Xbox (twice), and then on my PC. Last year I started a playthrough for the third time, and determined to properly finish it, and I finally did! I always called "Morrowind" the greatest game I never finished, but now I completed the Main Questline, the Fighter's Guild Quest Line, the House Hlaalu Questline, a host of side Quests, and also the official plug-in (DLC) Quests. I
finally finished what I wanted to do in the core game, and then some! I'll take a few week break, and then start on it's first official Expansion Set, "Tribunal." I'm excited for it as unlike most expansions in the series, it heavily relates to, and to a degree continues, the story and plot points of the vanilla game's Main Quest.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection on my PC. My senior citizen father plays
Halo, but only on PC. Now that
Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary is on PC, he and I have been playing Co-Op Campaign together, as well as Firefight from
Halo: Reach. We're having a great time. For the Campaign, we're doing it on Heroic. The difficulty is normally beyond his solo skill, but I'll get him those Achievements yet!
DOOM (2016) on my PC. With everyone going on about
DOOM: Eternal, I decided to give the first game of this reboot a try. I'm a big fan of the franchise since the original Shareware from 1993, but when
DOOM (2016) came out, I didn't have a system that could play it. That changed a year ago when I upgraded my PC for
Mortal Kombat 11. I bought the PC version, which I can play in Nightmare/Ultra Settings no issue, and the game is absolutely beautiful, fun, and I'm having a blast finding all the secrets! I liked the game so much I bought it again for my Xbox One X so I can play in my family room if I wish.
Mortal Kombat 11 on my PC. Speaking of which, I played a little Kombat League today, my first matches of this Season. I went 4-1, which is pretty good. The PC population is dwindling though, and the matches sadly tend to have high ping.
Mortal Kombat XL on my Xbox One X. I've mostly been doing Living Towers and Klassic Towers, unlocking skins and Ladder Endings.
Killer Instinct (2013) on my Xbox One X. I've been replaying Story Mode to unlock endings and the Murals. Got Season 1's done, have four more to unlock for Season 2.
So yeah, lots of games!