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MK11 Johnny Cage General Discussion


kick kick
Had my first taste of a Grandmaster-level Kabal.

why don’t you move lol. You’re terribly missing out if you’re not dash cancelling forceballs and wave dashing.
also that Kabal wasn’t good, you don’t know hell until you’ve fought a Kabal who knows how to stagger his buttons from max distance, your options just get so so limited.


Its Game Over, Man
why don’t you move lol. You’re terribly missing out if you’re not dash cancelling forceballs and wave dashing.
also that Kabal wasn’t good, you don’t know hell until you’ve fought a Kabal who knows how to stagger his buttons from max distance, your options just get so so limited.
Not used to facing Kabals, at least not at that level, which is the reason I wasn't moving as much


Its Game Over, Man
At a high level you’ll desperately need to master spacing and whiff punishing. The character is nuts and I can’t wait until people realize that.
ps don’t punish FB or FB jr with anything other than f344, works 10/10.
I'm honestly surprised that Kabal isn't treated as a bigger deal. To me, he's a Top 5 character. He can also beat Johnny in the footsies game, another reason I was pretty hesitant and playing as I was.


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
Shhhhhhhh ,leave kaballl alonneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

He's like the best secondary to have, after whiffing literally everything and the kitchen sink with Cage, I play some Kabal matches with mid spam and -2 strings without giving a fk and it feels like the top of the world.


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
PSA: Try using Jade against Johnny boss towers, if you put up glow full screen and then continuously spam regular glaive then you'll get them eventually. It leaves just enough of a gap after hit that the AI tries to do something. Anyone could do it. In fact, this isn't a bad strategy against a lot of characters in boss towers.


Kabal is really strong I picked him first week and was satisfied with the strength but I got really bored in few hundred matches with him.
The moveset and speed bored me a lot. :D

Maybe I will try him again later with more experience and might be not boring. Cassie/Scorpion are more fun to me and not because they are "stronger".
It is probably just personal preference.
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AKA Uncle Kano
Kabal is really strong I picked him first week and was satisfied with the strength but I got really bored in few hundred matches with him.
The moveset and speed bored me a lot. :D

Maybe I will try him again later with more experience and might be not boring. Cassie/Scorpion are more fun to me and not because they are "stronger".
It is probably just personal preference.
Kabal is really good but he seems so fucking boring. At least he has some good intro lines. Dung Lao, gotta love that one lul


Can't tech?
Made it to god rank with johnny only this KL so im pretty psyched. What ive found is the 124 is great for interuppting characters with gaps in their strings or like to stagger alot ie Lui kang if they dont block its a free 13%, if they do block you're +6 so its basically your turn, if you wanna get optimal go for the 12 x ex NP combo for about 26% but you have to make the read they wont block.

Also, after i get F or B throw i like to dash into f3 stagger for most situations if they like to jump it'll catch them for a nice 24% combo if you're fast, if they block then you can stagger into what you want, FB/ ex FB to stop them walking back and b34 to catch the ones who like to duck or preemptively d2 you when you f3. The b34 is sick for hit confirming your fatal blow cancels into a 34% combo on hit, throw on block or whatever you wanna do.

I try to keep opponents in plus frames whenever possible with ex FB and react to what their tendencies are accordingly. But against female hitboxes, you're gonna have a baaad time


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
I always like how everyone is giving full paragraphs of advice and sound off like Cage is godlike and great,

But then they end it with:

ah btw not on female hitboxes.

Helooo, it's 22 out of 26 characters. Your advice literally works on 4 characters in the game.


There is no "WHAT IF, WHEN IF" here. Omg, if they fix the hitboxes he will be fine.

NO. We're talking about the present. Not when if, whatever if, 16bit hellahellagoodmyass if.

Cage sucks and 80% of his tools DO NOT WORK ON 80% OF THE CAST.


Can't tech?
TBF the characters i played were pretty varied, alotta scorps, geras, errons, jax and stuff. but whenever i did play sonyas id just d4 them whenver they were about to try and 50/50 me and catch them with the jailling f344. With jacquis that liked to use their 9f mid alot, i'd d3 and back dash em on block and then immediately 124/ 12 ex np combo their whiffed 9f mid. johnny may have downfalls but there are still ways to win games


TBF the characters i played were pretty varied, alotta scorps, geras, errons, jax and stuff. but whenever i did play sonyas id just d4 them whenver they were about to try and 50/50 me and catch them with the jailling f344. With jacquis that liked to use their 9f mid alot, i'd d3 and back dash em on block and then immediately 124/ 12 ex np combo their whiffed 9f mid. johnny may have downfalls but there are still ways to win games
These are good general fundamental stuffs which are available for every character.
That is not a problem it is rather a good thing as you need good fundamental to win. :)

And it is fun if you like the character. If you are not JC fanatic you can do the same (but better?) with other.
It is good if anyone can find his favorite char with the same fundamental.


My Geras friend gave up on my Johnny Cage after 5-6 matches unfortunately so I could not play with him yet.
He does not know him and he was annoyed by my spacing too much (and the fact that he could not fight back after block string) lol.

Online I was just mopped so far but the fact is that I just could not jail D4 into F3 properly yet. There is a spacing where after D4 F3 whiffs and if I dash a bit forward it does not jail: D2. :D
I could F44 a guy 4 times in a row as he wanted me to D2/duck/pressing buttons... Damn with any other character I could have punished these guys but with Johnny... With risky F4xxBD3 next time...
Or do you have any better idea?

And of course I even miss the strings and combos - that BD3 is not easy to input especially after hitconfirm: that was a reason why I did not play him in MKX. But after Cassie Cage here I am more confident it is not that difficult just need to practice.
For sure I am just not familiar in the char yet (after few matches) I watch the game too much and input things slowly and incorrectly (B34, F344 are unique).

It is difficult to get used to the high especially when nobody respects me.
But it is ok I poke much more - maybe I just need to use F4 more too as range and frame data is ok and D4 whiffs instead of good F4 pressure.

Now I go to 2 weeks holiday without MK11 when I come back I will probably continue playing with him.
The whiffing issue is annoying as huge tools are not available - I may not force it against these characters. There are popular male characters so not that bad. :D


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
You guys seem to have a lot of fun.

I am glad for you.

As for me, literally 95% of my matches are Cassie Cage.

I don't know if it's just the area i'm in or they just constantly counter pick, but literally I've fought countless Cassie Cages until I really gave up as I can't take it any more.

Every single one of them just walkback guns and then bury me with f4 staggers into b2 staggers (9 frame mid 11 frame mid). I can't use more than half my tools as literally everything whiffs, so I just do the 2 strings that actually work and lose because they're not fast enough to counter her mids (especially her 11 frame b2 that literally stuffs every single button including b3 and f4)..

Even if I win, the taste it leaves in my mouth is so nasty I just screw it altogether and play Kabal.


You guys seem to have a lot of fun.

I am glad for you.

As for me, literally 95% of my matches are Cassie Cage.

I don't know if it's just the area i'm in or they just constantly counter pick, but literally I've fought countless Cassie Cages until I really gave up as I can't take it any more.

Every single one of them just walkback guns and then bury me with f4 staggers into b2 staggers (9 frame mid 11 frame mid). I can't use more than half my tools as literally everything whiffs, so I just do the 2 strings that actually work and lose because they're not fast enough to counter her mids (especially her 11 frame b2 that literally stuffs every single button including b3 and f4)..

Even if I win, the taste it leaves in my mouth is so nasty I just screw it altogether and play Kabal.
I play Cassie and I can agree with you.
Cassie looks so much better than Johnny Cage (on any area) and with similar skills Cassie should easily win.
Up hill battle for sure.

I did not lab low shot punish - can Johnny punish it effectively (not from full screen but from fairly far away)? If yes it might be a weapon. Need to lab the proper distance where it is possible.

I would not play that match up (w. JC) especially not for fun. :D

Kabal on the other hand manages CC pretty well so you can have good fun if you like Kabal.


AKA Uncle Kano
It's a little weird punishing her. Some strings make her amplified low shot happen right in front of you whereas one of her strings has a lot of pushback. You have to quickly realize which is the case and punish accordingly. I've fucked up so many punishments of that move because she absolutely has to roll on the ground low profiling shit


It's a little weird punishing her. Some strings make her amplified low shot happen right in front of you whereas one of her strings has a lot of pushback. You have to quickly realize which is the case and punish accordingly. I've fucked up so many punishments of that move because she absolutely has to roll on the ground low profiling shit
Dash into F3/F4 should be okay as the range is there.
If F3 as high sux then F4. :)

Easy to mess up the dash though so need practice in general I punish with dash + something with every char.


You know, at a high level I'm stating to think that beating certain characters like Jacqui and Baraka is borderline impossible without an overhead. Nothing works.


You guys seem to have a lot of fun.

I am glad for you.

As for me, literally 95% of my matches are Cassie Cage.

I don't know if it's just the area i'm in or they just constantly counter pick, but literally I've fought countless Cassie Cages until I really gave up as I can't take it any more.

Every single one of them just walkback guns and then bury me with f4 staggers into b2 staggers (9 frame mid 11 frame mid). I can't use more than half my tools as literally everything whiffs, so I just do the 2 strings that actually work and lose because they're not fast enough to counter her mids (especially her 11 frame b2 that literally stuffs every single button including b3 and f4)..

Even if I win, the taste it leaves in my mouth is so nasty I just screw it altogether and play Kabal.
I believe it's counterpicking since she counterpicks literally every character in this game, so...