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SOPA Update! Major Websites Have Gone Dark!

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I can now say I'm friends with a big black Cock.


If only someone had done this type of thing with that Marshall Law bill that just went by...

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
If only someone had done this type of thing with that Marshall Law bill that just went by...
People did, sort of. Not nearly to this extent though, which is bullshit. Worst part was that Obama stated he wouldn't pass the bill, then passed it anyways.

Anyways, I'd like to say more, but the fed monitors the web anyways and I don't want to be thrown on the 'suspected terrorist' list and thrown into a camp for indefinite detention. Can't wait to move to Europe.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

People did, sort of. Not nearly to this extent though, which is bullshit. Worst part was that Obama stated he wouldn't pass the bill, then passed it anyways.

Anyways, I'd like to say more, but the fed monitors the web anyways and I don't want to be thrown on the 'suspected terrorist' list and thrown into a camp for indefinite detention. Can't wait to move to Europe.
My thoughts exactly, my friend.

I was Mr. Give Barack The Benefit Of The Doubt, until that happened.


Cock Master!!
He passed that bill because the asshole republicans attached the defense budget to it. He went ahead and signed it cause he needed that budget for the military, he also attached a note saying while he's in office he won't use that power.
I also feel if we put him back in office and actually give him a democratic congress they will repeal this law.

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Lt. Boxy Angelman

He passed that bill because the asshole republicans attached the defense budget to it. He went ahead and signed it cause he needed that budget for the military, he also attached a note saying while he's in office he won't use that power.
I also feel if we put him back in office and actually give him a democratic congress they will repeal this law.
I really hope so. No chance in hell the Republicans are going to beat him.
I say he calls them out on it. Takes them to task for forcing him into it because of said budget.
They wouldn't have a leg to stand on.


Cock Master!!
So far we have 35 senators coming out saying they are against sopa we need just 6 more. Then we need them to actually back up what they are saying and vote no.

On a side note it's so stupid that a vote has to be 60-40 to be the "majority" vote when technically 51-49 is lol I guess in this case I'm glad just 41 is needed.

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Dojo Trainee
A large portion of megaupload is used for piracy, nobody can deny that. Also because of how megaupload/rapidshare and other similar sites are designed, they actually store the data unlike torrents thus they do come across as "possession" of pirated material much like Kazaa/morpheus and other p2p sharing services.

Anonymous are terrorist to many governments and organizations, to go into detail they are cyber terrorist. There has been proof of them just hacking sites because they do not share the same views as the site. How can you be the "defenders of free speech/free information" and attack opposing views?

http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread661570/pg1 one of the many reasons why anonymous should be viewed using discretion.

Also any group/organization that hacks the Department of Defense and other military sites are nothing short of "a danger to national security". Especially one with malicious intent.

The whole idea of "all information should be free" is totally stupid. Do you want your whole personal information out on the web? Do you want information on how to build weapons with exact details out on the web that anybody can access? Do you want national security information be freely access to everybody, especially nations that wish to do harm to others? Not all information should be freely access but at the same time majority of the information of things such as state of the world and etc should be able to freely access to the general populace.