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The world's least hype player
Can they actually jail them? Usually, they arrest them, file them, and then they leave them alone. I don't trust the cops anymore after a lot of incidents.
Yes clearly vigilante justice is the answer


Motor City Warrior
Can they actually jail them? Usually, they arrest them, file them, and then they leave them alone. I don't trust the cops anymore after a lot of incidents.
I used to be a CO, working with the cops. After some shit I have seen and heard I wouldn't trust a cop with glass of water and a cheese sandwich.


Mr. Righteous
Just want to say while this is bad, guys get drugged, abused and/or robbed too. It's not just at these events but life in general, I live in NYC and hear these stories all the time sadly. Girls getting roofied, sexually abused and Guys getting drugged with the intention of women fooling around with them but they drug the men and literally rob them taking their jewelry, watches, money, CC's etc. Both are fucked up honestly.

I don't think anyone should be drugged regardless of gender, race, etc definitely not cool. Also, just a helpful piece of advice for both men and women, ALWAYS bring your drink with you. To leave it with people you don't know that well is just asking for something bad to happen, I would never do that if I had a kid, teen, college aged son or daughter I'd stress that shit on them whatever you do, NEVER leave your drink unattended, take it with you or get a new one you know you'll finish or take with you.
All that stuff is correct HOWEVER we're talking about our scene, not the fucked up world. The FGC is suppose to be a safe space regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation whoever! If one group of people get attacked, then we should all help to prevent it from happening again. PERIOD!

I was there. The people that saw something, did something. A guy got his ass whopped and escorted out by cops for reaching up a girl's skirt. The problem is no one saw the mass roofie epidemic culprit, so my boy Tong Lee got his drink spiked that was intended for his female friend before they switched. Thankfully for her sake they did, because his tolerance is ridiculous and he was visibly shaken, so I can't imagine what would have happened to a smaller female.

Whoever did it is definitely a scumbag, but the best course of action to protect yourself is to watch your drink intently, male or female, and act like it's gone when it leaves your hand or eyesight. My mom taught me at a young age that people drug drinks at college and adult parties, so this is always the safest way (besides the obvious not drinking at all) to avoid that.
Thats what ive been hearing about the first story and glad he got his ass whooped and taken out. Im also hearing these women are trying to find out the names of the culprits. I really really REALLY hope they follow up on this so they can bring these muthafuckas to light. And your mom is a very wise woman. Bless her heart for teaching you that lesson early. Even if you have to go to the bathroom, take your damn drink inside so you can always watch it.


Motor City Warrior
So if you see someone in trouble you're just gonna stare? Ok.
I'd let it go with this guy. My guess is he's a person who has up till now been able to take care of himself, maybe he's even been forced to. I was there at a time in my life. However, one day he's gonna need some help, and whether it's there or isn't there on that day. That will be the day he learns. Sometimes just have to let life teach somebody no matter how much you want to save em.


I'm sorry, but I cannot buy into this "Protect the women" deal. I know I may get a lot of hate for this, but before browbeating me, read on:

Women are not some delicate little flowers that need to be protected at all times by us hulking, domineering men.

Women are capable, self sufficient people who don't NEED our protection.

I refuse to be so sexist as to assume any woman will ever need to hide behind me.

You want to help women in the FGC? The answer is about honesty and encouragement;

So here's honesty.

I've been to events many times. I've seen women cos-play in next to nothing, and those same women wind up in a pro player's hotel room. Then, I've seen the same cos-player wind up in a DIFFERENT pro player's hotel room the next event. Later, she complained that too many guys hit on her event after event. Her actions dictated what others perceived. 2 events, 2 scantily clad cos-play costumes, 2 different guys. She is a totally self sufficient individual with the right to make her own decisions, which she did. I respect that, and respect that she stuck to her guns and continued to cos-play at future events. She doesn't need some guy's protection.

We DO, however, live in a world where a promiscuous woman gets called a slut and a promiscuous man gets respect or called a player. Completely unfair, but that's our reality today. To change this, you have to change the culture. I don't have the answer on how to do this, I wish I did.

It's also HONEST to say that when people dress up, be it as a cos-player or just dressing up to look nice, you're hoping that people notice. Here's the truth about that; THEY DO. Our demographic is primarily late teen males to mid/upper 20's and some later than that. The majority fit in that late teen/mid-twenties group though. Guess what? Their brains are NOT fully developed!!! The human brain does not fully develop until 25 years old, in particular the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for complex planning, DECISION MAKING, logical and organized thinking, risk management, & IMPULSE CONTROL!!!

So what does this mean? This means that you're dealing with boys becoming men who have an impaired ability to assess risk, make good decisions and control their impulses. YOU WANT TO DRESS IN SEXY CLOTHING AND THROW YOURSELF INTO A GROUP OF THESE? Likewise, if you're in that late teens to mid-20's range and you're a woman, it's important to understand that you too have an impaired ability to assess risk, make good decisions and control your impulses. Remember, know your audience. It's not fair, but sometimes safety over fairness is a better decision.


Do you know someone who was sexually assaulted? ENCOURAGE her to come forward, name names and be specific. If she won't come forward and give names, ENCOURAGE her to explain why. What is she afraid of? If she's simply afraid of going to another event and seeing that person, ENCOURAGE her to NAME NAMES because the only way to go to that next event and not see him, is if she ACTIVELY helps remove him from the event. There is no other way.

I'm sure there's more I can add, but I need to get back to work.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
All that stuff is correct HOWEVER we're talking about our scene, not the fucked up world. The FGC is suppose to be a safe space regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation whoever! If one group of people get attacked, then we should all help to prevent it from happening again. PERIOD!
Right I get that, just pointing out that this stuff happens daily in general and is not exclusive to our scene and that while I don't approve of anyone touching, drugging or stealing from anyone else. I also believe we should be extra cautious and use common sense as well in regards to our drinks. Perhaps heightened security would help too. I mean especially these days, aside from that I'd worry more about someone shooting people with all the crazyness happening all over. Just saying, tournament events bring lots of people and that's the kind of target people like to target crowds. Maybe I'm paranoid but just saying man lol.

I don't know the exact circumstances of the whole women being grabbed thing, so I don't want to comment on that either way. Sure nobody should ever touch anyone I agree without permission, but I also know we live in a metoo movement now where sometimes people over exaggerate sometimes.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
I'm sorry, but I cannot buy into this "Protect the women" deal. I know I may get a lot of hate for this, but before browbeating me, read on:

Women are not some delicate little flowers that need to be protected at all times by us hulking, domineering men.

Women are capable, self sufficient people who don't NEED our protection.

I refuse to be so sexist as to assume any woman will ever need to hide behind me.

You want to help women in the FGC? The answer is about honesty and encouragement;

So here's honesty.

I've been to events many times. I've seen women cos-play in next to nothing, and those same women wind up in a pro player's hotel room. Then, I've seen the same cos-player wind up in a DIFFERENT pro player's hotel room the next event. Later, she complained that too many guys hit on her event after event. Her actions dictated what others perceived. 2 events, 2 scantily clad cos-play costumes, 2 different guys. She is a totally self sufficient individual with the right to make her own decisions, which she did. I respect that, and respect that she stuck to her guns and continued to cos-play at future events. She doesn't need some guy's protection.

We DO, however, live in a world where a promiscuous woman gets called a slut and a promiscuous man gets respect or called a player. Completely unfair, but that's our reality today. To change this, you have to change the culture. I don't have the answer on how to do this, I wish I did.

It's also HONEST to say that when people dress up, be it as a cos-player or just dressing up to look nice, you're hoping that people notice. Here's the truth about that; THEY DO. Our demographic is primarily late teen males to mid/upper 20's and some later than that. The majority fit in that late teen/mid-twenties group though. Guess what? Their brains are NOT fully developed!!! The human brain does not fully develop until 25 years old, in particular the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for complex planning, DECISION MAKING, logical and organized thinking, risk management, & IMPULSE CONTROL!!!

So what does this mean? This means that you're dealing with boys becoming men who have an impaired ability to assess risk, make good decisions and control their impulses. YOU WANT TO DRESS IN SEXY CLOTHING AND THROW YOURSELF INTO A GROUP OF THESE? Likewise, if you're in that late teens to mid-20's range and you're a woman, it's important to understand that you too have an impaired ability to assess risk, make good decisions and control your impulses. Remember, know your audience. It's not fair, but sometimes safety over fairness is a better decision.


Do you know someone who was sexually assaulted? ENCOURAGE her to come forward, name names and be specific. If she won't come forward and give names, ENCOURAGE her to explain why. What is she afraid of? If she's simply afraid of going to another event and seeing that person, ENCOURAGE her to NAME NAMES because the only way to go to that next event and not see him, is if she ACTIVELY helps remove him from the event. There is no other way.

I'm sure there's more I can add, but I need to get back to work.
I agree with a lot of what you said, however, I have one issue.

Cosplayers having sex with pro players is THEIR choice. They both consent to it. Tryin to say that consensual sex is the same as being cat-called or hit on makes no sense. It's not because a cosplayer looks sexy, that people have a right to walk up to her and hit on her. Getting hit on by strangers is weird, creepy and makes us feel uncomfortable.

But yes, women can take care of themselves, but it doesn't mean that men and women can't work together as a team to call out assholes.


And girls, no offence, I love pretty outfits on you as much as the next dude, but protect your integrity and dress modest out if you aren't in a safe space with a safe route home.
It is amazing the degrees to which you are a whole ass moron. This shit happens regardless of how women dress, what world are you on.

I'm sure there's more I can add, but I need to get back to work.
Please don’t because that whole ass screed was goddamn terrible & victim blaming 101


I agree with a lot of what you said, however, I have one issue.

Cosplayers having sex with pro players is THEIR choice. They both consent to it. Tryin to say that consensual sex is the same as being cat-called or hit on makes no sense. It's not because a cosplayer looks sexy, that people have a right to walk up to her and hit on her. Getting hit on by strangers is weird, creepy and makes us feel uncomfortable.

But yes, women can take care of themselves, but it doesn't mean that men and women can't work together as a team to call out assholes.
Agreed 100%. This is precisely what I'm saying. What I was getting at was the perception that was given to others. It's NOT right, but that is the way it is. That's why I do not judge. She made her decisions, I respect them, period. She doesn't need my help because I'm a man and never will.

In terms of hitting on women, I was always the one who wouldn't. I never shy away from a conversation, but I also don't see an issue with someone going up to a person they find attractive and striking up a conversation. If that doesn't go the way he/she wants it, then so be it. I DO, however, understand how it can get incredibly annoying if it happens over and over again when the men who are doing it are clearly after one thing.


The world's least hype player
If you see a friend in trouble, you're telling me you wouldn't try to pull the person off of them?

Damn, you a pussy son.
Did you not read again and see me advocate for traveling in groups as a way to protect yourself. I didn’t say it was inherently wrong to help someone in a position of need. I’m not going to save a total stranger if it means I’m going to get hurt. What is the size of this person? Are they armed? I’m not obligated to get into a fight with some rando


Mr. Righteous
Did you not read again and see me advocate for traveling in groups as a way to protect yourself. I didn’t say it was inherently wrong to help someone in a position of need. I’m not going to save a total stranger if it means I’m going to get hurt. What is the size of this person? Are they armed? I’m not obligated to get into a fight with some rando
Ok! We get it. We. Get. It. Thank you for your input....


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
I doubt this has anything to do with the FGC or game culture. The sad fact is there are a lot of scumbag guys around.

I find sexisum and "toxic masculkiinity" to be kinda like racism. If you are a nice guy, you usually hang out with nice guys and it is easy to forget what a problem it is as no one you know behaves in these terrible ways. This can lead to strange feelings, even resentment, when people start talking about this kind of stuff, as it is easy for angry people, who are totally justified to be angry, to paint a lot of innocent or even supportive people with the same brush. Saying "this is the FGC" or "Men are dogs" or w/e is just inaccurate and can cause divisions.

The depressing truth is that most girls have stories like this about them just standing at the bus stop for work, getting drinks spiked at parties and clubs, groped in super markets etc etc.. there is not a woman I know that has not had experiences like this or much, much worse.

It isn't the FGC thing, it is not "men" thing... it is just that there are evil people in all social groups.


A Hitbox Pirate - YARRR -
Wow this whole situation is insane. Sounds like this guy was drugging every drink he could find. I really don't want to think about what the endgame would be for that play.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
Did you not read again and see me advocate for traveling in groups as a way to protect yourself. I didn’t say it was inherently wrong to help someone in a position of need. I’m not going to save a total stranger if it means I’m going to get hurt. What is the size of this person? Are they armed? I’m not obligated to get into a fight with some rando
Depends where you live a good mate of mine was stabbed to death outside a Pub in 1998. He broke up a fight outside the pub where some dude was beating on a girl and the girl turned around and stabbed him a bunch of times. Turns out the guy was trying to defend himself.

You have to be very careful when you deal with the public and what kind of assumptions you make. This is why sometimes Cops behave the way they do in domestic situations.

I'm not saying do not stand up for people, but I am saying, take a life lesson from my old mate... be careful.


Mr. Righteous
I doubt this has anything to do with the FGC or game culture. The sad fact is there are a lot of scumbag guys around.

I find sexisum and "toxic masculkiinity" to be kinda like racism. If you are a nice guy, you usually hang out with nice guys and it is easy to forget what a problem it is as no one you know behaves in these terrible ways. This can lead to strange feelings, even resentment, when people start talking about this kind of stuff, as it is easy for angry people, who are totally justified to be angry, to paint a lot of innocent or even supportive people with the same brush. Saying "this is the FGC" or "Men are dogs" or w/e is just inaccurate and can cause divisions.

The depressing truth is that most girls have stories like this about them just standing at the bus stop for work, getting drinks spiked at parties and clubs, groped in super markets etc etc.. there is not a woman I know that has not had experiences like this or much, much worse.

It isn't the FGC thing, it is not "men" thing... it is just that there are evil people in all social groups.
There's no doubt when men from the FGC are doing this shit. Its a matter of who. I'm just saying even if the name happens to be one of your "favs" names need to be said and I'm very looking forward to these names because they deserve all the shame #Bars


The world's least hype player
Depends where you live a good mate of mine was stabbed to death outside a Pub in 1998. He broke up a fight outside the pub where some dude was beating on a girl and the girl turned around and stabbed him a bunch of times. Turns out the guy was trying to defend himself.

You have to be very careful when you deal with the public and what kind of assumptions you make. This is why sometimes Cops behave the way they do in domestic situations.

I'm not saying do not stand up for people, but I am saying, take a life lesson from my old mate... be careful.
Exactly assess the situation. Can you actually help or will you just make it worse. Clearly everyone in this thread even those with the upper body strength of a 14 year old would square up with this dude. 15509