I am basing this off a few things. Mainly the freedom the engine allows. IT is very clear that most characers combo potential and strategies are max'ed out. Just look at highborn. Its b13 razor over and over and over and over. Look at skarlet? I mean look at geras,I feel like there's a major flaw in the argument that "no new tech is coming out, the game is dead". You mentioned Injustice with the game developing a lot over the course of 3 years, which is true.
Well we're 5 months into the game right now. How do we know that there isn't gonna be major meta/tech developments over the rest of the game's life? Feel like we're calling it too early when we say stuff like that, especially seeing as there actually IS new developments with the Raptor OS which was discovered like a week ago.
I am also not convinced the raptor OS is all that it appears to be at face value though time will tell.