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Tom's Incident Has Made it to Esports Mainstream News

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Tom is clearly mentally ill and I don't mean that as an insult, more in an objective way. Healthy people don't require that level of validation over their skills in a fucking video game, break their expensive shit, have screaming rage fits, and of course steal from their fans multiple times. I genuinely hope Tom makes whatever changes he needs to in his life to be happy, and most importantly pay everyone back.


people should stop pretending Tom has some super saiyan lvl depression or schizophrenia (im sure i butchered the spelling of that but u can tell from the fact I didnt capitalize the previous I nor the first letter of this post that I dont care much). He prob just needed some money and he is a shady human being. Also he breaks controllers but, I bet aquaman almost made that one streamer break his controller...no one comes around feeling sorry for that fool.

I watched this video on youtube instead of the tym page so I could check responses. Needless to say I was slightly disappointed when I didn't see #metoo - RoyArkon in the comments.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
people should stop pretending Tom has some super saiyan lvl depression or schizophrenia (im sure i butchered the spelling of that but u can tell from the fact I didnt capitalize the previous I nor the first letter of this post that I dont care much). He prob just needed some money and he is a shady human being. Also he breaks controllers but, I bet aquaman almost made that one streamer break his controller...no one comes around feeling sorry for that fool.

I watched this video on youtube instead of the tym page so I could check responses. Needless to say I was slightly disappointed when I didn't see #metoo - RoyArkon in the comments.
To be clear, I don't feel sorry for him


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
To answer the OP's questions.

1. It's definitely over unless he manages to win people's trust again - but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Also I don't think he cares. If he was okay with stealing money, they tournaments and the FGC didn't really matter much to him at all. Maybe once it did, I don't think it does now. Money corrupts you if you let it.

2. Pay everyone back, make an effort to physically go to tourneys with his own money, do something non-selfish for the FGC.

3. I don't think it'll suffer at all, only Tom's reputation will. And besides, NRS hasn't allied themselves with him in a long time, he didn't even receive a collector's edition of the game LOL. So I think we good.

Personally, we had him for commentary at one of our tourneys and he was super nice didn't even request we pay him. So I'm not sure what happened but it's a shitty situation all around.


I dont donate and I dont look at these lanes like celebs. But if some nerd looks to tom as an idol and doesnt care if he goes to tourneys or not who are you to tell them dont look up to this guy?
I promise you one of YOUR IDOLS probably touches women or little boys who are you to tell someone who to worship and who not to.

Which is the crux of my argument Tom is a fucking scum bag for beating those lames outta of money however when you give your money away is it really Tom's fault? I mean I donate to red cross but even I know 5cent is going to the cause and 95 to the ether you know?

It wasnt really you I'm snapping at just the overall tone of the thread is out of control at this point.
bro, if you choose to have such a negative outlook on life thats ok but don't yell at other people for condemning guys for being shady as fuck. Also...where are you donating to the red cross where they take 95% of ur donation and put it into the ether? Bill Menoutis' Red Cross Donations LLC?


bro, if you choose to have such a negative outlook on life thats ok but don't yell at other people for condemning guys for being shady as fuck. Also...where are you donating to the red cross where they take 95% of ur donation and put it into the ether? Bill Menoutis' Red Cross Donations LLC?
Charities are mostly scams. The biggest part of the donation doesn't go to the cause. He's right about that


Lord of embers
bro, if you choose to have such a negative outlook on life thats ok but don't yell at other people for condemning guys for being shady as fuck. Also...where are you donating to the red cross where they take 95% of ur donation and put it into the ether? Bill Menoutis' Red Cross Donations LLC?
I dont think I was being uber negative just being honest. At some people people have to become responsible for their own actions. Tom's not the boogie man he never once as far as I understand it bullied anyone into giving him money. The entire situation is a classic case of the irresponsibility dilemma, should I or should I not feel sorry for people who got scammed because of their own folly.
Morally I belive that everyone should be held accountable for there own actions, that includes people who gave blindly and continued to give even after he didnt got multiple times. I.was in those Brady streams I've seen those counters for donations while not seeing him at tourneys, it didn't take a genius to figure this out.
As far as donations I'm not sure what you mean I thought it was widely known that charities are used to redistribute wealth.


1. Is Tom's Career Over?
Fighting games, video games aren't a career. His prominence as a tournament player and possibly as a content creator could be done. Unless he's banned from tournaments, he can come and go to them as he pleases. This community looks for a chew toy. Tom is their favorite because he squeaks the loudest. Once he stops squeaking, this community will forget and move on to the next chew toy. Eventually there will be nostalgia for him and the community will ask "Whatever happened to Tom Brady?"

2. How Can Tom Bounce Back (If you answered NO with #1)
Recognize that his actions were immoral, if any amends can be made, do them sincerely and privately. No need for some public show to prove anything.
He needs to take some time away. Just go and take care of real life and remember that these are games, they will always be here.

3. How bad do you think MK11/FGC will suffer from this incident?
I actually have a lot to say here:

A. There are ZERO regulations on these kinds of streams. These people are essentially BEGGING you for money. They are not legally obligated to spend this money in any way other than they see fit.

B. NOBODY signed a contract, and legally speaking, no money was actually stolen! That's right! Legally speaking, money was given (under false pretenses, which is certainly immoral), and it was spent.

C. Why are you giving money to someone who obviously does not have the money to go to these tournaments? Anyone who has donated to someone who can't afford it, you're only enabling them. If someone can't afford it, then they need to save their own money or choose not to go. Force these people to be responsible adults. They'll be better off for it in the long run.

D. The FGC at large needs some kind of 3rd party who can verify the expenditure of funds for this reason. Sending money to anyone's personal paypal or venmo is simply a donation with no legal binding. There needs to be some kind of regulating body that approves, oversees, and verifys the proper expenditure of any funds collected for a that donation stream's specific purpose.

In the end, I think the FGC won't SUFFER from this, I think it will be forced to GROW from it.


Vampire mommy simp
C. Why are you giving money to someone who obviously does not have the money to go to these tournaments? Anyone who has donated to someone who can't afford it, you're only enabling them. If someone can't afford it, then they need to save their own money or choose not to go. Force these people to be responsible adults. They'll be better off for it in the long run.
iirc lots of people were funded by fans to go to tournaments in the past and there's nothing inherently wrong with it.


iirc lots of people were funded by fans to go to tournaments in the past and there's nothing inherently wrong with it.
No, there isn't. That doesn't mean that grown adults who have jobs and income should be begging for money to attend tournaments. Strap on your big boy/big girl pants, save that money, and do what you need/want to do. If going to tournaments on your own dime isn't in the cards, then going isn't in the cards.


he said "gaming isn't a career" so he can really only hear you if you talk about things that happened during the 90s.
Wow, what brought that on?

So I said that gaming isn't a career. You disagreed with me. I left it alone. Suddenly you attack me?

Bad day I assume. Hopefully you have a better rest of the day man.


Gaming isn't a career.
This isn't about agreeing or disagreeing. This is outright wrong. There are people who have made it their career to compete in esports... which is literally gaming, but on such a level that they can make a living out of it. Not to mention the people who stream on twitch and those posting let's plays on youtube who are making money off their videos.

It's like soccer. You and your friends can go out and play with a ball all day just for fun, and you won't make a penny from it. It's just fun.
But there are also people who have made a living playing soccer professionally.


Did the story mention anything about his vile tweet about @BRAZILIAN SHEEP calling him a hater?

No he can't bounce back this is the kind of thing that defines you for life in the public eye. I mean if Perfect 13 legend can't shake what happened in that situation Tom Brady's rep has no hope whatsoever regardless of any number of public ammends.
Mk11 and the FGC as a whole will take no damage becuase they are mutually exclusive.


This isn't about agreeing or disagreeing. This is outright wrong. There are people who have made it their career to compete in esports... which is literally gaming, but on such a level that they can make a living out of it. Not to mention the people who stream on twitch and those posting let's plays on youtube who are making money off their videos.

It's like soccer. You and your friends can go out and play with a ball all day just for fun, and you won't make a penny from it. It's just fun.
But there are also people who have made a living playing soccer professionally.
Fair enough, and I agree.

That said, I appreciate the way you responded.


Vampire mommy simp
No, there isn't. That doesn't mean that grown adults who have jobs and income should be begging for money to attend tournaments. Strap on your big boy/big girl pants, save that money, and do what you need/want to do. If going to tournaments on your own dime isn't in the cards, then going isn't in the cards.
I'm not arguing Tom's case here. All I'm saying is that generalizing that is shitty. If someone is talented enough but doesn't have the money to attend to tournaments, fans who believe in the player's potential should be able to donate to them. Just like there are streamers who make a living out of donations/subscribers.
Working in the entertainment industry is still a thing. This is just a more modern approach.


Zoning Master
It's like soccer. You and your friends can go out and play with a ball all day just for fun, and you won't make a penny from it. It's just fun.
But there are also people who have made a living playing soccer professionally.
Did you seriously just compare soccer, the most popular and lucrative sport in the world, to playing video games competitively? Typical professional soccer players make millions of dollars. Even the worst professional soccer players make millions in the world's most prominent leagues. Typical fighting game players, on the other hand, are broke and live in their parents' basement, which was my lifestyle when I played Mortal Kombat 9 six hours a day.

I have been a member of the NRS community for almost two decades and I can count the people who made a living playing the games competitively on one hand, and I am including people like 16 Bit who managed to get a job in the video gaming industry.