We're gunna have to agree to disagree about the quality of characters. As I said, weirdo contrarian here. Note that everything below is just my opinion.
Over MK9: No skin off my back to never see the likes of Quan Chi or Stryker ever again. Reptile the Turbo Jobber With No Purpose is pointless with the likes of D'Vorah, an actually effective side villian, around. Baraka and Sheeva used to be auto-excludes for me, but MK11 has done them justice. Cetrion and Geras are fantastic newcomers, especially over something like Cyber Sub-Zero. Frost is a great nod to the 3D era and was thankfully made unique enough to not be Female Sub-Zero or Female Cyber Sub-Zero. I'm down with the Cyborgs taking a break since they already had two instances in a row of representation. Same goes for all ninjas aside from the core duo (Sub and Scorp).
Over MKX: Ferra/Tor may as well not have existed for me. Shinnok is Saturday morning cartoon villain levels of lame. Same as above for Quan Chi yet again. I never want to see the likes of Goro or Kintaro playable as they are much more boss-like (same goes for Shao in MK11). The MKX guests are the worst the series has seen. Tremor and Tanya are sorely missed; but we also got the return of Sindel and, if KP2 leak is real, the return of Fujin and Sheeva. Bo Rai Cho is a shitty joke and always will be. Reptile got upgraded to call-out-Mileena plot point and the ability to actually fucking speak, but D'Vorah is still better.
My only complaints about the MK11 roster are seeing Cassie AND Sonya/Johnny as well as Jax AND Jacqui yet again when we already had to deal with that in MKX which was handled as a "passing of the torch" yet the torch was never actually passed on, Kollector not being nearly fleshed out or interesting enough to warrant his inclusion, and Shao Kahn being playable.
I dont think you're weird for thinking differently, you may be in the minority but not weird. I mean I prefer mk 9 over mk 11 and like mk 4 alot to some that's weird so lol. Its whatever.
I agree on ferra torr being a rather dull, generic character. Dvorah is better, eron black though imo the best new character being takeda got the short end in mk 11 for jacqui, cassie etc again....king jin I get he was ok, I feel like nrs tries to force jacqui in there. I'd much rather see ermac, smoke, reptile etc or even mileena.
I dont mind erron black or dvorah as much but they could be fleshed out more, dvorah is literally the new quan chi who betrays everyone so at this point shes predictable. Erron black I feel is the coolest in terms of looks but could he more developed, why did he join the fight, self profit why did he leave earthrealm exactly. It's not like he has a place of power but whatever. He comes off as one of henchman in mk 11.
I think the ninjas are all cool and unique now, they've evolved much since the 90s and are now their own character. Rep is pretty cool even if he comes off as a jobbers at times or tool. I mean lots of characters jobbers even raiden at times. Geras character wise is ok, hed be better imo if he wasnt just a puppet of kronika similar to ermac while under shao kahns magic though ermac is far cooler imo. Cetrion I liked at first when she was first announced but I hate her character as shes just a female shinnok literally just more powerful but just as treacherous. Kronika ino felt unnecessarily.
I hope they stop with the titans after years of having us all believe the elder gods were at the top of the food chain.
Quan chi and Stryker fans will get over eventually as long as you have a sorcerer there. Stryker though I admit was cool in mk 9 vs the old traffic cop of the 90s.
Two thing I disagree with though is frost not comi g off as a female subby, to me she seemed like a female sub that's power hungry like bi han but not nearly as bright u grateful brat to kuai Liang as far as I'm concerned ed so perhaps not a female subby exactly but def a sub zero wanna be that happens to be female.
And mk x I felt the dlc was imo the best thing about the game with tremor,tanya's, bo, and especially the guests hard to knock alien and predator when they did them perfectly. I do agree however that mk 11s doc seems better than mk x in terms of just mk characters, guests that may be debatable. But I know some people hate guests all together. I still prefer the 90s era of characters vs the past few games overall of newcomers. To each his own though.