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What is this Tom drama... ?

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A friend told me he saw a twitter post from someone in the fgc called "the professor" (?) claiming Tom stole 5,000 from him. I'm super vague on it but supposedly Tom convinced the guy he would double his money. Sounds like a joke to me and I can't find the op or anything else on Google, so... idk if it's real.
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Does anyone know the approx. amount that Tom stole, including the REO stream thing? The donations for NEC amounted to 600 I think. If he recieved a similar amount for CEO, EVO and ECT then we're getting close to 3 grand.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
It is definitely illegal. You could actually have a couple of people file suit against him for breach of contract and fraud since they paid the fund for him to play the game at these tournaments, and he openly misrepresented and attempted to lie to people.
Not worth the effort. Paying a barrel of hay to get back a straw. Lawyers arent cheap bruddah. If Tom had any integrity he'd pick up a second job (if he works at all) and pay back everyone of his supporters. That would be the first step towards righting this wrong.

Truly disheartened by this revelation, as his content regarding MK11 has been top notch. Also have been highly entertained by him on Reo's podcast. Hopefully he can look inward and see the error of his ways. Friends are difficult to come by, hold them dear.


Positive Poster!
If you give people free money online you're a bird.
If you're mad that the person took the money you gave them for free online, well.


You have 0 sympathy from me.
How many of these "top players" have people throwing money at them in hopes of suddenly somehow winning EVO because they are watching "top players".
Nobody ever stopped to think that these "top players" don't ever want you to be better than them or even just as good as them.
And now people are vilifying Bill fucking Menoutis over this shit?

The whole "subscribe to my stream or I won't help you play a computer game better" and "pay me money to help you play a computer game better" bullshit is already ri my fucking dick ulous, just saying. People blew up at cherny for selling combos and frame data and whatever, because he's not a big name but he was doing the same same.

Raise your hands if you paid a "top player" money to get "coached".
Now put down your hand if you never placed top 8 in majors after being "coached" by a "top player"
Yeah seeing no hands.

You are likely going to never see that money again or the result you donated the money to.

Get over it.
Or be offended, that works too.
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A friend told me he saw a twitter post from someone in the fgc called "the professor" (?) claiming Tom stole 5,000 from him. I'm super vague on it but supposedly Tom convinced the guy he would double his money. Sounds like a joke to me and I can't find the op or anything else on Google, so... idk if it's real.
Sounds like that Tekken Zaibatsu post I saw this morning, could have been a shitpost but could have been real too

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
Here is the full stream, So if you wanna listen, here it is.

EDIT: Go to 03:11:12. that's when Sonic Fox exposes Tom for the lies, followed up by Tom trying to sugarcoat the whole thing, and then finally REO comes at 03:37:34 when he tells his own story regarding Tom.

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Sounds like that Tekken Zaibatsu post I saw this morning, could have been a shitpost but could have been real too
Yea I'm gonna take all these Johnny come lately peeps with a grain of salt. Tom's an easier target than he's ever been right now and while the shunning is every bit deserved I'm also expecting long time enemies to use this opportunity to take pot shots that now seem credible in light of the situation. Could be true, but gonna need proof before I accept it as anything but gossip. I'm not even sure I buy "bro I gave this dude 5k cause he promised to quadrizzle my cashflow dawg!!" as a premise since you'd have to be gullible as shit, but a fool and his money are easily parted. Nam sayin'.


1 2 3 drink
If you give people free money online you're a bird.
If you're mad that the person took the money you gave them for free online, well.

View attachment 16330

You have 0 sympathy from me.
How many of these "top players" have people throwing money at them in hopes of suddenly somehow winning EVO because they are watching "top players".
Nobody ever stopped to think that these "top players" don't ever want you to be better than them or even just as good as them.
And now people are vilifying Bill fucking Menoutis over this shit?

The whole "subscribe to my stream or I won't help you play a computer game better" and "pay me money to help you play a computer game better" bullshit is already ri my fucking dick ulous, just saying. People blew up at cherny for selling combos and frame data and whatever, because he's not a big name but he was doing the same same.

Raise your hands if you paid a "top player" money to get "coached".
Now put down your hand if you never placed top 8 in majors after being "coached" by a "top player"
Yeah seeing no hands.

You are likely going to never see that money again or the result you donated the money to.

Get over it.
Or be offended, that works too.
Another shitpost by glortor.
This isnt about paying to get coached, this is about ppl showing their good will and donate to help a man out. Ppl dont expect to get their money back when said person actually goes to whatever he asked donations for.
So stop all these dumbass posts about ppl being idiot for giving money cause thats not the fucking point.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
I always thought Tom was just being entertaining with his antics. I always heard stories about certain things but no one ever seemed too serious about it. It’s apparently a lot worse and more serious than I thought. The thing with REO I also had heard some of it, but that really pissed me off when REO stated the full story publicly. He took full advantage of a very good and loyal friend. So yeah, bye bye Brady.


Character Loyalist
I didn't read the thread, but I remember Tom Brady from MK9! Wouldn't it bei cool, to make him attend an upcoming tourney!? I think, I might collect some money to make it happen! PM me for PayPal details, If you want to contribute! For the Hype!

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
Streams begins with tom saying he had to buy a new ps4 LOL
Go to 03:11:12. that's when Sonic Fox exposes Tom for the lies, followed up by Tom trying to sugarcoat the whole thing, and then finally REO comes at 03:37:34 when he tells his own story regarding Tom.


Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies
I'm no lawyer, but do we know for sure this isn't illegal? AFAIK you absolutely cannot start donation drives under the guise of performing or completing xyz project or service and just take the money and produce nothing to that end. He didn't just raise a little money but damn near 1k for NEC (unless I'm mistaken).
It is definitely illegal. You could actually have a couple of people file suit against him for breach of contract and fraud since they paid the fund for him to play the game at these tournaments, and he openly misrepresented and attempted to lie to people.
I'm also not a lawyer but I have seen a few of these situations before and I wouldn't say it is illegal. It's not like Tom is a registered non-profit that takes donations for specific "restricted fund" causes or has a responsibility to show his financials at the end of the year. And it's not like this was a commercial transaction where he promised a good for a price that was never delivered.

Also, while Tom seems to have scammed somewhere between $600-$2000, anyone's individual "damage" is probably not that high. Unless one generous person gave him several hundred dollars, we're mostly talking about small donations and indirect donations through things like twitch subs. REO is probably the only person with a legitimate fraud complaint if the twitch backpay and partnership stuff is true.

Think about trying to explain this situation to a lawyer or judge. It's closer to saying "I gave my friend $15 to buy dinner because he said he was hungry, instead he went and bought smokes. I want the courts to intervene!" than anything else. It's just not something they would pursue.

All that said, obviously it is incredibly scummy. It might not be something that could be brought to court, but he obviously betrayed the trust of his closest friends and fans. I don't see him ever coming back from this, and that's how it should be.
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There it is...
I'm sure I've heard Tom rant about bringing the receipt in relation to people backing their chat/claims. The irony is palpable. Someone has gotta clip it.

Other irony being all his rants hunting for props on his very questionable legacy. Now his legacy is this.
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John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
Here's the thing about Tom - he doesn't need to do any of this shit. He's a smart guy and knows fighters well. If he legit just ran a stream with tutorials and shared his knowledge and didn't spend 90% of his fucking streams uninstalling and reinstalling MK and being a manchild, he'd be killing it on Twitch.

He's also excellent on commentary, in my opinion.

This is just another example of him being his own worst enemy.


This guy just amazes me. Don't know what was going through his head to do something like this. But apparently this is nothing new for him.


Here's the thing about Tom - he doesn't need to do any of this shit. He's a smart guy and knows fighters well. If he legit just ran a stream with tutorials and shared his knowledge and didn't spend 90% of his fucking streams uninstalling and reinstalling MK and being a manchild, he'd be killing it on Twitch.

He's also excellent on commentary, in my opinion.

This is just another example of him being his own worst enemy.
That would actually take work, a positive attitude and a regular stream schedule, which is much harder than just talking out of your ass and stealing money.


AKA Uncle Kano
So aquaman knew he was a scammer all this time but did not inform the public but NOW he wants to cry "Fucking stop lying to everyone". He is trash too along with anybody that knew. Tom brings the entertainment tho. That whole stream was better than NEC and that's the problem with the NRS scene
Relax. Just because you have knowledge of this shit, your first resort shouldn't necesarrily be "let me expose this mofo right away!". I'm pretty sure most people in here have done things we aren't proud of. And stories are not evidence, and once you take a shot at someone's reputation you dont get to recover that easily. Some tried to call him out long ago but the accusations were brushed aside by loyal followers which is the reality when dealing with a lack of hard evidence.

This was the right moment to come clean, but we really shouldnt blame people for not coming forward without solid grounds in the first place. And then there's the fact, that Tom has been a friend to some over the years - the line gets kinda blurry when your friends get involved with questionable shit. You try to make them see the error of their ways internally before resorting to exposing the acts - and that's essentially what we see here
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