What? This has to be a joke.
MK9 is literally the most gimmicky game in the modern 2d series. I mean, there were 100% resets for crying out loud. Near-block-infinites on big hitbox characters, Kabal just spamming gas blasts across the entire stage so you could walk in and get NDC'ed or flash-parried, player 1 had advantage, there was a toasty boost for full meter, safe armored launchers, stuff like Johnny Cage's f3 having variable advantage, and like 1000 other things.. Some people didn't even have viable pokes for crying out loud.
The revisionist history about MK9 needs to end. The game was a complete mess, but we loved it because it revived something beautiful and was fun.
Not a joke at all, not at all, sounds like you didn't know how to play MK 9 honestly. Compared to MK 11 which is gimmicky, MK 9 is pretty straight forward with it's problems. Wake ups actually worked, I was able to beat and compete with anyone in that game using MID tiers. That isn't the case in this game because of the lame bs that is inconsistent. At least with Raiden but then again he is lower....So trust me, the game wasn't nearly as gimmicky as MK11 is. Yeah and most of them were patched, at least the hitboxes were more consistent than this game which are trash, people get hit from behind sweep distance in this game lol. Are you kidding? Then there's the dumb shit in the corner in this game, MK 9 you had to actually respect wake ups as they had armor and worked. This game once you get locked in the corner it's virtually over unless you guess right and get lucky enough to escape the corner. Kabal was BS yes, in MK 9 but his run dash cancel could be poked out of, I did it all the time. I know about the dash cancels, the flash parries and KL's bs. I dealt with it with Sektor and Ermac, if you don't believe me I have vids. Cage was annoying but only up close, similar to this game actually though he actually has a partial stagger loop in this game that nobody talks about. Was done to me once by this guy in KL. My defensive bar was out using other wake ups so I was pretty much screwed. Scorps teleport was busted beyond stupid in MK 11 til recently, MK 9 it wasn't an issue at all. Cyrax's bomb combos were only done consistently by top level Cyrax players, I never once got caught in anything above 60%. He had higher ones and a 100% one even but unless you really don't know what you're doing you're not going to get caught in that. Another character I dealt with using Sektor who again I stress was mid. Still, ask anyone who's played me in that game I was able to compete and win against Kabal's using Sektor and Ermac, they were both mids at best. Now you take that same scenario in MK 11 hahahaha that ain't happening. Good luck beating Liu Kang or Jacqui or Scorpion someone like that using a mid or lower character. Won't happen.
MK 9 wasn't a complete mess, it wasn't perfect but still much better than MK 11's inconsistent BS easily. Oh let me stagger you and throw you even though I'm ducking and cornertrap you to death, boring. At least MK 9 I can escape that shit. MK 9 had a bigger impact on FGC because it brought MK back, had arguably the best story not just in MK but in a FG period, best roster, fun DLC and 4 player tag was great. I will bet you anything more people would play 4 player tag again online and offline vs. grinding hours and hours and hours on ToT or stupid broken KL which is beyond broken in case you're unaware. I never got near blocked infinite on big hit box characters. The Toasty boost most players didn't even know about and rarely if ever happened lol. Yeah well pokes should be decent enough to back you off not be busted up close like Geras's prepatch or like LK's and Scorps dumb staggers in MK 11. Sounds like you haven't played MK 11 much honestly. In case you haven't noticed most here happen to agree with my order on MK 9 at least, being at the top of people's lists. Can't imagine why...lol. It literally needed one more patch to be practically perfect or great. MK 11 though, HAHAHAHA needs like 100 more patches to fix all the bs in that game. Have you read the glitch/feedback thread on MK 11? Between the krypt, gameplay bugs, KL issues, ToT needed day one patch because it was uber broken lol I can go on and on. Plus, considering MK 9 was NRS's first game I'd say that it's even more impressive how good it was. MK 11 feels rushed.
this .... in terms of nostalgic value, MK9 was the best, but it was not free of some major technical problems, and all that Crimson spoke here, is nothing but very truth regarding that game
MK 9 did have issues but it's issues were consistent unlike MK 11's, MK 11's you never know what's going to happen with hitboxes for example, if you're lucky enough to duck throws or get thrown, MK 11 literally turns into a pokefest at times and if you get locked in the corner you better pray you guess right to escape it. MK 9 you at least had to respect them, which I liked. Wake ups started going down hill in MK X and they're even worse in MK 11. But yeah I mean no game is perfect and every game has some issues.