There's still too much fucked up stuff in custom variations. Scorpion with Sin Blade and Tele Cancel is too much. Sub Zero with Air Axe and fast iceball is too much. Kabal custom is still insanity.
I think the better way forward is to add more ranked variations and fix the obvious shit ones.
Getting just two instead of three each at launch was a pretty bad deal though. This is absolutely worth fixing before Evo.
So the pro don`t know what they playing against and have like zero time to train/prepare to the new variation and to looks kinda stupid right ?
If there is going to be patch/fix/new variation/content stuff it should be after EVO.
And exactly what L3MMYsaves said.
You know how hard is it to balance 26 character(and more to come) x2(variation) = 52 in total(for now) ? This is so much time consuming. No one is limiting your game time experience. No one promise you anything.
I prefer DEVS to work on new things/mechanics/modes, instead of this.
Right now the game is in great balance, there is like 10-20% stuffs that needs to be touched/balanced.
But just look at the Pro Tournaments from the begining of the year.
We have:
SonicFox - Erron Black at Summit of Time
Scar - Sonya as a winner of Combo
Kombat - Jonny Cage at NA East Online Cup
SonicFox - Cassie Cage at CEO
Hayatei - Erron Black at Viennality
FoxyGrampa - Kung Lao at VSFighting
So much diversity for a winning player character and if you look at top 8 at this tournament you will see the bigger and the whole picture and how many different character are there in top 8. And the scene and game evolve with every new tournament.