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MK11 XBL & PSN Tourney


Where the tech at?
If you ever decide to have another tournament, you should make it double elimination with a lower bracket like most tournies and if you want quality matches just make bracket FT3 and make Semi and Grand Finals for both brackets FT5, in a double elimination format that still means plenty of games

I’ll gladly help organize it as well.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
Maaaaaan, now I'm on Goblin, Circus, and Saltshaker's side of the bracket?? See y'all on the elimination bench. lmao (yes, I realize I just went against my advice to lionheart lmao)

I demand a reseed! There's no way I'm 7th oldest member! :p
Looks like I'll be streaming a lot this weekend, RIP XD


EFL Founder
Matchups can change again, still plenty of time until midnight. I might bow out of the PSN side, playing between both tourneys and running it is a lot. Lol


Its Game Over, Man
With this change in plans, I have to bow out. I'll be at work for the entire time, so someone else has to take my place.


EFL Founder
With this change in plans, I have to bow out. I'll be at work for the entire time, so someone else has to take my place.
You did say up front that you had to work tomorrow. I would be happy to make an exception if your opponent is cool with it, being a bit before or after the window. Your opponent as of now is johnnyboy, and if that stays the same we can verify. Don't want to lose any participants to life circumstances.

EDIT: And that goes for anyone else within reason. I can also think of at least two members that live in different countries where the times they play will be insane. Just let me know what I can do to help and we will figure it out so you can still play.


Its Game Over, Man
You did say up front that you had to work tomorrow. I would be happy to make an exception if your opponent is cool with it, being a bit before or after the window. Your opponent as of now is johnnyboy, and if that stays the same we can verify. Don't want to lose any participants to life circumstances.
Yeah, but I don't want to hold up anyone as a result of it. By the time I'd have my first-round match, it would have to be sometime on Saturday afternoon, which would coincide with the second-round matchups.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Just roll a random number and swap whoever that is with Lionheart. Let him have the first round bye.

I'd say he could have my spot by I'm not gonna be accused of trying to get away from the 3 I mentioned earlier. Gonna take my losses like a man lol


In Zoning We Trust
You did say up front that you had to work tomorrow. I would be happy to make an exception if your opponent is cool with it, being a bit before or after the window. Your opponent as of now is johnnyboy, and if that stays the same we can verify. Don't want to lose any participants to life circumstances.

EDIT: And that goes for anyone else within reason. I can also think of at least two members that live in different countries where the times they play will be insane. Just let me know what I can do to help and we will figure it out so you can still play.
Saturday after 6-7pm EST I will be out for the night, but any time Sat-Sun outside of that I'm available for my matches.


EFL Founder
@Dreamcatcher I’m slated to play the winner of Lionheart’s match. We could swap, with me playing tomorrow and Lion playing the winner of that set. I’m going to beat everyone, anyway, so I don’t mind.
Approved. You are a BADASS, thank you sir. That's what being part of this community is all about right there!
I don't see an issue, the winner of the 3 players involved with this move will advance either way. It makes total sense.
Man, you guys are actually trying to make this work for me. You guys are awesome, thanks. :)
Yes we are trying to make it work. You were completely transparent about having to work and you happened to get bumped to prelims last minute, which caused the conflict. This is why exceptions are made, and at the end of the day this is a friendly TYM tourney. It's not sharks with blood in the water. Lol

I can't do this for everyone, so hopefully everything else is looking okay to everyone for the most part! :)
Last edited:


EFL Founder
Saturday after 6-7pm EST I will be out for the night, but any time Sat-Sun outside of that I'm available for my matches.
Sounds good. You're up against MorphingGrid as of right now, but wait until it's a 100% certainty by tonight if there aren't more registrations... then go ahead and schedule what works best for you guys.
MK11 Online Tourney
June 22nd-23rd (both consoles XBL & PSN)




- You may enter both console tourneys, also eligible to win both prizes
- 1st Place prize of a $50 VISA Gift Card
- TYM members only, must signup in this thread to compete (bringing new members here highly encouraged!)

- Single elimination
- Bracket seeding will be based on duration of started TYM membership
- First to 5 wins, until finals which will be first to 10 (winner stays, loser may change character any number of times between match... hidden cursor is allowed if desired)
- Button checks or a "reasonable" amount of time for practice/warmup within window is fine

- Exceptions can be made for players with extreme differences in time zone, we will work it out as we go (esp. diff countries)



Wifi connection is allowed, but wired is highly recommended for obvious reasons. If you are matched up with someone that you have blatantly high ping/yellow or red bars and can prove it, a decision could be made at the time. Should you finish your set, you CANNOT go back and say that the connection caused the loss for any reason. Bad connections must be acknowledged before playing so the correct adjustment can be made. Mics/headsets are suggested to provide clear communication before and after the set, muted during the set is completely fine. (as most or all will likely do anyway)


We will likely try to stream some matches if possible, or have at least one person join as AFK. If neither option is available and both players are ready, we will operate on a basic honor system to report matches. Please include full score of match wins and losses. If there are any discrepancies, they will be resolved by going to the playback or some other way deemed fit. It goes without saying, but if a player doesn't play within the time window without a reason stated for absence, they will be disqualified.
To assist with sitting AFK to help report results and stay organized, I would need a volunteer (more than one is fine too) for PSN and XBL if anyone is interested in helping with that.


Feel free to just reply in thread to register. If you do enter, please make sure you will be available to play your matches in a timely fashion. The $50 VISA gift card can be mailed to anywhere you choose, it's meant to be just a fun incentive to compete at a high level and not basic casual play.

I will tag anyone that has already shown interest or that I think might want to play. If I miss your name don't be mad at me, just signup! :)

@Juggs @Kindred @Vslayer @Kombat Chef @Matador Fiend @Ck AeroVoid @SaltShaker @lionheart21 @ShepherdOfFire @Tanya-Fan-28 @DDustiNN @MKF30 @STB Sgt Reed @Professor Oak @Eldriken
I wanna play!
XbL: Based Pr0digy