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What REO doesn't like about Mortal Kombat 11

Agree with most of what he said.

I like the gameplay switch that Fatal Blows bring but I feel like they are too safe to just throw out. Either give them a 1-time use per round or drastically lower the pushback on them, which would turn them into guaranteed death on block in most cases.

The variation system isn't growing on me at all. There is so much to lab in this game with flawless blocks and so many options to the defender on Oki but it still leaves EVERY character feeling bland and lacking face-value depth. People are speculating that this will be the most counter-pick friendly game NRS has made so far. I think most of the pro scene will have 4-5 "main" characters by the time EVO comes around. Not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, honestly.

There are too many useless specials, inside and outside of tournament variations. I'm also not sold on the base variations. It felt like MKX had a more defined base moveset that made more sense than MK11. While some like the idea of specs not having combo extenders/launchers, I think it gives too much of an advantage to the characters that do. The non-launching specs just feel bad to me. Playing Frost without her DB4 (Freeze) feels awful. If custom variations were ever made to be tournament legal, you'd only have 2 slots with Frost and a huge portion of the cast. Combo Extender + 1 Two-Slot Ability or 2 One-Slot Abilities. 1 added ability doesn't feel good unless it drastically changes your gameplay, which most abilities don't. I think they will need to add more slots or add some moves to the baseline kit. I honestly can't even begin to see a way for them to fix this variation mess.

Even with the characters not feeling as good as they should, imo, the game still feels amazing to play. Every match is fun and I'm loving the honesty of the game so far.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
Not sure I agree with the customization aspect he talked about. I mean if you want to play with your friends and get a crazy loadout that's fine, but it means people will be able to do that in online casual matches and I gotta say that this would be the worst idea ever. Customization is fine, just make custom variations tourney legal.

Stevie Steelz

I break muthaf****s...
The thing that sucks about wake ups is there we're seeing a lot of dumb shit like wake up jumps (constantly), even wake up strings! Dafuq is this, SFV? I am beginning to feel like there are too many options for wake up.


they only need to nerf the S tiers. right now, i'm not really enjoying it. because fighting against scorpion (reborn :rolleyes:), geras and jacqui all day is just a pain in the ass.


Heart From Iron, Mind From Steel.
I think NRS should use the fact that bars regenerate in balance. For instance, if Far Teleport costs one bar, don't make it cost two, but make that bar take twice as long to refill. Have the meter regeneration be dependent on the individual special move that spent it.
I think NRS should use the fact that bars regenerate in balance. For instance, if Far Teleport costs one bar, don't make it cost two, but make that bar take twice as long to refill. Have the meter regeneration be dependent on the individual special move that spent it.
This is a recipe for confusing, uneven gameplay.


Administrator and Community Engineer
The thing that sucks about wake ups is there we're seeing a lot of dumb shit like wake up jumps (constantly), even wake up strings! Dafuq is this, SFV? I am beginning to feel like there are too many options for wake up.
Not sure why that's a problem. You could do that in any of the games. It's up to you to punish it and reap your reward.


Fair enough. I misunderstood that part, then.
I know that I hit people out on the startup frames often enough.

Otherwise, I think they are fine as a comeback move, on paper.

Conceptually though, we need to decide if they are specials or normals.
I typically mean how Kabal's is a hyped up nomad dash that teleports and is safe but a lot of characters just try to hit you at short range.
It's ok for some characters to have things that others don't you know. Not everything has to be the same like all FBs being short range. Also, Kabal's is anything but safe.
Hate to break it to you but ampified moves already recover meter at different rates. Scorpion's amp teleport is one of the fastest and Kabal's amp buzzsaw one of the slowest.
That sounds pretty bad if so! Honestly a shitty mechanic and a lazy way to hide multiple bars in 2 bars.


Positive Poster!
It's ok for some characters to have things that others don't you know. Not everything has to be the same like all FBs being short range. Also, Kabal's is anything but safe.
As long as they come with some sort of weakness, yes.
The problem is that currently those with weaknesses don't have a lot of strengths, see D'Vorah.
Kabal's FB pushes him back so far that it's practically safe. And they don't all have to be "short range" but they need to be consistent conceptually. Kabal and Erron having omnipotent moves in that department while most others do not is one of the reason those characters are busted.


fear the moobs
yeah teleports are DISGUSTING! i'm probably biased cus i'm generally bad against zoning but damn that shit is nasty


bye felicia
The issue nobody seems to be pointing out with every dream the impossible dream vision of the kustomize system is how horribly fucked the balance would be, even if its current state, if all of a sudden the shackles were taken off and more importantly how many tournaments would be absolutely irrevocably fucked while the very same people argue over what now needs to be fixed.
Reactions: Zgf
The issue nobody seems to be pointing out with every dream the impossible dream vision of the kustomize system is how horribly fucked the balance would be, even if its current state, if all of a sudden the shackles were taken off
Any "shackle" removal would only be for non tournament modes.

MK_REO did not even allude to the tournament load-outs (which was curious in its own right), and was specifically critiquing the "Kasual" / "Local" CUSTOMISATION only, not the developer presets. That is, he tacitly accepts the "variations" -- for better or for worse -- and was only concerned with how gimped what customisation the game does have -- a key selling point of the product -- has turned out to be.

As such, there is no "too much" when it comes to the customisation freedom that could be permitted in said non tournament modes; because they are not used in e-$ports. Complete, "slotless" freedom would be ideal... But, even 5 slots (or 50% of a available abilities) would suffice and make said functionality immeasurably better. As it stands, MK11's customisation is barely a baby step beyond Injustice 2's poorly implemented offering.

...You may now go ahead and delete your post :coffee:


...more deadly than the dawn.
What would be the alternative wakeup system to what we have now? Going back to tech rolls and wakeup specials? Like how could you adjust the current one beyond just removing options, which would suck.


...more deadly than the dawn.
Of course he does.

Far teleport into knee punishes every single button your op can press in attempt to react to a behind teleport. If they would try to interrupt normal TP, you get a free punish.
Yeah, advancing mids like Raiden's are arguably more threatening than a projectile or something with a teleport like this.


...more deadly than the dawn.
Amplified specials as wake-ups (with frame advantage, no armour); tech rolls based on timing alone; a few i-frames (to avoid meaty 50-50 abuse) upon standing...
That's kinda my point though, like that offers even more diverse potential wakeups than the current system. What would be an alternative that simplifies the oki situation on offense without crippling the defender?


Cross-region is cool and all... but what about the option? Wouldn't the option to play (at least) <100ms games be awesome... for 100% of the people playing this game competitively?

I agree it would be great to set ping limits but also to be able to ignore all wifi connections as their random lag spikes are so annoying. Spend less than 10 bucks and get a LAN cable you tards!
That's kinda my point though, like that offers even more diverse potential wakeups than the current system. What would be an alternative that simplifies the oki situation on offense without crippling the defender?
Why does it need to be "simplified"? I'd prefer MORE options, than less. At the same time, the attacker should be at an advantage (it's only logical), and that's where the removal of the post-fall rolls and the of any armour (such as for FB's) would also serve to give an upper-hand to the attacker.

Currently, the universal OTG's are buggy, inconsistent, and still annoyingly powerful (potentially turning a prone opponent into a 300pt+ damage-dealer). The meter-based rolls require zero skill (as with the combo escapes) -- something that flies in the face of the very notion of the traditional "tech" (i.e., technical) rolls. The game is simple already -- there is no need for baby's first "tech" rolling. Gating / "balancing" everything by a simple meter mechanic, that's given away for free, was never going to work to make the game deeper or more rewarding.

Fundamentally, MK11 tries to reinvent the wheel where the wheel worked much better than their new, fangled cube. Whether it's the meter system; the super moves; the combos; the OTG's; the customisation... even the otherwise laudable Krushing Blows, in their implementation, NRS seemed to have sustained themselves on a diet of beans and prunes during their 100-hour work weeks, had a bunch of brain farts along the way, dutch-oven'd them all and gotten high during the game's development... And now we're all tripping from the stench.


bye felicia
Any "shackle" removal would only be for non tournament modes.

Now if only 90% of the community didn't play those modes and weren't entirely content with its current incarantion.

The only player calling for change are players the system wasn't designed for. The I2 custom player base got along fine without you, so will MK11s.

I have yet to see a single review complain about its "balance".


...more deadly than the dawn.
Why does it need to be "simplified"? I'd prefer MORE options, than less. At the same time, the attacker should be at an advantage (it's only logical), and that's where the removal of the post-fall rolls and the of any armour (such as for FB's) would also serve to give an upper-hand to the attacker.

Currently, the universal OTG's are buggy, inconsistent, and still annoyingly powerful (potentially turning a prone opponent into a 300pt+ damage-dealer). The meter-based rolls require zero skill (as with the combo escapes) -- something that flies in the face of the very notion of the traditional "tech" (i.e., technical) rolls. The game is simple already -- there is no need for baby's first "tech" rolling. Gating / "balancing" everything by a simple meter mechanic, that's given away for free, was never going to work to make the game deeper or more rewarding.
I mean I agree with you that I like more wakeup options rather than fewer, I'm talking about in terms of what REO said in the video though. He talks a lot about how since offense is so straightforward, the having such a multiplicity of options in wakeup gives undue strength to the defender in an oki scenario.

Also by OTG's do you mean getup options? Because I don't see how rolls are unfair or insufficiently "skillful," the point of them is just to sacrifice resources to space yourself in a way that you prefer, and being countered by an oki throw seems like enough of a vulnerability seeing as how powerful throws are in this game. Nor do I see how they are somehow less "skillful" than using a breakaway, a mechanic which I think skews against a bunch of characters and should be addressed long before wakeups.