yes you best ignore me, I shine too bright and will leave you blindignored.
yes you best ignore me, I shine too bright and will leave you blindignored.
I'm imagining when someone holds a lighter up to a cow's anus.yes you best ignore me, I shine too bright and will leave you blind
I feel like there's a major flaw in the argument that "no new tech is coming out, the game is dead". You mentioned Injustice with the game developing a lot over the course of 3 years, which is true.
Well we're 5 months into the game right now. How do we know that there isn't gonna be major meta/tech developments over the rest of the game's life? Feel like we're calling it too early when we say stuff like that, especially seeing as there actually IS new developments with the Raptor OS which was discovered like a week ago.
I'm imagining when someone holds a lighter up to a cow's anus.
Isn't that just a case of finding the best, most viable or damaging option and using that to ensure a win?Just look at highborn. Its b13 razor over and over and over and over. Look at skarlet? I mean look at geras,
Facts.The game was advertised for months and months about "full customization". Although its entire competitive community was asking how things would work in tournament play NRS blatantly ignored its most dedicated fan base. We were all jacked up thinking there was going to be a tremendous amount of freedom in the engine to hearing we would have less variations than MKX. THe shady rollout was a huge PR fail. THere are so many awesome moves that are never displayed. Think of all the time/money/animation that is never on display for the biggest stages of the game?
I respect your opinion and all that but, as someone who watches tournaments, is heavily involved in NRS twitter and watches for tech and is in Discords etc I see a competitive community that has rapidly dying interest in the game. I think the games shallow nature is going to cause it to eat itself. We can tout numbers now, but in a year? I think we'll see a huge dropoff if the game isn't a different game by next years Combo Breaker. Just my take. There's not enough meat in this game.Quoting the moments that I think were the real inspirations for this post, more than MK11 itself. It's totally fine if you don't like a game or don't want to/can't compete anymore, or if you want to be nostalgic for the times when you liked the game or wanted to/could compete, and imo it'd be fine to talk about that. But the rest of this is just not right. There are still new combos, mixups, and tech coming out all the time, including the option select tech that Raptor rediscovered just last week or whenever. There are more people playing, competing in, and watching MK now than ever before. There are more strong top level players than ever before, and some of them do have very interesting rivalries.
I really like MK11; personally my favorite NRS game ever is either MK11 or Injustice 2. It's definitely true that it has less wild stuff in it, but I also feel it allows for a very high amount of personal expression. Again it's totally fine if you don't like it or feel nostalgia for the past (we're around the same age, I know that nostalgic feeling well too), but I wish your post had been more up front about your subjective views than trying to seem objective.
Its literally every game, these are the same nut jobs who said mk9 had no AA's until; the games end, now people are saying they cant d2 jump ins while i do it consistently. They live in the twilight zone.Meanwhile on TYM, as some continue to say there’s no new tech, other people are busy posting new tech:
Kollector vial oki setup
Hey everyone! I've had a bit of time and I hit the lab again. I'm looking into Spare change for some matchups and I wanted some nice setups. This is the breakdown: In video format: If you prefer reading: End combos in 443 JI2 13 vial (make the vial mid, as the close one has more recovery)
You gotta love the irony of this, haha. There is always something else to be discovered or labbed![]()
I call bullshit on this, will it change his current winless matchup chart lolI've been hiding Raiden tech for 6 months now. Sorry everyone.
"Tech" for K or Devorah or any other bottom bitch post patch shouldn't really surprise anyone no one played them before and they are now shocker. I think from this second we should count how much "Tech" actuall flows through this site on a week to week basis. I'm here almost every day, tech will fly in like a blue moon be debated and debunked. it's rare is the point people are trying to make. seriously enough with the hysteria count the tech from now on, actually count how many people dive into forums now on. Stop checking stats and check the pulse of the community "engineer" its lethargic nothing but apathy every day.Meanwhile on TYM, as some continue to say there’s no new tech, other people are busy posting new tech:
Kollector vial oki setup
Hey everyone! I've had a bit of time and I hit the lab again. I'm looking into Spare change for some matchups and I wanted some nice setups. This is the breakdown: In video format: If you prefer reading: End combos in 443 JI2 13 vial (make the vial mid, as the close one has more recovery)
You gotta love the irony of this, haha. There is always something else to be discovered or labbed![]()
That is such and objective fucking statement and a slap in the face of the "current" top players who still play at a top level who also played then.thats because the cutoff line for top player is much higher now than it was then. Most "top players" in the mk9 days can't cut it in modern games and only got a name for themselves to begin with because the scene was much, much smaller. Big fish in small pond and all that.
Its as true as a statement gets. You can not like it, but its the truth. The player pool widens up significantly, and a lot of the "big names" of MK9 can no longer hack it compared to a wider pool of talent, Its true of many FG's. Many Marvel 2 OG's fell off to the side once Marvel 3 opened things up as well.That is such and objective fucking statement and a slap in the face of the "current" top players who still play at a top level who also played then.
Just straight ignorance.
The amount of bullshit you had to deal with in mk9, the amount of things you had to remember compared to MK11........ is a joke.
Just so bad man.
meanwhile there is someone on tym that styles himself as a "community engineer" and has really only trolled a forum. i have said it in a million posts and you have yet to acknowledge it one time. tym team, tournament series, updated events calendar, more welcoming character forums, marketing the site on social media et cetera et cetera are all things that you could be doing to further the scene. honestly if you cannot maybe at least change your name to forum moderator or something that suits your actions a bit more.Meanwhile on TYM, as some continue to say there’s no new tech, other people are busy posting new tech:
Kollector vial oki setup
Hey everyone! I've had a bit of time and I hit the lab again. I'm looking into Spare change for some matchups and I wanted some nice setups. This is the breakdown: In video format: If you prefer reading: End combos in 443 JI2 13 vial (make the vial mid, as the close one has more recovery)
You gotta love the irony of this, haha. There is always something else to be discovered or labbed![]()
yes he did. In addition there are many many current top players who share this sentiment.I think even chris g said the game feels lacking in depth.
Man some of you guys are weird.
I honestly feel like if someone were to point to the sky and say its blue, some of you guys would try to argue its not.
Like its so obvious to everyone that MK11 doesn't have a lot of depth when compared to other fighting games. If you were to just say some thing like "I personally like bare-bones fighting games and I'm happy MK11 is like that" I think everyone would respect that. Instead you guys are trying to argue the game isn't bare-bones and that everyone else just needs to "open their minds" or some other psychological nonsense so that we can try to see something in the game that clearly isn't there.
No it doesn’t. Restrictions are in your mind. I’ve noticed that no one uses Cassie’s low starter cause it’s slow but it’s a good tool when you’ve conditioned them to fear the overhead. Things like that. I learn new tactics everyday. Every fight is different and if you use a flow chart instead of constructing an attack based on how the opponent is playing then yeah It’ll be mind numbing.The game allows for very very little freedom in its engine. can you give examples of things you are learning everyday?
that's just you getting experience and playing better.No it doesn’t. Restrictions are in your mind. I’ve noticed that no one uses Cassie’s low starter cause it’s slow but it’s a good tool when you’ve conditioned them to fear the overhead. Things like that. I learn new tactics everyday. Every fight is different and if you use a flow chart instead of constructing an attack based on how the opponent is playing then yeah It’ll be mind numbing.