Well fundamentals yeah...especially if things are balanced enough.
I'm not really a combo player...and the dial system makes it more difficult for me too, or how some moves just...are nitpicky about inputs. In another game inputs would come out fine, in this no.
So with me it's more actual fighting, rather than looking for that touch to enter the single player game of long combo inputs. I myself don't like big damaging combos in fighting games, really. Which goes against the grain I suppose.
So I rely on a lot of fundamental stuff. As well as one can in this game...I think the game kinda doesn't promote it enough in its gameplay.
Like other day I was playing Shao Kahn and the other person chose Shao Kahn too. I could tell they could do Shao Khan combos, while I was not using combos beyond very simple stuff like say, meter burned shoulder charge and uppercut.
He lost.
Then he switched to Jacqui...and the combination of her natural advantages plus combos, left my Kahn with little to do.
And they were cocky about it and I'm thinking like, if you were that skilled you would have beaten with me with Kahn and not needed to lean on Jacqui.
Now if say a character can take half a lifebar with a combo...will they need fundamentals as much? A question of balance I suppose...