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MK11 Post Launch Content Compared to MKX and Injustice 2


The first fighting game I played was called Karate Champ and it was perfectly balanced (well, depending on the state of the controllers, heh.) Attributing any opinion I have on a basis of "not enough experience" is pretty laughable in this arena. But it's kinda like going to a bar and getting carded at my age. It's a nice compliment even if it's unintentional.

There's no excuse for the hitbox issues in the game, currently. They are a bug and clearly break the rules of their own game (as per the tutorial on how attacks interact). Three months out of a supported game to have these kinds of bugs is simply unacceptable. Unacceptable in any AAA game regardless of genre, but especially in a fighting game where the entire foundation is built on these hitbox / hurtbox interactions.

I'm not going to belabor the point further. I've said my piece. For people that are happy with this, okay. I think you have low standards but you're welcome to your opinion.
I'd wager that Bloody Roar was INCREDIBLY balanced (the first three were impeccable).


Exactly. We don't have PS4/XB1/Switch numbers but we do have Steam numbers and they are good indicator of all this.

Playerbase went from 35k to 3k+ in less than 3 months. That say's a lot.
Wait for what game? MK11!? Plus, how do you know this to be true?


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.

Tekken 7, 2 years old game has more players than MK11. MK11 on Steam is on life support and needs cross-play ASAP. I don't remember playerbase for a fighting game dropping this fast and being this huge.
2 factors :

  1. Tekken for PC is overall the best version of the game, sure that normally, the fanbase for fighting games, on numbers, are better and higher for consoles, but, Tekken for PC is the best version regarding graphics and technical stuff ....
  2. MK11 for PC still has a huge of stuff to be fixed , and developers are being way too lazy or slow to do it, so, majority of players just get out already for supporting the game ..... see that issue regarding dialogue animation for PC, in the intros ? they did not fixed that shit until now ! this and at least a half dozen of shit errors occurring in PC, and they did nothing to fix it, so, it's normal majority of PC base migrating to PS4 version ...


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
I’d wager he, like other people (who are mostly afraid to say it due to backlash), feel that he probably had a lot to do with the SJW agenda-type bullshit that lead to the extreme nerfing of female character appearance, and also simply want politics left OUT of gaming.
I don't recall Stephanie's personal choice being included in MK11.

If you follow her on twitter, she has a right to post her personal stuff and I don't see how it affects or affected the game at all. The game has no politics, yes some costume for female characters are hella uncreative and ugly (IE: Cassie Cage), but Stephanie coming out as trans has nothing to do with this.

Let's not discuss politics in a thread that has no need for it. We're here for video games, if you don't want politics in them, then don't talk about politics in a thread reserved for video game discussion.



Tekken 7, 2 years old game has more players than MK11. MK11 on Steam is on life support and needs cross-play ASAP. I don't remember playerbase for a fighting game dropping this fast and being this huge.
Wow that is extremely saddening but proves many of my points (and others)about this game not lasting long. That was a HUGE drop for any game but especially for a NRS/Mortal Kombat title.