I just want more bright and lively stages. NRS has a history of fairly drab stages across the board.
You think so? I actually love most of the MK11 stages. I think they're extremely light and pretty and dynamic, especially in comparison to MKX.
If I could add things to enhance MK11...
- I would have brought back a bunch of older characters (Rain, Mileena, Goro, Ermac, Quan Chi), but at this point that's impossible cause of Shang and a bunch of gear pieces.
- I would bring back some previous skins for older characters that have them, similarly to the Tournament skins in MKX. I would love to see MK11 characters that were in MKX regain their MKX skins (Default Scorpion, Kuai Liang Sub-Zero, Default Cassie, Default and Dark Empress Kitana, Outlaw Erron Black, Revolutionary Kano, Future Raiden, etc.). So many great skins were left on the floor from MKX that need to see a return (mainly because half of the skins in MK11 suck IMO). Personally I wouldn't take too many from MK9 because I feel like most of those were tacky anyways. I'm looking at you, Flesh Pits Mileena.
- Stage Fatalities and Stage Brutalities. I can think of some good ones for some stages, and there are a bunch of obvious ones for a lot of the stages.
- I would make a bunch of the "optional" special moves just be basic special moves. Characters oftentimes feel so weak in another variation because they lack a move that's specific to a certain Variation (Cassie Kneecappin', Cetrion Geyser, Erron Enhanced Locked and Loaded, Shang Ground Eruption, etc.).
I liked variations in MKX to some degree, because there could be a lot of differences from Variation to Variation (Kitana, Tanya, Takeda, Quan Chi, Sub-Zero, Erron Black), and I still have hope, but at this point I hope NRS just gives it up. They just can't do it. They end up bastardizing characters and forcing moves the characters normally always have into certain Variations (Raiden teleport, Shang Morph, etc.). I don't like that. If they do Variations again, go back to how MKX did it, where the Variations are just set in stone, but only have 2, or just don't have them at all, because the way they've "improved" on Variations is way worse IMO.
- New Stages. I'd love to have a few more klassic stages. Maybe some brand new ones. I do like most of the new stages this game. The Pit needs to return, though. Such a shame it's in the Krypt but not as an actual stage.
- Tag Team. Wanted it back since 2014.
- This is just a personal thing, but I want MK to focus more on the magical parts of its lore. I want to spend more time in Outworld with characters like Kitana, Rain, Shang Tsung, Onaga, Shujinko, Mileena, etc., because to me, those characters are far more interesting than the human special forces (Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, Cassie Cage, Jax, Jacqui Briggs, Kano, etc.). Not to say get rid of those characters, but stop shoehorning those characters into the spotlight every game. And while we're at it, stop making the story mode go in chapters. I feel like that hinders the story, because certain characters have to have a certain amount of fights, half of which feel forced and don't make sense. Don't even get me started on Cetrion, AN ELDER GOD, JOBBING TO THE BRIGGS FAMILY. WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT IS THAT?
Yeah, I think that's it.