What exactly is it that, in your opinion, separates sonicfox from the rest?
The same as any champion. Hard work and talent.What exactly is it that, in your opinion, separates sonicfox from the rest?
I agree.With no shade meant, I still think he’s got some sort of savant-esque type of situation going on to some ever so slight degree.
A raw IQ test wouldn’t tell us much. It’s too broad a test and certain things that it tests for are not relevant to playing well ( verbal ability for example). It would only really be interesting to see how he scored on the math and pattern finding parts of the test.He is young, talented, have time to spend in the game and he is commited to it. He likes it.
When talent meets effort, dude....just respect the guy...he is gonna be unbeatable.
And I really think that talent in this case ia related to IQ. See patterns and react quickly to new scenarios....this is high IQ.
He should do a test and tell us his IQ.
I personally think practice is what separates the top players from the rest. His reaction is very strong and he adapts on the fly very fast making it hard for opponents to make those reads.What exactly is it that, in your opinion, separates sonicfox from the rest?
I personally think it's reaction and adaptability learned through tedious practice. He definitely reacts faster than me and changes gears very quick. It's hard to make educated reads on him since he is constantly changing and pulling new stuff out. If course certain things help like matchup knowledge, knowing what gap is there and where to or how to punish certain hard to deal with moves. But I honestly believe he has faster reactions than the others and maybe it's a secret technique in the lab or maybe similar to others but he grinds it harder than others but his speed shows.I agree.
We may see players with better footsies (i.e., Semiij). We may see players with better zoning (i.e., Tweedy). We may even see players who are better at the vortex sometimes (i.e., Dragon, Rewind, etc.)
But no player in the world is as good as Sonic Fox is as far as learning new things is concerned. You can make the case that Sonic Fox learns new games and characters at a faster rate than even Daigo, Justin Wong, and Tokido did in their prime. In this respect, Sonic Fox is very likely the best player who ever lived.
There's one thing I've noticed that makes SonicFox beatable. Or his greatest weakness.
SonicFox can not control the pace of a fight or keep the momentum in check (to his favor)
NinjaKiller, Tweedy, GGADizzy, and a few more players I can name drop... Have always had the momentum and pace in their favor when up against SonicFox.