Part-Time Kano Hostage
45% unbreakable damage withing Fatal Blow range, BUT YOU DONT EVEN NEED TO USE THE FATAL BLOW BECAUSE OF THE CANCEL. The ShadesThrow Krushing Blow allows this.Care to elaborate?
Unbreakable damage in general with the AmpCamera. Great set play with no knockdowns. He has an amazing auto-shimmy string that could go into a huge hit confirm so his grab game is as good as other characters with auto-shimmys like Noob, Cassie, and Baraka. In some matchups he even has AmpForceballs being + on strings so he could immediately go into his auto-shimmy or grab once again.
He's like a different version of Cassie's Yaas Queen now. He's a footsies beast.
Once he gets going, he keeps going because he doesn't have to worry about the opponent's wakeup options. You get hit once, he gets the opportunity to hit you again with no risk at all. It's a borderline vortex.
No gimmicks, just solid play, so I could kind of see how people are overlooking it, but if a top player gets their hands on Showstopper, just get ready to start seeing the bandwagon. The character is crazy good at the moment.
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