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Rate yourself with your MAIN characters on a Scale from 1-10


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Figured this could be a cool idea. For whichever characters you use as your mains or compete with, how would you rate yourself with them skill level wise on a scale from 1-10?

I only use 4 characters right now:

Raiden, Jade, Liu Kang and Sonya.

Guess I'd rate myself like:

Raiden: 8/10 maybe 9/10

Jade: 7/10

Liu Kang: 4/10

Sonya: 6/10

How would you rate yourself? NOTE: This is just a general question based off general skill level and your winning % with your mains, who you win the most with online with, most of us don't go to majors, every tourney etc so forget all that. More of who you feel the most confident with from top to bottom if you will.
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Soul Stealing Loyalist
Shang Tsung 7/10. I've got a lot to grind, unfortunately I don't have as much time as I used to.

Scorpion 9/11. I'm not really a Scorpion player but for some reason every time I steal this character's soul I do much better than with my main, so I must be pretty good.


Hanzo Main
Scorpion: 7/10 - I still struggle with opening people up with him with how reactable his strings are.

Cassie: 6/10 - I understand her tools pretty well but execution needs work.

Kabal: 4/10 - I just generally need a lot of work, including getting used to a tournament variation.

Kollector: 6/10 - Similar to Cassie, I understand everything he does, it's just making it happen in a real match.


Kabal 7/10
I win the majority of matches I play except for Jade. Glow plus her projectiles makes it hard for me to get in and I cant whiff punish a lot from her solely because her range is better. Plus I get hit by the gimmicks cause bad.
Cage 5/10 no excuses I just dont play him enough.
Probably going to pick up Liu Kang to help with my shortcomings in the Kabal/Jade M/U.


PSN: MaxKayX3
Mean streak kabal: 7/10

Still don‘t get all the hitconfirms all the time but I‘m working on it. I‘m also getting more consistent with ia saws

Cassie: 7/10

Haven‘t played her in a while but beside some hitconfirms I think I played the character pretty good


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
Don't know what the scale is based off of but if 10/10 meant high level but not top 8 in majors I'd say:

Shang Tsung: 9/10 (My Main)
I can always use improvement. I don't feel I'm lacking with my character Moreno reads and proper spacing vs hard matchups. Made it to Demi God with him only.

Kano: 6/10 (for fun)

Scorpion vs Scorpion: 8/10

Kotal Kahn: 6/10 (original main) love Shang Tsung too much.

Jax: 9/10 (original pocket)

Liu Kang: 7/10

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
D'vorah maybe a 6 or 7/10, depending on what the scale is. If 10 is the best I could do or the best anyone could do is a big difference.

There's a lot I could do better, but I play the character pretty well.


With a sort of "gestalt" rough estimate of how good I feel I am:

Baraka 6/10
Skarlet 4/10
Noob 3/10
Raiden 2/10
Shang Tsung 2/10
Scorpion 2/10

It's hard to say though because the skill gap between different levels of play are so vast. Is 1/10 someone that just pushes random buttons? In that case, I could probably beat that person with any character almost all of the time. If 10/10 means I could consistently beat anyone in the world using a particular character, then I don't even register on the scale. Like, SonicFox is so much better than I am that regardless of the fact that I know Baraka pretty well, I would never have any chance to beat him because he's just got thousands of hours of practice and knowledge on me when it comes to fighting games in general. From that perspective, I may as well be a 0/10 with Baraka if I played against a player like that.