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When you play against newby friends, do you destroy them or give them a chance?


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
Was having a discussion about this in another thread, and honestly, I think it would be interesting to hear y'alls answer on this one.

So, do you let them win or beat them unmercifully? Also what sort of comments do you get from them and do they ever get really angry?

Personally, I destroy them until they get better. Even if they get pissed off I don't care, my ego is too big to let them win and plus it's making them better even if they don't realize it yet. I also love their excuses, especially if they are using the analog stick and not the d-pad LOL. "bUt tHiS rAnDoM mOvE kEePs cOmInG oUt!!!!" continues to mash like a maniac

AK Harold

If it's a training partners I'll go in on em for first games with a complete strategy.

If it's too much for them I will hold back but not play straight dumb. I just limit the options I give myself to practice.

Really depends on if they are trying to learn though, if they don't communicate at all a want to learn what I'm doing etc. Then I'll just murder them quickly and get it over with.


Online Scrub Lord
I do this to people in the TYM Koth all the time. Especially Kano and Cassie mains. They have to learn yolo balls and camel toe punches aren't going to work on this veteran. Of course, I would expect people to beat me down mercilessly as well although I haven't gotten better from it after all these years.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
I do this to people in the TYM Koth all the time. Especially Kano and Cassie mains. They have to learn yolo balls and camel toe punches aren't going to work on this veteran. Of course, I would expect people to beat me down mercilessly as well although I haven't gotten better from it after all these years.
Well, I know who I'm banning first!


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Give them a chance. I still try to win, I just try to let it be closer than it should be.

Honestly I do this with good players too, though I shouldn't. That is my downfall as a player over all. I like to play around to much.:p


A Hitbox Pirate - YARRR -
It really depends on who it is. Newby internet person? Sorry, "You gonna learn today." /Jwong

Friends, family, etc.? I go really easy on them because I want them to get invested and start learning. I basically explain things and coach them. There's a theory going around that the best way to get good at a game is to get destroyed, repeatedly, by someone way better than you.

That's crap.

There's too much going on in fighting games, too many moving parts, for a new person to take much away from complete destruction in so many facets of the game. So if I'm coaching, I'll break it down. Talk about anti airs, and then jump like a madman until they get the counter play.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
It really depends on who it is. Newby internet person? Sorry, "You gonna learn today." /Jwong

Friends, family, etc.? I go really easy on them because I want them to get invested and start learning. I basically explain things and coach them. There's a theory going around that the best way to get good at a game is to get destroyed, repeatedly, by someone way better than you.

That's crap.

There's too much going on in fighting games, too many moving parts, for a new person to take much away from complete destruction in so many facets of the game. So if I'm coaching, I'll break it down. Talk about anti airs, and then jump like a madman until they get the counter play.
Yeah I agree with that, if they don't even know what frame data is then just destroying them isn't going to help.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
It really depends on who it is. Newby internet person? Sorry, "You gonna learn today." /Jwong

Friends, family, etc.? I go really easy on them because I want them to get invested and start learning. I basically explain things and coach them. There's a theory going around that the best way to get good at a game is to get destroyed, repeatedly, by someone way better than you.

That's crap.

There's too much going on in fighting games, too many moving parts, for a new person to take much away from complete destruction in so many facets of the game. So if I'm coaching, I'll break it down. Talk about anti airs, and then jump like a madman until they get the counter play.
The thread exit is that way ---------->



My friends never want to play against me because they cant win. Its not that i destroy them but i am not gonna let them win either.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
After 16 years of playing competitive games, I’ve learned that a lot of players will just straight up stop playing you if you destroy them constantly. If they think they have no hope, they will get bored. It has happened an insane amount of times.

So, if you want to keep playing whoever you’re playing and you’re destroying them, sandbag every now and then. If you don’t care if they stop playing you, then go ahead and keep bodying them.