I saw you posting in the other thread I made about online frauds using lag switches, and it's actually quite extraordinary how people using such basic methods of fraud can fool a relatively large portion of the community. Some folks try to cover for the cheaters, and other folks are legitimately out of the know. But I've interviewed and talked to some of the frauds that use lag switches, in NON FRIENDLY DISCUSSIONS by the way, and there are various things they use.
-I've never used a lag switch a single time (on any game ever), and especially not on Injustice 1, since my 37,300 PLUS wins are all real. It's important that if I tell people about how frauds use lag switches, that I am not suggesting other people use them. But the people doing the cheating have all sorts of ways to do it, and companies selling lag switches advertise their products with unbelievable levels of shadiness. And if a person has any question on whether or not people are purchasing those little buttons, make note of how often they are listed as being "SOLD OUT".
But what people do is use the actual button itself, which is a physical piece of hardware, or they use a software program. In other cases they do stuff through their computer to jam, interrupt or (intentionally) interfere with the connection. Modern day consoles didn't allow old lag switches to directly connect to the console itself so newer ones made some adaptations.
I actually got a major lag switcher to admit (in writing, and how he does it) to over 20 or 25 plus THOUSAND WINS using his cheating devices; which is downright ridiculous (although I already knew what the person was doing)… Bottom line is I know how it feels to go up against these people, and the problem is worse than the community thinks or pretends to not know about. I started KL Season 3 the other day and went 19 and 2 to start. The 2 losses were close (but not as a result of lag switching). In those first 21 matches ,however, I would estimate I ran into between 1 and 3 people using cheating devices and/or toolkits, which is actually a lot. So when you say you ran into about 3 people cheating, I could probably back that up if you had video.